Cell: (562) 229-8579 Hair: Black
Email: Eyes: Brown
Marisol Marisol Kristen Kelso/SMU Theater
A Christmas Carol Belle/Ensemble Kevin Moriarty/Dallas Theater Center
Slavs! Big Babushka Rhonda Blair/SMU Theater
Rimers of Eldritch Patsy Johnson Benard Cummings/SMU Theater
Cloud 9 Maud/Lin James Crawford/SMU Theater
The Maids Claire Piper Werle/The Green Zone
Hello from Bertha Bertha Benard Cummings/SMU Theater
Living Out Sandra Zavala Annesha Kudtarkar/SMU Theater
Self Defense, Lu/Annie Ames Blake Hackler/SMU Theater
Or death of some
Reasons to be Pretty Carly Tiffanee Hall/CSULB Theater
9 Parts of Desire Layal/The Doctor/Nanna Anne D’Zmura and Trevor Biship/CSULB Theater
Women Rising Tilly Raina Pratto/CSULB Theater
Los Lobos de la Noche Lady Zeus Lauren Morris/CSULB Theater
The Crucible Abigail Williams Kevin Slay/Cerritos College Theater
De Donde Nydia John Zamora/Cerritos College Theater
Anna in the Tropics Marela Patrick Pearson/Cerritos College Theater
Joketown Outlaw Comic Forrest Hartl/Cerritos College Theater
Junior Achievement Young student Non-profit organization
Western Dental Daughter Western Dental
Mattel Doll (V.O) Mattel
Southern Methodist University- M.F.A. Acting
California State University of Long Beach- B.A. Theater, Performance Emphasis
Acting: Kevin Hoggard, Georgia Well, John Zamora, John Short, Anne D’Zmura, William McGuire (Chekov), David Vegh, Hugh O’ Gorman, Blake Hackler, James Crawford, Benard Cummings
Shakespeare: Anne Schilling, Michael Connolly
Voice/Speech: Evelyn Case, Anne James, Jack Greenman, Anne Schilling
Text Analysis: Rhonda Blair
Improvisation: Forrest Hartl, Craig Anton, Blake Hackler
Movement: Bill Lengfelder, Sara Romersberger
Cold Reading: Deborah Barylski
Movement: Clown/Mask, Yoga
Languages: Fluent in Spanish, Conversational French
Dialects: Cockney, Iraqi, RP, Spanish
Sports/Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Tennis, Can hula hoop for a long period of time