VACANCY: Maternity cover for Dancefest Development Team Leader (Children)
1. Personal Details
Title: / Surname: / Forename:
Date of birth:
Telephone Numbers: Daytime (please supply only if you are happy for us to contact you on this)
Evening: / Mobile:
2. General Details
Please note that we will undertake an application for DBS disclosure or require an enhanced CRB certificate from successful applicants prior to confirming appointment.
Availability for interview: Are you able to attend an interview on the date detailed in the application pack?
Would you be able to start on the date stated?
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (amended): Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence which under the provisions of this act is not ‘spent’? YES / NO
If YES, please give details
How many days have you had off work through illness in the last 2 years?
3. References
Name and addresses of two people who may be contacted for a reference. N.B. At least one ofthe referees should be relevant to your current or most recent employment.
Name / Name
Job Title / Job Title
Occupation / Occupation
Address / Address
Tel No / Fax / Tel No / Fax
Email / Email
Can we contact them
prior to interview? / Yes No / Can we contact them
prior to interview? / Yes No
What is their
relationship to you? / What is their
relationship to you?
4. Education and Training
/Subject / Qualifications (State grades)
/Year taken
Secondary school(s):Further / Higher Education:
5. Other relevant skills eg dance styles taught, clean driving licence
6. Employment History
Please detail your most recent post first. If you need more spaces to describe your history please photocopy an additional page(s). If you would like to tell us about periods when you were not employed but feel may be relevant, please use one of the ‘job’ sections below.Name of Employer: / Joined (mth/yr):
Business type: / Left (mth/yr):
Reason(s) for leaving:
Position(s) held & brief description of responsibilities/duties:
Notice period from current position
Name of Employer: / Joined (mth/yr): 2001
Business type: / Left (mth/yr):
Reason(s) for leaving:
Position(s) held & brief description of responsibilities/duties:
Have you worked with volunteers?
/ Yes No
If yes, please give details:IT Experience(Please tick as applicable)
/Never Used1
OutlookApple Mail
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Any other relevant information:
7. Specific Information
Dancefestis committed to equal opportunities in all aspects of its work. All staff members must have a positive attitude towards equal opportunities and have or be prepared to gain knowledge in these matters. To what extent do you feel able to comply with this requirement?
8. Information in Support of your Application
Please use up to 2 sides of A4 to: /
- Explain why you have applied for the post
- Detail any experience and skills that demonstrate your ability to fulfil the job, with direct reference to the person specification for this vacancy
Please write your name and the job title on your attached sheet(s).
9. Declaration
I declare that the information on this form and the attached sheets is true and complete. I understand that if it is discovered that any statements are false or misleading I will be liable to have my application disqualified or to be dismissed from employment by Dancefest.
Under the Data Protection Act you have certain rights regarding the use of personal data. By signing this form you are giving your consent to Dancefestto process and verify the information you have provided.
Signed: / Date:
When completed, your application should be emailed to or posted to Rose Beeston, Director, Dancefest, the Angel Centre, Angel Place, Worcester, WR1 3QN
Application shortlisted? YES / NO if no, state reasons below: