NAACCR Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Biannual Board Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2014 at 11:30 AM ET and 10:30 AM CT
Present:John Fulton, Jack Finch, Antoinette Stroup, Ron Dewar, Iris Zachary, Annie MacMillan, Linda Muul.
NAACCR Staff:Jim Hofferkamp, Recinda Sherman, Betsy Kohler
Absent:John Morgan, Suzanne Hornbeck, Vivien Chen,Martin Whiteside, Cynthia O’Malley,
A quorum was present.
Agenda Items
- John welcomed everyone and a quorum was established for the meeting.
- A special welcome was given to our new members (Annie Macmillan, and Iris Zachary).
- Recinda Sherman was introduced as a new NAACCR staff member, Program Manager of Data Use and Research. She will be working with Jim to support the activities of the NAACCR IRB
- John gave a detailed description of how the IRB process works with NAACCR: Proposals receive an initial review by the CINA Research Proposal Reviewers Work Group (RaPR) that is currently chaired by Xiao-Cheng Wu. If approved, the submitting researcher is asked to complete series of forms for review by the IRB. Once the paperwork is submitted to the NAACCR, the forms are sent to the Chair of the IRB for review of the submission.
- The IRB Chair gets first refusal on all submissions.
- If the IRB Chair does not choose to review the submission, the proposal is assigned to an IRB Member.
- Currently, essentially all the current proposals will be “exempt”. All studies using CINA deluxe will be exempt.
- John noted that new members must complete Basic Certification in Protecting Human Research Participantstraining. Training options include:
- Option 1: complete basic human protection training required at home university
- Option 2: use NIH training
- John proposed implementing a new policy that all new members should complete training in their first year and that continuing members should complete the training every 3 years. Members would need to provide a certificate that says they have completed a basic training course in protecting human research. This could be from a home university or from the NIH Training module.
- Currently the only current certificate we have on file is for Iris Zachary. John asked that all members either submit or re-submit current specifics. Send certificate to Recinda ().
- Expedited IRB Reviews
- The Board reviewed the provided list of IRB reviews conducted since April 2013. 1 IRB review was conducted as below
IRB Application No. & Name / Project Title / Submission Date / Approval Date / Approved As
13-09 Joannie Lortet-Tieulent / The burden of cancer in the USA in 2012 by race/ethnicity / 11/21/13 / 1/10/14 / Exempt
- Pending Review
- The Board reviewed the pending reviews. One review is pending with Dr. Fulton: 13-05 Xuesong Han (ACS)—updated proposal, add 2011 and study to extend to 10/1/2015
- Annual progress reports - all are ongoing.
- The Board reviewed the provided list of ongoing projects
IRB Application No. & Name / Project Title / Status / Changes to the Protocol / Expected Completion Date
05-13 Lisa Paddock (NJ) / Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM): differences in epidemiology between US adults and children, 1995-2002 / Not Completed / None / 12/2014
11-07 Ge Lin (Nebraska) / Comparing surveillance methods using county level incidence data in the United States / Not Complete / None / 6/31/14
11-05 Angela Mariotto (NCI) / Estimating complete prevalence by state/county / Not Complete / None / 12/31/2013
11-04 Denise Lewis (NCI) / Hodgkin lymphoma incidence in the United States by age, race, and ethnicity / Not Complete / None / 12/31/2014
11-02 Samuel Lesko (PA) / Comparison of cancer incidence and mortality for rural vs urban counties in Pennsylvania and rural United States / Not Complete / None / 3/31/2014
12-05 Jonathan Kish (NCI) / Priorities for cervical cancer control based on disparities in race, social position, screening, vaccination, incidence, and mortality / Not Complete / None / 1/1/2015
12-04 Qingzhao Yu (LA) / Weighting method to handle missing values in estimating tumor stage distribution in population-based cancer registration / Not Complete / None / 8/9/2014
12-03 Jeannette Jackson-Thompson (MO) / Analysis of ethnic disparities in colon cancer suggests a potential need for early colon cancer screening in Asians living in the USA / Not Complete / None / 6/30/2014
13-02 Sherman & Yang (NCI) / Trends of hormone related-female cancer incidence in relation to changing patterns of menopausal hormone therapy in the United States / Annual review forms pending / Annual review forms pending / Annual review forms pending
13-01 Yang &Sherman (NCI) / Ovarian cancer mortality and survival trends in relation to changing patterns of menopausal hormone therapy in the United States / Not Complete / None / Waiting for special survival data to be available in Fall; not started
- The next meeting will be held in October 2014.
Institutional Review Board Biannual Minutes April 11, 2014 1