Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Noon – 1:30 p.m. January 21, 2011

WSBA Offices

To participate remotely:

·  Please email or call 206.794.5585 and leave a message that you want to appear remotely

·  Phone: before the meeting call 1-888-346-3659, code 5016527

·  Skype: contact beyondthecourthouse (beta-test)

1)  Introductions/Roll Call

X / Alan Alhadeff / X / Anamaria Gil / Courtland Shafer
Hon. Robert Alsdorf / X / Rina Goodman / Joshua Sundt
X / Mark Baumann / X / Will Herbert / Lish Whitson
X / David Black / Sherman Knight / Guests:
X / Jeff Bean / X / Paul McVicker / X / Paris Seabrook, WSBA
X / Joy Eckwood, WSBA

a)  Joy Eckwood, WSBA Section Leaders Liaison

Joy introduced herself. Joy is our Section’s new “Go-To” person. Joy welcomes all communications from section members. Procedural note: If an issue requires Jeff’s approval as chair, than Joy will need to talk with Jeff.

Paris introduced herself as well. Each section will have two liaisons, herself and Joy. They will be adding an administrative assistant shortly, so there will be a three person-team working with our section.

Welcome Joy and Paris!

2)  Minutes

a)  October 2010 – Minutes adopted.

b)  November 2010 – Minutes adopted.

c)  December 2010 – Not ready for adoption.

3)  Information

a)  WSBA Sections staff requested, on behalf of The International Practice Section, and Jeff approved, emailing our section members about their annual Foreign Lawyers Reception this year on January 27, 2011 at Williams Kastner in Seattle.

b)  Paul McVicker is succeeding Courtland Shafer as Chair of the Legislative Committee. Thanks to Courtland for stepping up these past years.

Thank you Paul and Courtland!

c)  December 30, 2010, letter from Steve Toole, WSBA President, and Paula Littlewood, Exec Director, to Jeff Bean, ADR Section Chair, advising of appointment of Stephen Crossland, President-Elect, as BOG’s liaison to ADR Section:

“The primary purpose in establishing a liaison relationship with each section is to ensure a direct connection to the Board of Governors for various issues and needs that may arise. Among other support, your BOG liaison can provide input regarding potential section recommendations to the Board of Governors and serve as a resource for various issues addressed by the section.”

4)  Consent Agenda


5)  Modifications to Agenda


6)  Reports

a)  Chair. Committee members’ terms, Annual Workplan.

Jeff will be collecting information on when Board Members started. We now have term limits and need to collect that information. Jeff will circulate a roster.

Work plan: recruitment, ADR conference at end of April.

b)  Treasurer. See November Financial Summary. See Minutes & Financials page for older reports and budget.

c)  Membership. 370 members as of December 29, 2010. Down by 25 from November’s 395. See Executive Committee group homepage for latest membership list and Section Membership List Archive for older lists.

Current membership lists are not showing bar numbers anymore. Jeff is looking into whether that information can be added back to the membership list.

d)  Legislative Committee: UCLA.

Paul will be attending a meeting next Thursday at WSBA at 3:00 p.m. Anybody interested in this subject is invited.

e)  Report on Interim E-Votes: none

7)  Business

a)  201101-1: Northwest Dispute Resolution Conference (Discussion)

Fund-raising for the Northwest Dispute Resolution Conference begins in earnest. What can we do to help? There’s a specific Mediation Advocacy Track of workshops in the conference this year – how can we leverage this development to benefit both the conference and the section?

Update. The planning committee for the next NDRC met yesterday. Two key issues were fundraising and the new mediation advocacy track. Kathleen Wareham will be distributing a list of sponsors from last year. Jeff will distribute the list so that we can look at it and see if ExComm members can help with making sponsorship solicitation calls. The Mediation advocacy track will be featured. Topics will include: Planning for mediation, Why the Joint Session is Important for the Advocate, Negotiating Tips and Strategies for Effective Mediation, Closing the Deal and Mediation Ethics. If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can incorporate some of these ideas into our annual meeting, please see Rina.

b)  201011-2: Follow-up to Executive Committee Retreat (Discussion/Action)
See Retreat Redux discussion.

If we were to have an extra day, what do you want to discuss. Discussion re: whether ExComm should meet for a second retreat. Jeff will send an e-mail to raise the issue with ExComm members.

c)  201010-4: Remote Attendance at ExecComm Meetings – Dave

ExComm tested Skype to encourage greater meeting participation when ExComm members are unable to travel downtown for meetings. Perhaps we will need a better microphone.

d)  201101-3: Website Membership – Dave (Discussion)
Open-up our website to non-members of the section? See Website Membership discussion.

Motion by Dave: Open Website to non-section members. Rina Seconded.
Approved: / All
Opposed: / 0 / Passed: / YES

8)  Adjourn (1:43 pm)(minutes prepared by Anamaria Gil, Reed McClure)
