
Please read and review with your child, sign and return to teacher.

Student Agreement

As a student, I pledge to:

·  Attend school daily and be respectful to all individuals in the school

·  Develop the IB-PYP attitudes of appreciation, commitment,

confidence, cooperation, creativity, curiosity, empathy, enthusiasm, independence, integrity, respect and tolerance

·  Follow all the school and classroom “Essential Agreements”

·  Do my best in class, at home and in my community

·  Have FUN!

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Agreement

As a parent/guardian, I pledge to:

·  See that my child attends school daily

·  Support the school discipline policy

·  Stay aware of what my child is learning by asking questions, reviewing work and attending student conferences

·  Develop the attitudes of the IB-PYP listed above by working with my child and school staff

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Staff Agreement

As a Whittier staff member, I pledge to:

·  Live the Learner Profile and attitudes of the IB-PYP in interactions with families, students and other staff members

·  Expect and encourage each child to achieve at high levels of learning

·  Communicate with families regularly about the progress of their child

·  Provide a safe environment for learning

·  Have FUN!

Staff Signature: ______

Principal Signature: ______