Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017
In attendance
Fr Jim Smith (FJS)Robin Currie (RC)Elaine Anderson (EA)
Tulio Filogonio (TF)Mary Cormack (MC)Craig Thomson (CT)
Victoria McDonald (VM) Gerry Houston(GH Gill Barber (GB)
- Opening Prayer and Welcome by Fr Jim Smith
- Apologies were received from Jane Scott(JS) and Karen Blair(KJB).
Jane will be taking a leave of absence due to ill health
- Approval of the previous minutes
Proposed by Craig Thomson (CT) and Seconded by Tulio Filogonio (TF)
Open Issues
Hall Update
Fr Jim provided an update –
- Estimated completion date for all works of mid-December
- Fr Jim updated that good progress is being made, with the completion of the ceiling being lowered and the new windows being fitted
- Fr. Jim advised that some parishioners have been commenting on the time that it is taking to complete the work on the hall. He has advised those parishioners that the quote given by the builders was in line with the budget that the parish had to complete all the work required. The extended timescale is an acceptable consequence of approving the most affordable quote.
- WC Upgrade
No update at the moment, it will be taken forward once the hall complete
- Mass/Anointing of the Sick
Gerry confirmed that he has a spreadsheet of names of those who may wish to attend this mass
Gerry also advised that the SVDP and Eucharistic Ministers will be asked if they know of anyone who would like to attend the mass and may need support getting there
There will also be a note placed in the parish newsletter to enable all parishioners to highlight anyone that may wish to attend the mass
There will be a meal after the mass which could be tied in with the annual senior citizens lunch which is normally in February
The Anointing of the Sick will take place during the regular 12:30 mass
Elaine advised that there is a bus that the local council organise that can be rented for £46 per hour. Gerry will investigate if this is a viable option to transport parishioners to the Anointing of the Sick mass
- Archdiocese Update
Fr Jim gave an update that 10 priests have written to the Arch Bishop to highlight the concerns of their parishes in relation to the closure of Café Camino and the removal of key facilities within Gillis College. There are also a number of other concerns that have been shared with the Arch Bishop.
Fr Jim will share a letter of response from the Arch Bishop with the parish in the coming weeks
- Hall Opening Events
Craig confirmed that the spreadsheet for parishioners to share their ideas for hall opening events remains at the back of the church
Some parishioners have put their names beside some events and hopefully more events and volunteers to organise the events will be added in the coming weeks
There will be a message placed in the newsletter to encourage parishioners to share their ideas and volunteer to help at events
- Offertory Allocation Sheet
Craig confirmed that the spreadsheet for parishioners to place their names against specific dates and mass times for taking part in the offertory remains at the back of the church for parishioners to complete
- New Business
- Side Chapel
A parishioner has voiced concerns that the windows in the side chapel are leaking and this will only be exasperated with us coming into the winter months.
Robin advised that clothes have been placed round the windows to try and catch as much of the leaks as possible.
Fr Jim also updated that this is a very specialist task to repair and service the windows and this would not be possible at the moment when funds are being focused on the completion of the hall.
It has also been flagged that some of the lights in the side chapel require to be replaced, Craig will investigate this and update at the next meeting.
- November
A List will be placed at the back of the church for parishioners to add their bereaved family members names and the names of other bereaved members of the parish.
Robin will organise a night in November for a mass of remembrance for bereaved members of the parish
Robin asked for volunteers to represent the parish at the commemorative service at the war memorial on Sunday 12th November. It was agreed that Robin and Mary will represent the parish and place the parish poppy wreath at the memorial along with other local groups.
- Advent/Christmas
There will be an advent season carol service organised to take place in the church in December. The exact date is still to be agreed
Robin will check the dates that St.Gabriels school have their Christmas events to ensure no clash of dates
There will be coffees and teas arranged for after the carol service in the side chapel
- Patricia Carol
It was agreed that there would be flowers, chocolates and a gift presented to Patricia on her last Sunday in the parish before moving to Dublin. The gifts are a thank you for all her hard work in the parish over the years she has made St.Gabriels her home. Children that attend the Children’s Liturgy will present the gifts on behalf of the parish.
The next meeting will be held on 13 December at 7.30pm in the side chapel.
- Closing Prayer by Fr Jim Smith