Monthly Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2015

Present: Marjorie Millman, Carolyn Nazeravich, Danielle Beaudry, Jenn Eccles-Kreger, Marcela Popowich, Olga Barnes, PadmajaKuruganty-Whyte, Helena Klippenstein

  1. Welcome

-meeting commenced at 6:37pm

-January meeting minutes were reviewed; motion to approve made by Jenn, second by Marcela, approved

  1. Administration Report (Marjorie Millman and Carolyn Nazeravich)

-Current enrollment – approximately 540 students

-SMP’s middle years band students, the MY vocal ensemble, and individual artists performed at our MY band concert

-Basketball is wrapping up for our MY students. We’ve had a very successful season with a lot of student participation

-Some of our grade 4 & 5 students are preparing to perform in the WSO at Thursday, February 19th.

-The SMP Builder’s Club celebrated Valentine’s day by spreading love and positive messages throughout the building.

-We are having our annual Festival du Voyageur pancake breakfast and activities on the 18th of February.

-Michael Kusagak came and worked with our students. He shared the Inuit experience with our students through oral storytelling, games and artifacts.

-Our K – 5 students enjoyed Prairie Theatre Exchanges compilation of Robert Munsch stories in Munchworks – Once Upon a Time.

-Mago le magician, entertained our Early Years students with his magic.

-We hosted our Kindergarten open house and our Grade 6 open house. Both events were well attended.

-We are really enjoying our monthly school-wide assemblies. It’s an opportunity to build community, celebrate successes, and recognize all of the great work that our students are doing.

-The entire staff along with every employee in the RETSD has to complete Respect in Diversity training by the end of the school year to support Bill 18.

-MY students participated in an anti-bullying presentation

-All grade levels had police presentations that covered a variety of subjects depending on grade level.

Special Information

SMP 100th Anniversary

-We had Randy Guest, a filmmaker working with a number of our students to prepare a special video for our 100th anniversary.

-We continue to get excited about our 100th anniversary. We had former students visit this month to talk about their lives at SMP and the impact their time at SMP had on them. They also talked about their lives now. One of them is an actor, another is a paramedic, another is a medical student, and the last student is a mechanical engineer

-We are doing something special at each assembly to get kids excited about the anniversary

-Manitoba Telephone System Retirees purchased $500.00 worth of groceries for our breakfast cart program

Staff Requests:

-FabukiDaiko request that was tabled until this meeting

-Our sincere thank you to the CSA for your generosity.

Staffing Update:

-Welcome to Danielle Beaudry who is our new Community Connector.

-Mrs. Kasdorf gave birth to a baby girl.

-Mrs. Lumb began her leave on Friday, February 13th.

-We welcomed Ms. R. Anderlic who is replacing Mrs. Lumb.

-We welcomed Mr. G. Silsly back. He is replacing Mrs. Kasdorf.

  1. Fundraising

-a discussion regarding the Hoffman’s fundraiser took place; decision was made to offer chicken fingers, lasagna, chicken kiev and cordon blue and sheppard’s pie; with a possible deadline of March 16th, and delivery March 26th.

-staff appreciation day will be April 24th (pd day) with a breakfast for all staff; motion made by Jenn, second by Padmaja, approved

  1. Special Information

-ideas for 100th Anniversary included cake pops, cupcakes and cookies

-possible options to have this done includes Red River College, RB Russel. Kildonan East Collegiate

  1. Lunch Program

-we currently have just over 200 students in the lunch program on a daily basis

-one part-time staff has resigned, one full-time staff is still on leave of absence, 2 part-time supervisors have agreed to work full-time

-staff will be attending their 2nd training session at Bernie Wolfe on February 18th

-one of the microwaves fell from the cart and was damaged, it was replaced with a new one and the one that fell will be tested during the annual microwave check in the spring

-some of the carts are old and will need to be replaced

-C. Nazeravich is planning some rewards for the lunch monitors; motion to allocate $500.00 for this made by Danielle, second by Helena, approved

-a discussion took place on ideas of what to do with some of the lunch program money

  1. New Business

-Marcela went to the parent council breakfast and came away from it with many great ideas

-a discussion ensued regarding having an e-mail list for the CSA for the purpose of getting information out to parents

Meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm. Next meeting is on March 17, 2015.