ERM Household Assessment Report

(Should be written and submitted ASAP after the completion of needs assessment)

  1. General Information:

Assessment Location:
(Province/District/Village) / Kapisa Province, Tagab District and Shahrak area.
Type of crises:
(Conflict/Nat. Disaster/Other) / Ongoing operation of Afghan national army and fighting with Taliban
Assessment Team:
(Name of I/NGO in the assessment team) / DACAAR, IDSH/WFP,WSTA/UNHCR,ANDMA,RCS, Provincial agent, DoRR, and Elder of IDPs
Crises date:
(date of displacement-Estimated) / (12-15) - January-2017
Date of Notification: / 22-Jan-2017
Date of Assessment: / 23-25-Jan-2017
Affected Population:
(Total Caseload: IDP/CAT A/CAT B/Other) / HHs: / Families: / Inds.:
179 / 179 / 1386
Data collection method / Electronic / Hardcopy
  1. Assessment Findings

Explain the situation in the settlement, the availability of safe water, defecation practices, hygiene situation etc. based on the findings of the ERM WASH Rapid Needs Assessment. Be very concise but precise, providing clear numbers and explanation. Highlight any specific issues that may help in understanding the specific disaster or displacement such as relations between host community and the displaced, particular access or vulnerability issues, problems created by local authorities or other actors.

On 22January-2017 representatives of DACAAR,DRC,UNHCR,Care International,WSTA,IDSH,ANDMA,and Kapisa deputy governor had one OCT meeting in Kapisa Governor office for IDPs of Kapisa Tagab District which were displaced during ongoing operation of Afghan national army in mention District, finally decision of this meeting was that to start joint assessment in mention area from tomorrow(23-Jan-2017 for mention IDPs.

After than OCHA and other relevant partners take one Screening meeting in mention datein DoRR office of Kapisa Province and discussed on list of 403families who were displaced from threat villages of Tagab District to center of Tagab (Tamir Shahrak area) due to Afghan military ongoing operation, two assessment teams appointed from the above respected Organization together with DoRR,ANDMA,provincial governor agent, the assessment conducted in 23-Jan-2107 up to 25-Jan-2017,but DRC don't take participation in this joint assessment by load of work and insecurity issue, in result identified finally 179 IDPs families eligible for humanitarian assistance, and they have not received any emergency assistance from any humanitarian Organizations. Urgent basic needs of 179 IDPs families are prioritized as following:

  1. Recommendations for response

Based on the assessment findings explain what response is considered appropriate and justify the response and targeting. Under water supply describe and justify the proposed actions (water trucking, rehabilitation, water point construction, BioSand filters etc.). Under Sanitation and Hygiene described and justify the proposed actions (latrine & bathing facilities, Hygiene Promotion, hygiene kit distribution). Under Solid Waste Management describe and justify the support to solid waste management proposed (awareness raising, assistance to disposal etc.).

Bellow bullet points are the major priorities of needs concluded during field survey:

  • Provision of one month portion of food assistance for179families (in-kind or in cash).
  • Provision of NFIs kits with hygiene kits for 179 Families.
  • Provision of winterization assistance for all these 179 Families.

On 22-Jan-2017 when the screen Committee was decided to start the joint assessment the included partners were showing their humanitarian response plan for mention genuine IDPs For that priorities which are mentioned, three NGOs havecommitted to response for all these 179 families;

  • DACAAR have plan to response for all these179 families in WASH part only distribution of HE kits.
  • UNHCR have plan to distribute NFI kits in Kind for all these 179 Families.
  • WFP have plan to distribute FI in kind for all these 179 Families.
  • ANDMA have plan to distribute Cash for Winterization package.
  1. Sectorial Issues:

(A) Water supply:

All 179familieshave cleandrinking,cooking and bathing water facilities. All these families fetch water from Hand Pump which is constructed in their Neighbor houses, and pipe system.Theydon't have proper water fetching and water storagecontainers.

Based on field visit and WASH needs assessment, we recommendedfor the following:

  • Water fetching and storage containers for all these 179Families.
  • Aquatabs 67mg Tablet for each Family (90No) for all those 179 families.

(B) Sanitation and Hygiene:

All these 179Families have access to Family pit latrines and they don't have need for emergency bath and latrinefacilities.There is no need for construction of emergency latrines and baths so there is no recommendation for Sanitation part only there is need for HE messages for their latrines and bath using.

(C) Hygiene/Hygiene Kits:

All 179 Families need for HE kits with health messages. Therefore, recommended to distribute179hygiene kits and organize hygiene promotion session to disseminate health and hygiene messages to all these families.

