Membership Application

Please print

Date: ______


(Do not list children’s name. If this is a family membership, list spouse’s or housemate’s name in parenthesis)

Street address ______


Telephone number______Telephone (cell)______

e-mail: ______Fax ______

Parent or legal guardian must complete the following for Junior Club members: I, ______do hereby approve of

______joining and participating in all United Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Club of America activities.

(name of Junior member(s)

Occupation: ______(optional) Kennel name and/or website (if applicable) ______

Do you own one or more UKC registered TRTs? Yes No

Dog Interests (circle those that apply): Conformation Obedience Agility Rally Therapy

Search & Rescue Weight Pull Other ______

Do you currently belong to (or have you previously belonged to) any other dog clubs? ______If “yes” please list clubs you have belonged to and any positions you have held:


List any special qualifications, abilities and interests you will bring to the Club: ______


Would you be interested in serving on a Committee? We encourage all members to actively participate in the Club.

Yes, sign me up for a Committee ______


______Single Membership $10.00 (Any person 18 years of age and over who subscribes to the conditions of membership and Constitution and Bylaws of the Club)

______Family Membership $15.00 (Two adults residing together at the same address that meet the requirements for single

membership, and any dependent children under the age of 18)

______Honorary Membership $00.00 (Any person in good standing or eligible for membership and approved by the Board of Directors)

______Junior Membership $00.00 (Individual 8 to 17 years of age)

Total amount enclosed: $ ______

(please make all checks payable to the United Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Club of America)


Signature Spouse’s Signature

Send completed Application and required fees to:


c/o Lesa Barnett, Secretary

8395 Wallace Tatum Rd

Cumming, Ga 30028



1.I will abide by the rules and regulations of the United Kennel Club, the Club’s Constitution and Bylaws, and the Club’s Code of Ethics.

2.I will, to the best of my ability, perform and complete all Club tasks I have agreed to accept.

3. I will, at all times, conduct myself in a manner that will reflect honorably upon myself, the United Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Club of America and the United Kennel Club. I will conduct myself in a professional, respectful manner when conversing or dealing with other Club members or the general public.

4. I will, at all times, exhibit good sportsmanship and encourage all others with whom I come in contact to do the same.

5. I will at all times try to be constructive and instructive in my dealings with other members and the general public.

6. I will refrain from any public criticism of other people’s dogs or their breeding program.

7.I will attempt to plan my breeding program so that it will improve the overall quality of the breed, both in health, breed qualities, temperament and conformation. I will refrain from breeding dogs until they reach maturity in both mind and body. If I offer my male at public stud I understand I have both the right and the responsibility to refuse to use my dog if I do not feel that breeding is in the best interest of the breed, and will explain to the owner of the bitch why I feel this way.

8. I will endeavor to learn my breed’s health problems as well as genetics involved in them in order to produce healthy animals. And to this end I will endeavor to breed only healthy animals, and if possible to breed animals that have been tested for any problems in that breed.

9. I will not knowingly sell any animals to wholesale “brokers,” pet stores or to anyone who sells to them.

10. I will refrain from releasing any puppy until it is at least eight (8) weeks old.

11. I will encourage the owners of pet quality puppies to spay or neuter them.

12. I will transfer all applicable registration papers to the buyer at the time the purchase agreement is completed and is agreeable to both the buyer and me.

13. Upon the sale of a dog/puppy I will provide the buyer with a properly executed Registration Certificate, diet record, an inoculation and parasite control record and a health guarantee.

14. I will attempt at all times to make my advertising as honest and factual as possible. I will not make false or misleading statements, or in any way misrepresent my dogs to be other than what I can verify as true.


By my signature on this document, I certify that I have read and understand the United Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Club of America Constitution, Bylaws and Code of Ethics. I agree to act in accordance with this Code of Ethics at all times. I understand that actions contrary to the Club’s Constitution and Bylaws, and Code of Ethics may be grounds for expulsion from the Club.

Print or type name:


Spouse or housemate’s name:

______Signature ______

Date: ______