St Mary Coptic Orthodox Church


St Johns’ service

Competition ANSWERS

Mahragan fall 2010 : “Walking with GOD”

G6 and G7

Assessment rules:

1)  30% lessons; 1% per question.

2)  20% memorization; 2% per one dotted line word/phrase/sentence completion.

3)  20% SNB; each signature is worth 4% assuming they confessed 5 times during the past 4 months.

4)  20% weighted attendance ( ratio to the highest attendance)

5)  10% craft on the theme of “Walking with GOD”: Idea = 5%, execution = 5%

6)  Hymns winning team each person will be given an extra prize (or a $5 gift card).

Marking’s responsibilities:

1), 2) & 5):

- Marc Ibrahim , Sami and Jessica marks G6-7

3) Paul will count the SNB signature for all grades on that day.

4) Mira will calculate the attendance => 20% x each child’s attendance / the highest attendance.

6) Rami and Andrew Babawy to judge the hymn teams

A)  Lessons Questions:

1)  Put these words in the right space :

Jesus – ransom – advocate – mediator – Anyone – Jesus Christ – God – propitiation – World.

a.  If ANYONE sins we have an ADVOCATE with the father, JESUS CHRIST the righteous and He Himself is the PROPITIATION for our sins and not for ours only but also for the whole WORLD. (1John 2:1-2)

b.  For there is one GOD and one MEDIATOR between GOD and men the Man Christ JESUS who gave Himself as a RANSOM for all people (1 Timothy 2 : 5 )

2)  True or False :

a.  We magnify St. Mary because she is the mother of God. TRUE

b.  We celebrate St. Mary the 21st every Coptic month. TRUE

c.  St. Mary has a lower rank than the Arch Angels. FALSE

3)  How many books in the Holly Bible including the 7 book added? They are

a.  39

b.  73

c.  100

4)  How does the "race analogy" apply to the concept of intercessions (Hebrews 12:1, 2)?

a.  The people finishing first are the angels cheering us, the track is heaven, and the finish line is paradise.

b.  The people finishing first are the saints cheering us, the track is our life, the finish line is the Lord Jesus.

c.  The people finishing first are the angels cheering us, the track is our life,the finish line is The Lord Jesus

d.  The people finishing first are the saints cheering us, the track is life, and the finish line is paradise.

5)  All processions in church are

a.  Counter clockwise except one

b.  Clockwise except one

What and when that exception takes place? Judas procession on the Holy Thursday

6)  What is the first thing King Hezekiah did after receiving the letter from the enemy?

a.  He went into a meeting with his advisors

b.  He took the letter, spread it in front of God, prayed his heart out until Isaiah the prophet calmed him, then God performed his miracle and killed many in the enemy's army.

c.  He ignored the letter, Isaiah the prophet calmed him, then God performed his miracle and killed many in the enemy's army.

7)  What is the most important virtue while trying your hardest (with God's grace) to receive the Lord Jesus?

a.  Anger Management

b.  Patience

c.  Love

8)  Pope Cyril I was Pope Number _____ in the Church of Alexandria

a. 20

b. 22

c. 24

9)  What heresy did Pope Cyril I fight, and what did this heresy say?

a.  Arius - that the Lord Jesus is not the Word of God

b.  Nestorius - that the Virgin Mary is not the Theotokos

10)  What is the main reason for giving in our Church?

a.  Feeling the poor in their hardships

b.  Our loving Lord asks us to give a part of what He has given us.

c.  The church needs our money

11)  We should offer 1/10 of our time every day to pray and read the bible which means that:

a)  24 minutes a day.

b)  2.4 hrs a day.

c)  2 hrs a day.

12)  Why did GOD respected Abel’s than Cain’s offering?

a)  Because by faith Abel offered a better sacrifice.

b)  Because it did not include any of the earth’s produce.

c)  Because it was a blood sacrifice.

What is Abel’s sacrifice a symbol of? The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

13)  Your spiritual fast should:

a)  Begin by decreasing mass media in your everyday life; T.V., radio, etc.

b)  Stop all recreational activities including sports and hobbies.

c)  Minimize activities that bring pleasure like going to the movies, shopping or attending entertainments.

14)  The purpose of the spiritual fasting is:

a)  Providing unique spiritual benefits in the life of the believer like more bible reading and prayers.

b)  Controlling our diet.

c)  Clearing the mind and body of earthly attentions and draws us close to GOD.

