Supplementary Online Information

Thermoregulation in endotherms: physiological principles and ecological consequences.

Rezende, E.L and L.D. Bacigalupe.

Figure S1Distribution of metabolic rates, thermal conductance and body temperatures in mammals measured in warm (red) and cold conditions (blue)..

Figure S2Distribution of metabolic rates, thermal conductance and body temperatures in birds measured in warm (red) and cold conditions (blue).

Supplementary Information – p. 1


Data on metabolic rates (MR), body temperature (Tb) and ambient temperature (Ta) obtained below and above the thermoneutral zone (TNZ), employed to estimate minimum and maximum thermal conductance(Cminand Cmax, respectively).

Below TNZ / Above TNZ
MAMMALS / Body mass (g) / MR (mlO2/gh) / Tb
(ºC) / Ta
(ºC) / Cmin (mlO2/ghºC) / MR (mlO2/gh) / Tb
(ºC) / Ta
(ºC) / Cmax
Agouti paca / 9156.0 / 0.713 / 37.3 / 9.5 / 0.0256 / 0.308 / 39.0 / 34 / 0.0623 / Arends & McNab 2001
Alopex lagopus / 4280.0 / 0.484 / 39.3 / -40.0 / 0.0061 / 0.436 / 39.8 / 20.0 / 0.0220 / Fuglesteg et al. 2006
Aplodontia rufa / 630.0 / 1.177 / 37.6 / 5.2 / 0.0363 / 0.456 / 38.8 / 35.0 / 0.1191 / McNab 1979
Apodemus agrarius / 24.4 / 3.155 / 39.5 / 25.0 / 0.2183 / 4.716 / 40.8 / 32.5 / 0.5655 / Liu et al. 2004a
Apodemus speciosus / 28.5 / 2.775 / 39.7 / 25.0 / 0.1893 / 3.416 / 40.7 / 32.5 / 0.4144 / Liu et al. 2004a
Cannomys badius / 344.0 / 1.409 / 35.9 / 5.0 / 0.0456 / 0.650 / 39.2 / 34.4 / 0.1349 / McNab 1979
Chinchilla brevicaudata / 454.6 / 0.908 / 37.5 / 5.0 / 0.0279 / 0.500 / 38.1 / 27.5 / 0.0471 / Cortes et al. 2003
Chinchilla laniger / 426.0 / 1.119 / 37.6 / 5.7 / 0.0351 / 0.548 / 38.7 / 33.6 / 0.1079 / Arends & McNab 2001
Clethrionomys rufocanus / 23.1 / 5.347 / 37.1 / 15.0 / 0.2415 / 4.971 / 40.7 / 32.5 / 0.6061 / Liu et al. 2004a
Cricetulus barabensis / 20.9 / 3.394 / 36.5 / 22.5 / 0.2431 / 4.489 / 39.3 / 32.5 / 0.6620 / Liu et al. 2003
Cryptomys damarensis / 124.0 / 0.565 / 35.0 / 27.0 / 0.0706 / 0.916 / 39.4 / 36.0 / 0.2697 / Lovegrove 1986
Dasyprocta azarae / 3849.0 / 0.795 / 37.4 / 5.0 / 0.0245 / 0.604 / 41.5 / 34.0 / 0.0804 / Arends & McNab 2001
Dolichotis salinicola / 1613.0 / 0.923 / 38.4 / 7.0 / 0.0294 / 0.486 / 39.1 / 35.0 / 0.1198 / Arends & McNab 2001
Gerbillus campestris / 40.6 / 5.305 / 38.6 / 0.0 / 0.1373 / 1.345 / 39.9 / 38.0 / 0.7077 / Oufara et al. 1987
Heliophobius argenteocinereus / 223.0 / 1.642 / 33.3 / 10.0 / 0.0705 / 0.726 / 35.3 / 33.0 / 0.3118 / Zelova et al. 2007
Sorex cinereus / 3.96 / 21.3 / 37.5 / 2 / 0.6000 / 12.11 / 40.0 / 33.0 / 1.7300 / Morrison et al. 1959
Hystrix africaeaustralis / 11400.0 / 0.229 / 36.9 / 21.0 / 0.0144 / 0.261 / 37.9 / 30.0 / 0.0507 / Haim et al. 1990
