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Board Meeting Minutes

September 21, 2016

7:30a.m. – 8:30am

Members Present: Tammy Oehlke, Becky Stirzaker, Alex Hayman, Jennifer Rummel, Kriss Gamez, Teresa Westover, Mark Sherry, Mark Taylor (CMP Management)and Sabrina Irsay (CMP Management)

I.Call to Order:Becky Stirzaker called the meeting to order at 7:33 am.

II.Minutes Approval:Jennifer Rummel made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 17, 2016 Board of Directors meeting. Alex Haymanseconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

III.Review of Financials:Mark Taylor reviewed the financial reports for August 2016, noting that we are 10 months into a 12 month cycle. We have 27,303 in the bank compared to 30,788 this time last year, due to the fact that we had more Annual Conference related income in at this time last year. Tammy Oehlke made a motion to approve the August 2016 Financial Reports as presented. Mark Sherry seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

IV.Annual Goals:Becky Stirzaker reported we are on track with most of the 2016 Annual Goals except for webinars and the ASHHRA designation.

  1. Webinars:Alex Haymanrecommended the webinar scheduled for August be pushed out until after the holidays. He suggested January 2017. It was suggested the 3rd webinar planned for late September be moved to March 2017. Mark Taylor noted these changes would move these goals from 2016 to 2017. All agreed that these goals would be moved to 2017.
  2. ASHHRA Chapter Affiliation Designation:Becky Stirzaker reported our application had some technical difficulties that prevented the submission from being accepted by ASHHRA.Mark Sherry made the upload in March. A separate meeting was scheduled to discuss this further.

V.Committee Reports:

  1. Membership: Kriss Gamez provided an update on the membership numbers on the July Membership Report. Mark Taylor will reply back to the board to clarify the number of outstanding renewals.
  1. Education: Alex Hayman will schedule Patient Experience & HCAHPS webinar for January. He is finalizing two panels and finalizing the agenda for annual conference to include a few last minutes changes.
  2. Sponsorship: Mark Taylor provided an update. Currently at $20,750. The goal is $27,000. Becky Stirzaker asked the Board to get their contacts to Marcos Ramirez and Eileen Brown and said she will also do some outreach at ASHHRA next week.
  3. Legislative: No update at this time. Expect an update after ASHHRA annual conference.

VI.Nominations:Board discussed slate of nominations for Board of Directors and will be finalizing the list of nominees shortly.

VII.Bylaws: Becky Stirzaker recommended term limits for officers be moved from 1 year to 2 years. Becky Stirzaker and Mark Taylor will review, make further edits and send this out to the Board for discussion and e-vote.

Being no further business Tammy Oehlke motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jennifer Rummel seconded. Becky Stirzakeradjourned the meeting at 8:07 a.m.

The next Board meeting is schedule on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 7:30am.

TSHHRAE is an affiliate of the Texas Hospital Association

P.O. Box 29686, Austin, TX 78755
512.279.2892 office 512.857.7711 fax