15)  Year 1A.M. (the first year of the Coptic Calendar) is:

a) year 33 AD
b) year 284 AD
c) year 1634 AD

16)  How our Coptic Church understands martyrdom:

_Love of Christ______

17) This Saint heard the verse below and sold all he had:
“if you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven and come and follow Me” (Mathew 19:21)
a) Saint Matthew
b) Saint Anthony
d) Saint Mark
18) St. Anthony the great met with this Saint in the desert:
a) St. John
b) St. Moses the black
c) St. Paula
19) One day St. Anthony was talking with the Greek philosophers, who thought they were very intelligent. The disciples of St. Anthony brought in a sick man, and asked the Greek philosophers to do something. They could not do anything, so St. Anthony the great did something to heal the sick man:
a) Breathed into the sick man
b) Made sign of the cross
c) Sprinkled the water on the sick man

20) The Coptic Church celebrates the feast of the cross on:

a. 10 Baramhat (March 19); occasion: Day of Consecration of Church in Jerusalem

b. 17 Tut (September 27); occasion: Appearance of theCrossto Empress Helena

21) Complete the following sentence by inserting a word in the blank (same words):
We are saved through ______.

_____ gives us the power of God
a) the Cross
b) laying of the hand of the priest
c) Eating the manna
22) Complete the following verse:
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being _____ it is the power of God. (1 Cor 1:18)
a) healed
b) forgiven
c) saved

23) The founder of monasticism is:

a)  St. Athanasius

b)  St. Makarious

c)  St. Anthony

24) “The kisses of an enemy are deceitful" (Prov. 27:6): What does this verse describe?

a. False friends

b. Good friends

c. Honest friends

25) Our Coptic Orthodox Church believes in two types of intercession:

a) Supplicatory in which the intercessors are (choose from below)_ANGELS, _SAINTS, _MARTYRS.

b) Atonement in which the intercessor is (choose from below) _JESUS CHRIST

Angels - Jesus Christ – saints - martyrs

26) What was the name of Joseph’s father?

a)  Abraham

b)  Jacob

c)  Israel

d)  Isaac

27) In what were Joseph and Christ similar? Put True or False in front of each of the following:

a. They were both loved by their father. TRUE

b. They were both hated by certain people. TRUE

c. They were both betrayed. TRUE

d. The people who hated them were forgiven in both cases. TRUE

e. They both reigned over people (Joseph was a Governor; Christ is the King of King). TRUE

28) Answer the following with True or False:

a.  The Lord gave Cain a chance to repent but his anger led him to hate & murder. TRUE

b.  St John in the book of Revelation saw incense being burned by an angel holding a golden censer. TRUE

c.  The censer ( El Shoria ) symbolizes the Arch Angel Michael. FALSE

29) The Holy Bible is inspired by:

a.  The authors

b.  Angels

c.  Holy Spirit

30) The Old Testament is a:

a. Covenant between God and His people

b. Covenant between kings and Israelites.

B)  Memorization:

From the Agbeya Prayers:

a)  From the “Compline” Litanies

Behold, I am about to stand before the ------. For a life spent in pleasures deserves condemnation. But repent, O my soul, so long as you dwell on this earth, for inside the grave, dust does not praise. And among the dead, no one remembers, neither in Hades, does anyone give thanks. Therefore arise from the ------, and entreat the Savior, repenting and saying, “God, have mercy on me and save me.”

b)  The “Compline” Absolution

Lord, all our sins which we committed ------, please remit and forgive us, for the sake of Your holy name, as You are Good and Lover of mankind. God, grant us a peaceful night and a sleep free from all anxiety. And send us ------; through the Grace, compassion and love of mankind of Your ------, to Whom is due, with You and with the Holy Spirit, the Life-Giver Who is of one essence with You, all glory, honor and dominion, now and forever and unto the ages of all ages. Amen.

c)  The Second “Prime” Absolution:

O God Who causes the light to burst forth, Who lets His sun shine upon the righteous and the wicked, Who ------, enlighten our minds, our hearts and our understandings, O Master of all, and grant us to ------. Guard us from ------, from ------, and from ------; through Christ Jesus our Lord, with whom You are blessed, with the Holy Spirit, the Life-Giver and one essence with You, now and at all times and unto the ages of all ages. Amen.