The Society for the Study of French History

Agenda Meeting of the SSFH Committee,

Institut français du Royaume-Uni, London

Wednesday 13 January 2016

2.00 p.m.


In attendance:

Máire Cross (Chair) (Newcastle), Andrew Smith (Secretary) (UCL), Karine Varley (Treasurer) (Stratchlyde), Linda Briggs (Manchester), Malcolm Crook, Joe Bergin, Tim Baycroft (Sheffield), Mark Greengrass, Dave Andress (Portsmouth), Dan Power (Swansea), Will Pooley (Bristol), Will Clement (Oxford), Daniel Callwood (QMUL), David Hopkin (Oxford). Hugo Frey (Chichester) joined the meeting.

  1. Apologies for absence received from:

Julian Wright, Penny Roberts, Claire Eldridge, Noelle Plack, Stephen Tyre, Jessica Wardhaugh, Joseph Clarke

  1. Minutes of previous committee meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of the committee held on 28 June 2015 at the University of St Andrews were accepted.

  1. Matters arising

A few outstanding points for action were noted from the previous minutes (at points 4 and 5). These will be carried over and treated as a priority .


  • Nominations for new positions on the committee should be sought 2 months before the conference and AGM. Andrew Smith (AS) will circulate details
  • MáireCross (MC) and ASto draft a proposal, including indicative budgets for scheme for inviting visiting scholars, and to circulate this to the committee for comment.
  1. Report from the Secretary

AS presented the report included at Appendix 1 and this was accepted by the committee.

Mark Greengrass drew attention to the ‘Visiting Scholars’ scheme amongst the funding deadlines, and it was confirmed that this has never been awarded (due to lack of applications). MC asked how this could be revived, and the committee discussed different means of trying to increase the profile and attraction of the fund.

AS asked the committee to ratify the appointment of Linda Briggs as conference officer. This was owing to the departure of the previous conference officer Joanna Warson. The committee thanked Joanna for her work on the committee, and confirmed Linda’s appointment to the post.

AS asked the committee to ratify the appointment of Daniel Callwood and Will Clement as postgraduate representatives. This was owing to the previous representatives reaching the end of their terms. The committee confirmed their appointment.


  • AS to revise the deadline for the current ‘Visiting Scholars’ scheme to 1 September 2016. A form of wording to be drawn up to combine with action point under 3. (see above)
  • AS to draft new wording for the information pack for the ‘Visiting Scholars’ scheme and seek feedback from the committee. Redraft should focus on the length of time, institutional support, the scheme’s compatibility with other sources of funding, and the activities of the visiting scholar.
  • AS to table a ‘New Developments’ standing item in the agenda of the next committee meeting, so that the committee could suggest new schemes for the society to pursue
  1. Report from the Treasurer

Karine Varley presented the report included at Appendix 2 and this was accepted by the committee. She noted the absence of an entry for interest received in the entry for this year, and said this was owing to difficulties in accessing the account papers as new Treasurer.

Karine introduced the process for the audit required by the Charity Commission (as outlined in Appendix 2) and stated that this was likely to continue to be necessary, owing to the healthy income received from the society journal.

Karine noted that the independent scrutiny had been carried out by a postgraduate studying accountancy at the University of Strathclyde, and thanked them for their work. She highlighted a point the scrutineer had brought up which the committee may want to consider, namely the partial funding of post-graduate travel to the Study Day. This is currently capped at £100 or a portion of fees, and it was suggested that this could be changed to be a full travel cost refund.. The committee agreed this was a positive suggestion, but noted that it required agreement from the ASMCF, who co-sponsor the study day.

The committee thanked Karine for guiding the society through its first audit process, and acknowledged the volume of work involved in this.


  • Karine Varley to continue trying to transfer access for the Investment Account from former treasurer Chris Warne
  • MC will consult with the ASMCF to ask if they will consider raising funding for Postgraduate Travel to the Study Day
  1. Announcement of Undergraduate Dissertation Prize winners

AS read a report received from the Judging Panel to the following effect:

First Prize:

Alexander Harries of St John’s College, Oxford, ‘Faire le bordel: The Regulation of Urban Prostitution in Morocco’

Claire Eldridge commented:

One of the very few dissertations to work with previously untapped primary sources and to use this material to construct an argument without the advantage of a large body of secondary literature available. This is a harder task and shows very good historical skills which I feel should be recognised. The argument is independent and the approach to the sources is consistently analytical. The topic is ambitious and the original contribution to knowledge very clear.

Noelle Plack commented:
Original, cogently written and utterly impressive in its use of primary material. I think we need to recognise this achievement which shows real independence and a unique approach to an under-researched topic.

Stephen Tyre commented:

Impressive use of primary sources that are not used in the existing literature

The runner-up was named as:

Harriet Morgan, Durham. ‘The Search for a New Left Wing Politics’

Claire Eldridge commented:

Convincingly argued and also very engaging dissertation. Gives a clear sense of the different perspectives and agendas at play during this period. This material is drawn together in an effective and sophisticated way. Three moments seem well chosen with the chronological gaps between them skilfully bridged so the reader is given a clear sense of the entire era. Good use of primary sources – treated analytically and very well contextualised. A less innovative primary source base than Faire le bordel, but perhaps does more and a better job with the material available.

