Document Number: 2731001Q
Date Revised: 21 May 2012
Revision Number: 1
Trade Name (as labeled): Quala Topical Anesthetic Gel
Chemical Name/Classification:Mixture
Product Identifier (Part/Item Number):2731001, 2731002, 2731004, 2731005, 2731006, 2731007
U.N. Number:None
U.N. Dangerous Goods Classification:None
Recommended Use:Topical anesthetic
Restrictions on Use:Use only as directed
Manufacturer/Supplier Name:NDC, Inc.
Manufacturer/Supplier Address:402 BNA Drive, Suite 500
Nashville, TN 37217
Manufacturer/Supplier Telephone Number:800-929-4232(Product Information)
Emergency Contact Telephone Number:800-535-5053 (INFOTRAC)
1-352-323-3500 (Outside the United States – Call Collect)
EU Classification (1999/45/EC as amended):: Irritant (Xi) R43
EU Labeling:
Irritant / Contains benzocaine
R43 May cause sensitization by skin contact.
S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
S37 Wear suitable gloves
US Hazard Classification: Hazardous
Hazardous Components / C.A.S. #
EC# / IUPAC Name / Substance Classification / WT %
Polyethylene Glycol / 25322-68-3 / Not available / poly(ethylene oxide) / Not applicable / 30-50
Benzocaine / 94-09-7 /
202-303-5 / ethyl p-aminobenzoate / Xi, R43 / 20
Refer to Section 16 for the full text of the EU Classifications and R Phrases.
Routes of Exposure / First Aid Instructions
Eye / Flush eyes with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes, holding the eyelids apart. Get medical attention if irritation or other symptoms persist.
Skin / Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms develop and persist.
Inhalation / None needed under normal use conditions. If irritation develops, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if symptoms persist.
Ingestion / If swallowed, call a poison control center. Only induce vomiting if directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Most important symptoms of exposure / Contact with skin, eyes or mucous membranes may cause numbness. Repeated skin contact may cause burning and itching of the skin with dermatitis or rash.
Other / None known.
Note to Physicians (Treatment, Testing, and Monitoring): Treatment of overexposure should be directed at the control of symptoms and clinical conditions.
Suitable Extinguishing Media: / Use media appropriate for surrounding fire.
Fire Fighting Procedures: / Cool fire exposed containers and structures with water.
Specific Hazards Arising from the Chemical: / None known.
Precautions for Fire Fighters: / Firefighters should wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing for all fires involving chemicals.
Recommended Protective Equipment for Fire Fighters:
Personal Precautions, PPE and Emergency Procedures: For large spills, wear gloves and eye protection. Small spills do not require special precautions.
Environmental Precautions:Prevent spill from entering sewers and water courses. Report releases as required by local and national authorities.
Methods and Materials for Containment and Clean-up:Collect using an inert non-combustible absorbent material and place in appropriate containers for disposal.
Recommended Personal Protective Equipment for Containment and Clean-up:
Precautions for Safe Handing: Avoid contact with the eyes and skin. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use in accordance with package instructions.
Conditions for Safe Storage: Avoid prolonged storage at elevated temperatures as product degradation may occur.
Occupational Exposure Limits:
Polyethylene Glycol / United States / 10 mg/m3 TWA AIHA WEEL (aerosol)
Germany / 1000 mg/m3 (inhalable) DFG MAK
United Kingdom / None Established
France / None Established
Spain / None Established
Italy / None Established
European Union / None Established
Benzocaine / United States / None Established
Germany / None Established
United Kingdom / None Established
France / None Established
Spain / None Established
Italy / None Established
European Union / None Established
Biological Exposure Limits: None Established
Appropriate Engineering Controls: No special controls required.
Individual Protection Measures (PPE)
Specific Eye/face Protection: Avoid eye contact. Safety glasses should be worn if contact is likely.
Specific Skin Protection: Avoid skin contact. Wear plastic or rubber gloves to avoid contact. Recommended glove: Plastic or rubber. Consult glove supplier for thickness and breakthrough times
Specific Respiratory Protection: None required under normal use conditions.
Specific Thermal Hazards: Not applicable
Recommended Personal Protective Equipment:
Environmental Exposure Controls: None required for normal use.
General Hygiene Considerations and Work Practices: Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove and launder contaminated clothing before reuse.
Protective Measures During Repair and Maintenance of Contaminated Equipment: Not applicable for product.