Kerodon rupestris / 442.0 / 1.686 / 38.4 / 7.2 / 0.0540 / 0.651 / 39.6 / 35.5 / 0.1583 / Arends & McNab 2001
Lagidium viscacia / 1993.0 / 0.466 / 37.6 / 10.0 / 0.0169 / 0.345 / 39.0 / 27.5 / 0.0299 / Tirado et al. 2007
Lepus alleni / 3275.0 / 0.946 / 38.1 / 3.0 / 0.0269 / 0.590 / 39.7 / 35.0 / 0.1258 / Hinds 1977
Lepus californicus / 2192.0 / 0.745 / 38.6 / 10.0 / 0.0260 / 0.561 / 38.8 / 30.0 / 0.0637 / Hinds 1977
Microtus cabrerae / 43.0 / 3.690 / 35.6 / 10.0 / 0.1441 / 1.130 / 37.3 / 33.5 / 0.2974 / Mathias et al. 2003
Microtus maximowickzii / 41.7 / 4.729 / 36.9 / 5.0 / 0.1481 / 2.023 / 37.7 / 32.5 / 0.3910 / Chen et al. 2006
Mus musculus / 41.6 / 1.671 / 37.7 / 26.0 / 0.1433 / 2.093 / 38.3 / 34.0 / 0.4879 / Oufara et al. 1987
Myoprocta acouchy / 914.0 / 1.417 / 38.2 / 13.2 / 0.0568 / 0.950 / 41.5 / 30.1 / 0.0830 / Arends & McNab 2001
Mystromys albicaudatus / 93.8 / 3.054 / 32.8 / 5.0 / 0.1097 / 1.129 / 35.5 / 30.0 / 0.2038 / Downs & Perrin 1995
Neurotrichus gibbsii / 11.8 / 7.158 / 37.3 / 7.3 / 0.2180 / 4.254 / 41.1 / 32.6 / 0.5005 / Campbell & Hochachka 2000
Octodon degus / 206.0 / 2.287 / 37.1 / 5.1 / 0.0716 / 1.212 / 40.0 / 35.5 / 0.2711 / Arends & McNab 2001
Octodontomys gliroides / 152.0 / 2.337 / 37.5 / 5.0 / 0.0720 / 1.142 / 38.8 / 36.0 / 0.4053 / Arends & McNab 2001
Peromyscus crinitus stephensi / 15.9 / 7.364 / 30.0 / 3.0 / 0.2728 / 2.440 / 39.7 / 38.0 / 1.4227 / McNab & Morrison 1963
Peromyscus maniculatus gambelli / 19.1 / 7.494 / 35.4 / 3.0 / 0.2313 / 2.920 / 41.4 / 38.0 / 0.8701 / McNab & Morrison 1963
Peromyscus maniculatis sonoriensis / 24.2 / 6.165 / 37.3 / 3.0 / 0.1799 / 2.550 / 40.7 / 38.0 / 0.9497 / McNab & Morrison 1963
Peromyscus truei gilberti / 33.3 / 5.065 / 35.8 / 3.0 / 0.1546 / 2.570 / 41.9 / 38.0 / 0.6529 / McNab & Morrison 1963
Peromyscus truei truei / 33.2 / 5.117 / 36.4 / 3.0 / 0.1530 / 2.330 / 41.3 / 38.0 / 0.7136 / McNab & Morrison 1963
Phodopus campbelli / 39.2 / 3.136 / 37.1 / 15.0 / 0.1422 / 2.805 / 37.7 / 32.5 / 0.5405 / Chen et al. 2006
Pseudomys hermannsbergensis / 12.2 / 8.284 / 37.9 / 10.0 / 0.2972 / 2.388 / 39.8 / 37.5 / 1.0590 / Withers et al. 2004
Pteropus pumilus / 194.2 / 1.496 / 36.8 / 7.5 / 0.0510 / 0.649 / 37.3 / 33.0 / 0.1527 / McNab & Armstrong 2001
Pteropus rodricensis / 254.5 / 1.414 / 37.0 / 9.8 / 0.0519 / 0.376 / 37.0 / 34.8 / 0.1741 / McNab & Armstrong 2001
Saccostomus campestris / 84.0 / 1.622 / 35.0 / 20.0 / 0.1084 / 1.019 / 38.0 / 34.0 / 0.2525 / Haim et al. 1991
Scalopus aquaticus / 48.0 / 3.007 / 36.3 / 8.0 / 0.1062 / 1.692 / 40.1 / 34.0 / 0.2756 / McNab 1979
Spalacopus cyanus / 185.0 / 2.093 / 37.2 / 5.2 / 0.0654 / 0.843 / 39.4 / 34.0 / 0.1561 / McNab 1979