(D) Solid Waste Management:

There is no need for waste water management and all of these families are living in good natural drain off area.There is a need for wastecollection bags and transport domestic collected waste to safe dumping area. It is recommendedto provide assistance Fourtimes to throw collected solid waste in the safe place through Four No Plastic Garbage big size, so there is need for distribution of 4 No plastic Garbage black color for all these 179 families.

(E) Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihood: (provide detailed information about the impact of food security and livelihood i.e. lost/damaged food stock, current food stock statues, income sources, damaged/destroyed crops and agricultural land, type of agricultural land, agricultural inputs availability, diet diversity, irrigation system, livestock etc. Also describe immediate food and nutritional need and provide recommendation about the short and long term food and nutrition assistance)

  • To meet their basic food and nutrition needs, the family members with work capabilities have to resort to low wage casual daily and also more of these families head members were jobless and presently they don't have work, which cannot supply adequate food materials for their families. Most of thesefamilies’ heads are unskilled workers and their physical laboring is not marketable in current place and usually they do not get more than 2 days work in a week, but to present all these families members are jobless in mention area and they don't have income.

Food stocks in all HHs are not stocks and lasting more than one week and some families’ daily lunch and dinner depend on their daily wage labor and from their relative’s houses.


  • Provision of one month portion of food assistance for179families (in-kind or in cash).

(F) NFI: (provide detailed information about NFI items lost due to disasters/crises as well as what type of NFI is needed for how many families and when? NFI can include Cooking items, kitchen items, hygiene items, bedding, clothing, fuel etc.)

  • The families have left their NFIs Items in their original places because all these families were expelled in conflict crises in an urgent and emergency condition and have not brought 90% of their household goods and currently suffering from lack of kitchen, hygiene and bedding items.


Distribution of complete NFI kit (Blankets, kitchen and cooking kits, hygiene kit) or equal amount of cash for 179 families to address their needs in this sector. DACAAR is responsible to distribute emergency hygiene kits in-kind for 179 families.

(C) Shelter: (please provide detailed information about the status of shelter condition i.e. type of normal shelters, # of shelters moderately damaged, severely damaged and completed destroyed by crises. How many people live in open space, sheltered with host families, etc. What kind of shelter support/assistance is needed and for How many families). Are there land ownership issues?)

All these IDP families are living in, hosted houses,

There was no anyone to stay in open space or Tents .


No Shelter intervention is recommended by the assessment teams, as the IDP families prefer hosted houses.

Protection: (provide detailed information about protection issues, protection needs, PSN and EVIs (Female H, elderly HHs, child HH, chronically ill members, disable members) and provide precise recommendation regarding IPAs)

Assessment teams did not identify any PSN or IPA case or any other issue from protection point of view in this IDPs group.


No intervention is recommended.

(H) Health:(provide information about health issues, damaged/destroyed health facilities, current/available health facilities, access to health services and recommended assistance in this regards)

  • Assessment results show lesschronicle health issue, all the identified families haveaccess to public health service. Only there is need Hygiene messages to get all these families to take care of their personal health.


HE Message session with HE kits for all these 179Families.

(I ) MARKET ASSESSMENT: (provide summary information regarding the local market, accessibility, and security constrains and fill the table if an market assessment has been conducted)

Market is functioning in the assessed area,1-4 Km for away from their houses, Assessment team conducted market assessment in markets which are accessible for these families.

ITEM / Unit / Price AFN /Unit / Change in price?
(Yes/No/Increase since the displacement/Decreased)
Wheat Flour, White / Kg / 25 / No
Rice / Kg / 80 / No
Oil / Liter / 75 / No
Sugar / Kg / 60 / No
Salt / Kg / 25 / No
Mung Beans / kg / 75 / No
(from the cash tool) / 8000 Afs

(J) Other: provide detailed information about any other issue that is not covered above, this can include, security, infrastructure, coordination & assistance provided by others, problems encountered during the assessment, e etc)

No concern to be mentioned.

  1. Urgent Priority needs of affected people (as per affected point of view)

(Provide detailed information about top 3 priority needs of affected population as per the opinion of affected population and provide your recommendation how and when identified needs shall be addressed)

  • Provision of one month portion of food assistance for 179 families (in-kind or in cash).
  • Provision of Distribution of complete NFI kit (Blankets, kitchen and cooking kits, hygiene kit) or equal amount of cash for 179 families.
  • Provision of winterization assistance for all these 179 families.
  1. Annexes

(Please provide the database collected under the ERM household assessment in electronic form)

Report written by: Zabihullah Emergency Team Leader in CRO for DACAAR.

Date of writing: 30-Jan-2017

179FKapisa Province HEAT Survey ReportPage 1