Boulder Pointe Golf Club - Elko, MN
Friday, September 23rd, 2016 /
Sponsorship is not secure until payment is received.
- Signage at hole.
- Sponsor representative(s) allowed to sit and promote business at a hole
- Option to put promotional piece in tournament bag
- Mention in Elko New Market Tournament Directory (if secured by 5.14.16)
- Mention at Elko New Market Tournament by announcer (if secured by 5.14.16)
- Verbal thank you at tournament dinner
- Mention at Express & Muskie game during regular season
- 2 Social Media Facebook Post (1 by Express/1 by Muskies)
- 2 Twitter Facebook Post (1 by Express/1 by Muskies)
- Signage at hole.
- Option to put promotional piece in tournament bag
- Mention in Elko New Market Tournament Directory (if secured by 5.14.16)
- Mention at Elko New Market Tournament by announcer (if secured by 5.14.16
- Verbal thank you at tournament dinner
- Mention at Express & Muskie game during regular season
- 2 Social Media Facebook Post (1 by Express/1 by Muskies)
- 2 Twitter Facebook Post (1 by Express/1 by Muskies)
- Signage at hole.
- Option to put promotional piece in tournament bag
- Mention in Elko New Market Tournament Directory (if secured by 5.14.16)
- Mention at Elko New Market Tournament by announcer (if secured by 5.14.16
- Verbal thank you at tournament dinner
- Mention at Express & Muskie game during regular season
- 2 Social Media Facebook Post (1 by Express/1 by Muskies)
- 2 Twitter Facebook Post (1 by Express/1 by Muskies)
- Signage at hole.
- Option to put promotional piece in tournament bag
- Mention in Elko New Market Tournament Directory (if secured by 5.14.16)
- Mention at Elko New Market Tournament by announcer (if secured by 5.14.16
- Verbal thank you at tournament dinner
- Mention at Express & Muskie game during regular season
- 2 Social Media Facebook Post (1 by Express/1 by Muskies)
- 2 Twitter Facebook Post (1 by Express/1 by Muskies)
- Option to put promotional piece in tournament bag
- Verbal thank you at tournament dinner
- Mention at Express & Muskie game during regular season
- 2 Social Media Facebook Post (1 by Express/1 by Muskies)
- 2 Twitter Facebook Post (1 by Express/1 by Muskies)
For more information send an email to
**Net proceeds from the tournament will go towards the operations of the New Market & Elko Baseball Clubs.
2016Elko & New Market Baseball Golf Tournament Sponsorship FormSponsorship ______
Contact Name______
Contact Phone Number______
Contact Email Address ______
Make checks payable to Elko Baseball Club
Mail sponsorship forms and checks to:
Nicole French
9568 Glenborough Drive
Elko, MN 55020
Credit Card Payment accepted please contact Nicole at 651-734-5405
Please send company logo to