Spermophilus tereticaudus / 131.4 / 3.793 / 32.1 / 10.0 / 0.1719 / 0.595 / 36.3 / 35.0 / 0.4718 / Wooden & Walsberg 2002
Steatomys pratensis / 37.4 / 2.802 / 28.2 / 5.0 / 0.1208 / 1.425 / 38.2 / 35.0 / 0.4452 / Perrin & Richardson 2005
Trichomys apereoides / 323.0 / 1.612 / 37.5 / 5.9 / 0.0510 / 0.693 / 39.3 / 34.6 / 0.1484 / Arends & McNab 2001
BIRDS / Body mass (g) / MR (mlO2/gh) / Tb
(ºC) / Ta
(ºC) / Cmin (mlO2/ghºC) / MR (mlO2/gh) / Tb
(ºC) / Ta
(ºC) / Cmax
Acanthis flammea / 11.6 / 9.893 / 40.6 / 0.0 / 0.2440 / 6.885 / 40.4 / 33.0 / 0.9304 / Liu et al. 2004b
Alaemon alaudipes / 37.7 / 5.585 / 40.9 / 0.0 / 0.1366 / 2.529 / 43.4 / 40.0 / 0.7511 / Tieleman et al. 2002
Alauda arvensis / 31.7 / 6.132 / 41.0 / 0.0 / 0.1496 / 4.069 / 42.2 / 35.0 / 0.5691 / Tieleman et al. 2002
Andropadus latirostris / 26.6 / 3.623 / 39.3 / 12.8 / 0.1369 / 2.394 / 39.6 / 29.7 / 0.2418 / Seavy & McNab 2007
Andropadus virens / 24.2 / 3.723 / 38.7 / 12.4 / 0.1413 / 2.557 / 40.2 / 32.3 / 0.3254 / Seavy & McNab 2007
Anhinga anhinga / 1120.0 / 1.426 / 39.3 / 5.2 / 0.0418 / 0.582 / 40.1 / 36.8 / 0.1758 / Hennemann 1982
Astrapia stephaniae / 148.2 / 2.300 / 41.4 / 21.2 / 0.1141 / 1.950 / 42.1 / 28.9 / 0.1481 / McNab 2005
Baeolophus ridgwayi / 17.2 / 8.463 / 35.3 / 2.4 / 0.2572 / 3.886 / 41.1 / 36.8 / 0.9144 / Cooper & Gessaman 2004
Caprimulgus vociferus / 47.3 / 2.863 / 35.3 / 10.0 / 0.1132 / 1.218 / 41.6 / 37.5 / 0.2992 / Lane et al. 2004
Chlamydotis macqueenii / 1462.0 / 0.949 / 41.2 / -1.0 / 0.0225 / 0.331 / 40.8 / 35.3 / 0.0603 / Tieleman et al. 2002
Cicinnurus magnificus / 82.3 / 2.300 / 40.7 / 16.4 / 0.0947 / 1.690 / 42.1 / 30.0 / 0.1397 / McNab 2005
Cicinnurus regius / 54.0 / 2.430 / 40.1 / 20.3 / 0.1227 / 2.510 / 41.3 / 31.6 / 0.2588 / McNab 2005
Cnemophilus loriae / 78.1 / 1.724 / 39.7 / 18.6 / 0.0817 / 1.520 / 41.7 / 29.3 / 0.1230 / McNab 2005
Colius colius / 35.1 / 3.740 / 36.8 / 5.0 / 0.1176 / 0.979 / 38.2 / 35.0 / 0.3040 / McKechnie & Lovegrove 2001
Corpodacus roseus / 22.5 / 8.142 / 40.1 / 5.0 / 0.2322 / 5.470 / 41.0 / 30.0 / 0.4995 / Liu et al. 2004b
Drepanoptila holosericea / 200.0 / 1.199 / 35.5 / 13.0 / 0.0532 / 0.774 / 37.6 / 32.5 / 0.1509 / Schleucher 2001
Ducula pinon / 748.0 / 0.801 / 36.4 / 12.5 / 0.0335 / 0.471 / 37.9 / 33.0 / 0.0969 / Schleucher 2002
Epimachus meyeri / 202.7 / 1.741 / 40.7 / 19.0 / 0.0802 / 1.672 / 42.0 / 31.2 / 0.1542 / McNab 2005
Eremalauda dunni / 20.6 / 6.190 / 40.3 / 0.0 / 0.1536 / 2.356 / 41.0 / 35.0 / 0.3927 / Tieleman et al. 2002
Eremiornis carteri / 11.5 / 9.030 / 39.5 / 7.5 / 0.2822 / 2.463 / 41.0 / 39.0 / 1.2315 / Withers et al. 2004
Fringilla montifringilla / 18.0 / 10.327 / 40.2 / 5.0 / 0.2930 / 6.836 / 41.6 / 34.0 / 0.9054 / Liu et al. 2004b