AS also notified the committee that Stephen Tyre had asked to be replaced as Chair of the Prize Panel as he had been in position for some time. The committee agreed, and suggested that one of the other members of the panel might act as chair of the prize panel, with another member of the society being invited to join the panel. The committee suggested that a medieval specialist might be preferable given the expertise of the other panel members.


  • AS to invite one of the members of the prize panel to become the chair
  • Claire Eldridge to circulate call by email to members to recruit another member of the prize panel
  1. Report from the Journal Editors

Tim Baycroft presented the report included at Appendix 3 and this was accepted by the committee. In addition, he noted that he continued to welcome offers or requests to conduct book reviews for the journal.

MC noted that the editors continued to welcome suggestions for Virtual Editions of the journal.

Mark Greengrass enquired about the journal’s open access policies, and suggested that this could be clarified for society members.

The committee thanked the editors of French History, and how pleased the society was with the health of the journal and the continuing good relationship with Oxford University Press.


  • Julian Wright and Penny Roberts to clarify the journal’s Open Access policy and REF compliance to members ina short report to be sent to members through membership secretary in addition to invitations for suggestions about virtual issues.
  1. Report from the Society News Editor

AS presented the report included at Appendix 4 and this was accepted by the committee.

The committee questioned if there were any other ways that the Society News could be made available, so that announcements could reach the broadest audience and promote the activities of the society.


  • Jessica Wardhaugh to investigate if the reports from the Society News section could be published on the website individually as they arrive
  1. Report from Website Editor

Will Pooley presented the report included at Appendix 5 and this was accepted by the committee.

The committee thanked Will for his continuing efforts in promoting the Society through its webpages and social media channels, which seemed to be generating excellent engagement.


  • Will Pooley to ensure minutes of previous committee meetings and AGMs are uploaded to the website
  • Will Pooley to create page on the website to gather together forms for society members
  1. Report from the Membership Secretary

AS presented the report included at Appendix 6 and this was accepted by the committee.

Linda Briggs noted that when she had renewed membership, she had not been able to find an ‘unwaged’ rate. The committee agreed that this would be a positive addition if it is not already possible, and should be explored.

The committee thanked Claire for her work in keeping members in touch with the society, and the useful ideas contained in her report.


  • Claire Eldridge to confirm if there is an ‘unwaged’ rate for membership and, if not, explore with committee if this is possible
  1. Conference Matters

Hugo Frey updated the committee on the organisation of the upcoming conference in July 2016 at the University of Chichester.

The first Call for Papers has now closed, and a second will be issued with a closing date of 10 March 2016. This should allow for a clearer picture to emerge by 15 March 2016, and a draft programme to be produced thereafter, containing an estimated 70 papers and further keynotes. After this point, registration for the conference and accommodation can be opened. Up to 130 rooms have been reserved in advance for the conference, with no penalty if these are not taken up.

MC stressed the importance that the conference break even. The committee reminded Hugo of the resources that the society would make available, as outlined in the conference pack, but also encouraged the organisers to explore external funding and partnerships to maximise success. The society noted with thanks the funding of £400 provided by the InstitutFrançais to support the conference.

Hugo Frey also drew the attention of the committee to an important day in the French Higher Education calendar during which Grant review was undertaken. It was noted that this should be investigated and considered for scheduling when inviting high-profile plenary speakers from France.

Karine Varley also updated the committee on early planning for the conference in 2017, to be held at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.


  • Hugo Frey to liaise with Linda Briggs on the progress of conference planning, attendance rates and securing supportive funding.
  • Hugo Frey to draw up enrolment costs when full programme in place
  1. Douglas Johnson Annual Lecture 2016

MC and AS updated the committee on the process of organising this year’s lecture at the InstitutFrançais, and thanked the staff at the Institut for their efforts in this.

The Lecture next year will be delivered by Colin Jones.

MC asked the committee to consider suggestions for future speakers and send these on by email.


  • MC and AS to confirm arrangements for the date and venue for the lecture and report to the next committee and AGM
  1. Report from Postgraduate representatives

Daniel Callwood and Will Clement presented the report included at Appendix 7 and this was accepted by the committee. They noted thanks to Clare Siviter, the ASMCF Postgraduate Representative, with whom they have been working closely to organise the upcoming Postgraduate Study Day at QMUL.

Their first call for papers has secured a number of participants, and they are planning to issue a second to draw in further speakers.

The committee thanked them for their work in organising the new Study Day.


  • Daniel Callwood and Will Clement to confirm timetable and publicise Study Day
  1. Discussion of Future Trustees

Malcolm Crook noted that a number of current trustees were nearing the age of 70 and may feel they have served as trustee for

MC suggested to the committee that they were welcome to offer suggestions of suitable candidates who could be approached.