Appearance: / Gel / Explosive limits: / Not applicable
Odor: / Characteristic of flavor / Vapor pressure: / Negligible
Odor threshold: / Not available / Vapor density: / Not available
pH: / 6.05 / Relative density: / 1.091 @ 25°C
Melting/freezing point: / Not available / Solubility: / Disperses
Initial boiling point and range: / >482°F / >250°C / Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water: / Not available
Flash point: / >300°F / >149°C / Auto-ignition temperature: / Not available
Evaporation rate: / Not available / Decomposition temperature: / Not available
Flammability: / Not flammable / Viscosity: / 164,000 centipose
Explosive Properties: / None / Oxidizing Properties: / None
Reactivity: Will not polymerize.
Chemical Stability: Stable.
Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: Hazardous reactions are unlikely.
Conditions to Avoid: None known.
Incompatible materials: Avoid oxidizing agents.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition may produce carbon and nitrogen oxides.
Potential Health Effects:
Eyes: Direct contact may cause irritation with redness and tearing. Numbness may occur.
Skin: Direct contact may cause numbness. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause contact dermatitis or hypersensitivity to benzocaine with burning, stinging, tenderness and edema.
Ingestion: Swallowing may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In rare cases, bezocaine has been shown to cause methemoglobemia.
Inhalation: None expected from normal use. Inhalation of mists may cause respiratory irritation.
Chronic Health Effects: None expected.
Carcinogenicity: None of the components of this product are listed as carcinogens by OSHA, IARC, ACGIH, NTP or EU Directives.
Mutagenicity: No data available
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Employees with pre-existing skin disorders may be at increased risk from exposure.
Acute Toxicity Data:
Polyethylene Glycol: Oral mouse LD50 28,900 mg/kg
Benzocaine: LD50 oral rat 3,042 mg/kg
Reproductive Toxicity Data: No data available.
Specific Target Organ Toxicity (STOT):
Single Exposure: Benzocaine: When applied topically as recommended, benzocaine has been shown to be relatively nontoxic, however, sensitization may occur.
Repeated Exposure:Propylene glycol: In 2 week inhalation study, rats were administered whole body exposure for 6 hr/day for 9 days. No exposure related clinical signs or ophthalmic changes were noted and no mortality was recorded during the study.
- Ecological Information
Propylene glycol: Salmosalar (Atlantic salmon) >1000 mg/L
Persistence and Degradability: Benzocaine: Readily biodegradable
Bio-accumulative Potential: Benzocaine: Estimated BCF is 5. Potential for bioaccumulation is low.
Mobility in Soil: Benzocaine: Moderate mobility based upon an estimated Koc of 250.
Other Adverse Effects: None known.
Results of PBT/vPvB Assessment: Not required.
Regulations: Dispose in accordance with local and national environmental regulations
Properties (Physical/Chemical) Affecting Disposal: None known.
Waste Treatment Recommendations: None needed for normal anticipated use.
UN Number: / ADR/RID: None / IMDG: None / IATA: None / DOT: None
UN proper shipping name: / ADR/RID: Not Regulated
IMDG: Not Regulated
IATA: Not Regulated
DOT: Not Regulated
Transport hazard class(es): / ADR/RID: None / IMDG: None / IATA: None / DOT: None
Packaging group: / ADR/RID: None / IMDG: None / IATA: None / DOT: None
Environmental hazards: / ADR/RID: No / IMDG Marine pollutant: No / IATA: No / DOT: No
Special precautions for user: Not applicable
U.S. Federal Regulations
Comprehensive Environmental Response and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA):This product is not subject to CERCLA reporting requirements. Many states have more stringent release reporting requirements. Report spills required under federal, state and local regulations.
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA):This product is a drug and not subject to chemical notification requirements.
OSHA Hazard Classification: Sensitizer
Clean Water Act (CWA): Not Listed
Clean Air Act (CAA): Not Listed
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III Information:
SARA Section 311/312 (40 CFR 370) Hazard Categories:
Immediate Hazard: / Yes / Pressure Hazard: / NoDelayed Hazard: / No / Reactivity Hazard: / No
Fire Hazard: / No
This product contains the following toxic chemical(s) subject to reporting requirements of SARA Section 313 (40 CFR 372):
Components / C.A.S. # / WT %None
State Regulations
California: This product contains the following chemicals(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm:
Components / C.A.S. # / WT %None
International Regulations
EU REACH:This product is a medicinal product and not subject to registration requirements.
Full text of Classification abbreviations used in Section 2 and 3:
Xi Irritant
R43 May cause sensitization by skin contact.
Date of SDS Preparation/Revision: 21 May 2012
Data Sources: US NLM ChemID Plus and HSDB, Substance SDS for components, IUCLID Dataset EU Chemical Bureau, ESIS, Country websites for occupational exposure limits.
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