Lanius excubitor / 60.0 / 2.806 / 39.8 / 11.0 / 0.0975 / 1.596 / 40.6 / 35.0 / 0.2876 / Ward & Pinshow 1995
Lophophaps ferruginea / 81.5 / 2.405 / 39.0 / 10.2 / 0.0835 / 0.816 / 40.5 / 37.3 / 0.2590 / Dawson & Bennett 1973
Lophorina superba / 74.6 / 1.709 / 41.1 / 19.9 / 0.0808 / 1.735 / 41.6 / 27.8 / 0.1262 / McNab 2005
Lullula aroborea / 25.5 / 7.480 / 41.7 / 0.0 / 0.1793 / 4.178 / 42.6 / 35.0 / 0.5486 / Tieleman et al. 2002
Manucodia chalybata / 177.2 / 1.660 / 40.6 / 19.1 / 0.0773 / 1.390 / 40.6 / 28.5 / 0.1152 / McNab 2005
Miafra erythrocephalus / 27.3 / 8.182 / 40.1 / -2.2 / 0.1934 / 3.238 / 42.6 / 36.5 / 0.5300 / Williams 1999
Myiopsitta monachus / 80.4 / 4.710 / 38.0 / -6.7 / 0.1054 / 1.528 / 39.6 / 35.4 / 0.3664 / Weathers & Caccamise 1975
Nectarinia cuprea / 9.0 / 6.974 / 40.7 / 11.6 / 0.2393 / 3.101 / 41.3 / 34.4 / 0.4514 / Seavy 2006
Nectarinia cyanolaema / 15.8 / 5.523 / 40.2 / 11.7 / 0.1941 / 2.864 / 41.4 / 34.0 / 0.3870 / Seavy 2006
Nectarinia kilimensis / 16.2 / 5.045 / 39.6 / 12.5 / 0.1859 / 2.850 / 41.2 / 32.7 / 0.3361 / Seavy 2006
Nectarinia minulla / 5.5 / 10.030 / 40.1 / 11.4 / 0.3496 / 3.822 / 41.2 / 34.3 / 0.5571 / Seavy 2006
Nectarinia obscura / 11.2 / 5.965 / 39.6 / 16.0 / 0.2525 / 3.209 / 41.4 / 34.2 / 0.4451 / Seavy 2006
Nectarinia senegaliensis / 13.7 / 5.234 / 40.0 / 14.7 / 0.2065 / 3.060 / 41.6 / 34.1 / 0.4066 / Seavy 2006
Nectarinia verticalis / 14.1 / 5.801 / 40.1 / 12.2 / 0.2083 / 2.926 / 42.7 / 34.2 / 0.3459 / Seavy 2006
Oena capensis / 36.0 / 3.741 / 38.3 / 13.5 / 0.1507 / 1.261 / 39.7 / 37.0 / 0.4670 / Schleucher 2001
Paradisaea raggiana / 215.7 / 1.870 / 39.8 / 16.0 / 0.0786 / 1.390 / 39.4 / 30.5 / 0.1562 / McNab 2005
Paradisaea rudolphi / 156.1 / 1.805 / 40.7 / 17.0 / 0.0762 / 2.080 / 41.5 / 32.3 / 0.2256 / McNab 2005
Parotia lawesil / 144.9 / 1.588 / 38.8 / 14.7 / 0.0659 / 1.420 / 41.1 / 28.9 / 0.1164 / McNab 2005
Podiceps nigricollis / 317.4 / 1.640 / 39.0 / 4.0 / 0.0468 / 1.163 / 40.7 / 34.1 / 0.1759 / Ellis & Jehl 2003
Poecile gambeli / 11.1 / 10.632 / 36.0 / -6.0 / 0.2531 / 5.605 / 42.1 / 37.9 / 1.3345 / Cooper & Gessaman 2004
Psittirostra bailleui / 36.0 / 4.020 / 40.2 / 3.0 / 0.1080 / 2.830 / 41.1 / 32.9 / 0.3460 / Weathers & Van Riper 1982
Psittirostra cantans / 32.8 / 4.360 / 40.3 / 7.6 / 0.1335 / 3.100 / 43.3 / 38.2 / 0.6078 / Weathers & Van Riper 1982
Ptilinopus melanospila / 94.0 / 1.675 / 37.8 / 12.0 / 0.0649 / 1.013 / 38.8 / 33.5 / 0.1908 / Schleucher 2002
Ptiloris magnificus / 179.4 / 1.800 / 40.6 / 17.5 / 0.0779 / 1.510 / 41.1 / 29.1 / 0.1254 / McNab 2005
Pycnonotus barbatus / 40.3 / 3.827 / 40.0 / 11.4 / 0.1339 / 2.291 / 40.9 / 32.6 / 0.2762 / Seavy & McNab 2007

Supplementary Information – p. 1


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