AS thanked the trustees for their support and ready responses when considering funding applications. This is especially important during the transition period for a new Secretary, and was very much appreciated.


  • Committee to contact MC/AS with suggestions for appropriate potential trustees to be approached in future.
  1. Date of next Committee Meeting

The next committee meeting will take place at the annual conference, on 3 July 2016. The AGM will take place on 4 July 2016.


  • Hugo Frey to confirm rooms and scheduling at Chichester for the hosting of the next committee meeting and AGM
  1. Any Other Business

David Andress raised the possibility of holding a French Revolutionary Essay Competition. He suggested that the society could offer copies of The Oxford Handbook to the French Revolution which he had recently edited. The committee agreed this was a very good initiative and offered its support.

Malcolm Crook raised the issue of obituaries, suggesting that it could be a useful service to provide notice when a member of the society passes away. He asked the committee about the best medium to do this. The committee suggested that this would either be in Society News or perhaps a new section of the website that offered society announcements. MC suggested that this could be coupled with appointments to make it more generally positive. Dan Power added that perhaps it could also feature notable grant capture by society members. The committee discussed how best to ensure this was representative, and agreed that the society should invite contributions from the membership and rely on its members to notify the society.


  • David Andress and AS to draft rules and information for French Revolutionary Essay Competition
  • AS to approach society members to act as judges on Essay Competition judging panel
  • Will Pooley and Claire Eldridge to create page on website to host the Essay Competition and circulate to members respectively
  • Will Pooley to liaise with Jessica Wardhaugh to discuss best means of disseminating society news (including potential inclusion of appointments and obituaries) and report back to the committee


Secretary’s Report, January 2016

1. Grants Awarded since July 2015

Conference Bursary
Mason Norton (Edge Hill)
Conference: ‘Histoire et Mémoire de la Résistance en Seine-Inférieure pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale’
9 December 2015, Université de Rouen / £220
Conference Grant
Ludivine Broch (Westminster)
Conference: ‘New Directions in French History’
25 September 2015, Institute of Historical Research, London. / £500
Kelsey Suggitt (Portsmouth)
Study Day: ‘Re-imagining ends of empire’
2 March 2016, University of Portsmouth / £300
Daniel Lee (Brasenose, Oxford)
Conference: ‘Jeune France, 1930–1959’.
30 June – 2 July 2016, Maison Française Oxford / £500
Christopher Knowles (KCL)
Conference: ‘Conflicting Ideologies, Ruling Strategies, Reluctant Interactions and Contested Legacies: New Research on the Western Zones of Occupation in Post‐war Germany, 1945-1949’.
29 – 30 September 2016, German Historical Institute, London / £500
Anna Konieczna (Sciences Po/Oxford)
Conference: ‘Beyond Françafrique: France outside of its traditional sphere of African influence, 19th-21st centuries’
20 November 2015, Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po, Paris. / £500
Tom Stammers (Durham)
Conference: ‘A Revolution in Taste: Francis Haskell’s Nineteenth Century’
23-24 October 2015, St Johns College, Oxford. / £500
Total / £3,200

2. Upcoming Deadlines for Society Funding Schemes

Research Grant Competition: Friday 25 March 2016

Conference Grants: Friday 4 March 2016

Conference Bursaries: Friday 4 March 2016

Postgraduate Panels: Friday 4 March 2016

Ralph Gibson Bursary (Board of Assessors): Friday 22 April 2016

Undergraduate Dissertation Prize (Board of Assessors): Friday 29 July 2016

Visiting Scholars: Friday 25 March 2016

Andrew Smith, January 2016.


Treasurer’s Report

Society for the Study of French History Accounts year ending 31 December 2015

With the Society’s annual income over the threshold of £25,000, the Society’s accounts for the year ending 31 December 2014 were audited for the Charity Commission and signed off and submitted in October 2015. It is likely that this will continue to be a requirement in the future. KV


Journal Editors’ Report

French History – Editors’ report for SSFH Committee, January 2016

The journal continues to thrive and has a steady flow of copy (though we're always happy to welcome more). Itmaintainsanexcellent relationship with Clare Morton and the Production Team at OUP and receives positive feedback from its authors and readers.

We have pleasure in attaching a shorter version of the OUP annual report on the journal and its copy flow. A fuller report including information on marketing, publicity, the wider management of journal finances etc is presented by the Press in the late spring and brought to SSFH committee in the summer.

We wish to thank our editorial board for their continuing work and support. We saw the retirements from the board of Julian Jackson and Pamela Pilbeam this year. We followed up an initiative to write to up-and-coming leaders in the field of modern French history in France, to bring the journal to their attention, and received some useful responses. We will be looking to strengthen the board further in terms of representation of female scholars and scholars from France, while having consideration of our overall need for expert coverage. Members of the board have also served in extra capacities adjudicating where there have been divergences of opinion between two initial reports on an MS; on issues raised by an author to do with the originality of work published in the journal; and in judging the annual prize. Some of these tasks have involved significant extra work and we are very grateful to them.