Becker RTI Plans Manager, Student Plans Documentation

Creating and Managing RTI Learning Plans(AIP)

Depending on your school district, academic learning plans may be called many different things. Our original learning plan document was called AIP – Academic Improvement Plan. Now, the AIP module has the capability to create multiple document types that are completely customizable to handle your district requirements. Some of these document types have been called CLP – Continuous Learning Plans, ILP – Individual Learning Plans, RTI – Response to Intervention, ELLP – English Learner Language Plan and a student driven plan called PEP – Personal Education Plan.

Each of these document types can be implemented simultaneously. Furthermore, in a coop setting, each district may choose to implement a different subset of these document types. Each document type will have its own set of permission roles to allow different individuals to separately manage each document type, if desired.
Assign students to appropriate Plans manager

1. / Students with Plans can be self-assigned to staff who are completing the Plan provided they are given that role / Staff can select their students from My Students list and will be automatically assigned to them
2. / OR, on menu bar, click Assign/Manage Plans. Select Assign Plans Manager / Search for students to assign to Plan staff

Create New RTI Meeting Notice for Student

1. / Select student to create RTI Meeting Notice by selecting My Students or My Plans. /
2. / On student menu bar, click SELECT / Select Create New RTI Meeting Notice
3. / Verify initial notice date, click submit
4. / Meeting notice page will be displayed / Fill in the required information
Click submit
5. / Click on Meeting Purposes link on RTI meeting menu bar / Select the purpose for the RTI meeting
6. / Click on Meeting Attendees on Plan menu bar / Update to include attendees for this meeting
7. / Do check completeness, make final, print reports / Do follow-up as necessary

Follow Up

Create New Academic Plan for Student

1. / Click on Create New 'RTI Tier 3' Intervention Plan link to initiate an academic plan. Initial Referral Information page will display. / The screen that displays is determined by pre-existing system settings. For Tier 3 a review of Tier 2 plan and updated teacher information is displayed, for Tier 2 plan the initial teacher referral screen is displayed.
  • Note: The RTI plan was developed to document student intervention during a meeting. Most items in the plan are used in conjunction to meeting discussion. It may be helpful to have this plan open during the meeting to record discussion and decisions.

Initial Referral Information Tier 3

Initial Referral Information Tier 2

Plan Information

2. / Click on Plan Information on the Learning Plan Menu.
/ Fill in Required information


3. / Next click on Past Interventions on the plan menu
/ Fill in any past interventions ICEL/RIOT findings and hypothesis developed. Note that if an intervention is not filled in it will not be printed (except the first)
4. / Select Assessments on the Plan menu / Click get latest to have the most current Assessment data included in the plan
5. / Click Discrepancy Statement from the plan menu. / Fill in the discrepancy statement.
6. / Select Strategies from the Plans Menu / This area is used to set goals and intervention strategies, and determine measurements that will be used to record progress.
On each screen there are 3 options to setup goals, either select a goal from the library, write a new goal or select a goal from the list. / Once a goal has been selected from the list it will ‘disappear’ from the list so that it won’t inadvertently be selected twice.

Select Goal from Library

1. / Option 1: Click on Select Goal from List / Select at least one goal from the list if using this option.
Make sure to edit any ^^ in the goal selected with correct information so that it will pass the completeness check.

Select Goal from List

1. / Option 2: Select from Library / Select at least one goal from your search results if using this option.
Make sure to edit any ^^ in the goal selected with correct information so that it will pass the completeness check.


Write New Goal

1. / Option 3: Click on Write New Goal link / Short description and Goal are required fields. The fields shown will have been predefined in the academic plan definition options.


1. / Click on the goal that you just selected to get to the strategy page. / Here you have the same options that you did for goals.
  • Pick from list
  • Search library
  • Write a new Strategy
The strategies in the quick pick list will match the goal area and strand for a quick find.
Edit any ^^ to pass completeness requirement.
You may only choose one strategy for each goal. This setting can be changed by a Student Plans administrator.


Data Collection and Measurements

1. / After a Strategy is selected an editing screen will appear with information to add including Data Collection practices. / Fill in required information
Once the strategy has been submitted you will see that Manage Measurement has appeared on the Goal/Strategy screen. / Click Manage Measurements and select the type of measurement that will be collected.
This list can be configured by a Student Plan’s administrator.


AIP Student Information

1. / Click on StudentInfo on the Plan menu bar / Verify information

Legal Guardians

1. / Click on Guardians to update an AIP guardian

Check Completeness

1. / Click on Check Completeness / If a requirement is missing, you will not see a green checkmark in that section and a message will be displayed with what is missing.
Click Edit to go to that page and make changes.
Make Academic plan final if everything is completed.


Progress Monitoring

1. / From the My Plans Page, in the Student list, select a plan that is final and click Update in the Progress Links column.
*Note that progress monitoring cannot be recorded until a plan is made final. / Click Add New Progress Review
There are two areas to fill in for Progress for an RTI plan (a referral only has one to update the initial referring teacher on the status) / Two areas to complete for progress
  • Overall progress
  • Progress Detail
Overall progress is to report progress on the goal. Progress detail is to report specific information and measurements on the intervention strategy and fidelity to the plan.

Overall Information

Progress Detail

Print Academic Plan (or with reviews)

1. / Click on Print Academic Plan or Academic Plan with reviews / With Reviews means that progress and measurements are included.
*Note that progress monitoring cannot be recorded until a plan is made final.

(With Review section)

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