SDC Vol 1 Fol 40-41 Henry Coryear to John Teage 10-11-1827
Henry Coryear to John Teage
Know all men by these presents that I Henry
Coryear now residing in the harbour of Cape Broyle
Newfoundland for and in consideration of the sum
of Three Hundred and ^B.G.G. thirtyforty ^B.G.G. pounds British Sterling
advanced to me by John Teague of Dartmouth
England do for the better securing the payment of
the same to the said John Teague have granted, bar-
-gained, sold and assigned and transferred unto the
said John Teague all my right title and interest in
my fishing room and premises situated in the
South East side of Shores [Shuls?] Cove in the said Harbour
of Cape Broyle with Stage flakes Beaches and include-
-ing my house Cook house Gardens and lands appur-
-taining thereunto to hold to the said John Teague his
Executors administrators and assigns from this day
forth to his and their own proper use and benefit
forever under the proviso and conditions herein
after mentioned that is to say that if I the said
Henry Coryear my Executors or administrators do
well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said
John Teague his Executors administrators or assigns
the said some of Three hundred and thirty pounds
so due and owing to the said John Teague as
aforesaid within Five years of the day of the date
hereof with legal interest for the same Then this
present assignment and every article and clause [?]
herein contained shall be null & void and of no
effect anything herein contained to the contrary
thereof notwithstanding.
In witness my Hand and Seal in place
before mentioned and where no stamp paper is
used this Tenth day of November and in the
year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred
and Twenty one.
Witness PresentCornelius Morrissey Henry Coryear{L. S.}
N.N.E and S.S.W. 511 feet and then [?] E and W 1500 feet back
[1]before me by Henry Coryear, a party thereto, on the Twenty
Second day of November One Thousand Eight Hundred and
Twenty Seven, and recorded by me on the Third day of Decem-
-ber in the year above written.
Southern DistrictB. G. Garrett
Registration OfficeRegr.
Decr. 3rd1827
A Memorial of the foregoing Deed
Date / Parties Names / Witnesses / Property Conveyed / Consideration1821
10th / From
Henry Coryear / To
John Teague / Cornelius Morrissey / Fishing Room,
stage, flakes, Cook
House, dwelling house, beaches and gardens
in Cape Broyle / Three
And Thirty Pounds
I certify the above Memorial was duly Registered by me on the Third
day of December One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Seven
B. G. Garrett Regr.
[1] a line above this is missing from the photocopy. It most likely reads: “I Certify that the foregoing Deed was duly acknowledged…”