Prior Written Notice
Granting IEE
Parent’s Name
Re: Student’s Name; Date of Birth
Dear Mr./Mrs. ______:
In accordance with the provisions of the IDEA and its implementing regulations at 34 C.F.R. Part 300.503, this letter shall serve as prior written notice by ______Independent School District (“District”) regarding your request that the District fund an Independent Educational Evaluation (“IEE”) in the area of ______.
On or about ______, you notified the District that you disagreed with the ______assessment dated ______. You indicated that your disagreement was based on ______. The District hereby grants your request for an IEE in the area of ______in accordance with the District’s IEE guidelines.
The District considered denying your request and requesting a hearing to prove its assessment is appropriate. In making the determination to grant your request, the District considered all available and relevant information, including but not limited to information provided to the ARD committee by educator, educational service providers and assessors, and the student’s parents. Additionally, the District considered available and relevant assessment information, and other information it possesses concerning the student. The District granted your request for an IEE so that additional evaluative information may be obtained which may be useful in programming to meet the educational needs of the student. Options for an independent evaluator include a qualified private evaluator or a qualified evaluator employed by another school district.
Enclosed is a copy of the District’s List of Qualified Independent Educational Evaluators in the area of , the Independent Educational Evaluations Minimum Qualifications for Evaluators, Independent Educational Evaluation Criteria, and Notice of Procedural Safeguards. Please contact me as soon as you have identified your preferred evaluator so that we may discuss your selection and, provided the evaluator meets the District’s criteria, make the necessary arrangements for the evaluation.
Finally, please be advised that the parents of a child with a disability have the protection of parental rights and procedural safeguards under the IDEA. A copy of those safeguards is enclosed. The sources you may contact to obtain assistance in understanding the provisions of the procedural safeguards are:
Name Position Telephone Number
You may also obtain information about parental rights, procedural safe guards and special education issues from the Special Education Information Center (“SEIC”).
Website: www.spedtex.org
Telephone: 1-855-773-3839
If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to call me ______.
Very truly yours,
Enclosure: List of Qualified Independent Educational Evaluators in the area of ______
Independent Educational Evaluations Minimum Qualification for Evaluator
Independent Educational Evaluation Criteria
Notice of Procedural Safeguards
cc: Student Special Education File
©Region 4 Education Service Center 2015 Form D: PWN—Grant IEE
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