Scorpio Full Moon – May 10, 2017

The Buddhist festival of Wesak occurs at the time of this Full Moon in Scorpio (Sun in Taurus). It marks the date of Buddha’s enlightenment, birth and passing from his physical body. Disciples and followers of the Lord Buddha are drawn together in worship and the influence of the compassionate Buddha blesses the whole earth. It is a time of deep peace (Scorpio) that we associate with the Divine Mother aspect of God (Taurus).The influence of the Full Moon will be felt a few days before and for many days afterwards.

Taurus and Scorpio are both natural healing signs and along withthe Moon symbolize the healing power of the divine feminine.We are moving beyond several thousand years spent in the shadows of patriarchal control, the sensate experience of the lower self and the confines of three-dimensional awareness. We each incarnated to heal ourselves and our planet, to shed our skins, like the serpent, symbol of Scorpio, and leave them behind. This is happening on a personal level within our own souls, as well as at the collective level, within the Anima Mundi, the Soul of the World. The Taurus-Scorpio polarity knows more than any otherabout crisis and change, about finding the light that healsthe darkness and moving on.As we express the spark of love deep within our soulswe can heal and transform ourselves and our planet and bring peace into our lives, the evolutionary intent of Scorpio.Our Scorpio energy purifies our desires through spiritual regeneration and unity with the infinite, bringing transformation and rebirth.

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you.” Buddha

Where the Moon at 21 degrees Scorpio falls in our chartswe have the opportunity to face some inner demons, our deepest fears, animal passions and selfish desires. Our Scorpio energy helps illuminate the dark corners of our souland surmount our inner fears. As we bring negative patterns into the Light of consciousness we can embrace them with love and let them go. Scorpio is about the transforming power of love. The secret of Scorpio, in which sign the Moon is in her fall, is that when we descend into the dark night of the soul the spirit is reborn.

“Out of the ashes of the old life arises the new life. This is what the symbol of the phoenix indicates. This mythical bird was in earlier symbology called the white eagle.” White Eagle

To the indigenous peoples who were deeply in touch with their Taurus energy, the earth was a living mother,the womb and home that holds all life in unity. Their values were based upon this sacred feminine way of life, which is now crucial for healing ourselves and Mother Earth. Where the Sun at 21 degrees Taurus falls in our charts we have the opportunity to redefine our values and establish new priorities. Here we are asked to practice the principles of stewardship, to share our spiritual and material gifts with unconditional love in the spirit of service, the highest expression of our Taurus energy.

Alchemical Pluto, Lord of the Underworld and ruler of Scorpio, is at the apex of a cardinal T-square. Pluto is conjunct Juno in Capricornand insquare aspect (90 degrees) to Jupiter in Libra and Pallas in Aries. Thishighlightsthe importance of creating relationships based upon a foundation of honesty,mutual sharing and trust, personally and globally.Juno, known as the mythic Divine Consort,governs interactions between masculine and feminine. She reminds us that the state of warfare that exists on a collective political level is related to our individual warfare within relationships as well as imbalance within our own souls. Pallas Athene is known as the Warrior Queen, Virgin Goddess of Wisdom and Justice.This asteroid goddess governs healing techniques for the balancing of the male-female, yang-yin polarity within our consciousness.Engaging in this inner work requires patience, persistence and commitment, the qualities of fixed water Scorpio that are now ever more available to us.It transforms our entire being bringing inner balance and harmony (Libra).Images for this evolutionary process are seen in the symbols of the old traditions, such as the Tao or the Qabalistic Tree of Life with its twin pillars. We are now ready for the revival of the Goddess in both women and men.

“With the coming of this feminine aspect and the balancing of life, there will be great progress on your Earth.” White Eagle

This alchemical processtakes place silently in the depths of our soul, the realm of Scorpio,Pluto and the Dark Moon Goddess. The lily is a flower sacred to the Moon Goddess. The growth of the lily, symbolic of the Divine Self, images the process of inner transformationwhich begins in the muddy depths of the unconscious, in thematrix of the soul. Can you hear the Goddess calling you? As weaccess our place of stillness and strength deep within, we stand face to face with the mystery of the sacred feminine. Our spirit can shine and the healing process is set in motion. As we engage in Scorpio’s alchemical task of metamorphosis, we each play an important part in bringingbalance and harmony to Planet Earth… to bring Heaven on Earth.

“I truly believe individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world.” Dalai Lama

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 21 degrees Scorpio:“A soldier derelict in duty.”For the Sun at 21 degrees Taurus: “A finger pointing in an open book.”

Here we have the suggestion of the importance of obeying our conscience. We often may have the difficult task of choosing between what others or society expect of us and following our spiritual principles and values, following our inner voice, our own conscience.

“Continually make an effort to live according to spiritual values, refusing to be entangled and held down by false conceptions. When you see the right, firmly hold to the right and do the right, uninfluenced by material conditions or consequences.” White Eagle

Heather Threlfall – May 2017 –