St. Joseph Church
Stewardship Opportunities
Altar and Rosary Society - Their mission is to bring the women of the Parish into closer harmony, to increase the spiritual life of the women, to help care for the altar and sanctuary and to help share the upkeep of the same. The meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, September thru May (except December and March) at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall beginning with the recitation of the rosary. Please join us. Each one of us has been given special gifts. Come and share yours with us. For further information contactCarole Kmetz 419-798-1274 or Eileen Schumaker 419-702-7042.
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Adult Study Groups –There are 3 that meet in the parish. For more information contact Carol Arntz at 419-798-4177 extension 303 or .
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Blood pressure screening - Is held after weekend Masses on the first weekend of the month. For more information or if you would like to help, contact American Red Cross (419-734-1100).
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Catechist–This can be very rewarding and spiritually uplifting. Religious education is held on Mondays from 6:15-7:30pm for grades K-6. Grades 7-12 meet on Wednesdays from 7:00 – 8:30 PM. Contact Carol Arntz at the parish office 419-798-4177 extension 303 or e-mail at .
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Cemetery Committee - Oversees all aspects of S. Joseph Cemetery. Memorial Day Mass is celebrated at 8:30AM on Memorial Day. An All Souls Day service is held in early November. For information or questions contactTina Burris (419-732-0909) or the Parish Office 419-798-4177.
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Choir – Participates at 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday and various other liturgical services. Call Ron Ossovicki at 419-798-4177 extension 302 for more information.
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Collection counter - Assists with counting weekend collections Monday mornings and holyday and special collections as needed.If you are interested in helping call Chris Molyet at the Parish Office 419-798-4177 extension 301 or .
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Facility Maintenance Committee - Members identify and recommend maintenance, repair and improvement projects needed to keep the buildings in first class physical condition.Please contact Fr. Jim at 419-798-4177, extension 309.
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Finance Council - Is an advisory group to the pastor that assists him in the administration of the parish goods according to the norms of canons 1281-1288. Members are appointed by the pastor to ensure that the parish operates with financial integrity and within its financial resources.For information contact Fr. Jimat 419-798-4177 extension 309 or chairman Chris Burba at 419-494-4334.
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Knights of Columbus Council 12224 - Is a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit society that has over 12,000 Councils with 1.7 million members in 12 countries.Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 PM. If you are interested in joining or becoming a member of the council please call Grand KnightTom Kubat at 419-734-7689.
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Liturgy Commission - Meets once a month to review, study and develop liturgy for the parish worship services. They also oversee various liturgical ministries. For more information contact Ron Ossovicki at the Parish Office 419-798-4177 extension 302.
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Liturgical Ministers consist of : Altar Server _____Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion _____
Lector ______Usher _____Please call the office for more information (419-798-4177).
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St. Joseph Church
Stewardship Opportunities
Outreach Committee- Assists parishioners who need short term help. This is done by bringing Holy Communion, driving someone to church services,contacting someone by phone, making and delivering a meal, doing shopping or transporting to an appointment, or minor one time home repair or yard maintenance. If you, a family member or friend need assistance, please call the church office 419-798-4177.
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Parish Pastoral Council - Is a body of the lay faithful who are members in good standing in the parish. Their role is advisory to the Pastor and they, "along with those who share in the pastoral care of the parish in virtue of their office, give their help in fostering pastoral activity." (cf. Canon 536) They do this through prayer, gathering information, reflection, evaluation and formulation of pastoral plans that will affect the appropriate ministries for the viability and vitality of the parish community and its service to the People of God.For more information contact Fr. Jim at 419-798-4177 extension 309.
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Prayer chain -The St. Joseph Prayer Chain consists of several devoted members of our parish who faithfully pray for our parishioners, their families and friends upon request. Prayer requests may be made by calling Fran Whitney at 419-732-2440 or by writing in the Prayer Petition Book in Church.
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RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) Team – Being a member of the RCIA team is for those people interested in welcoming new Catholics into the Catholic faith on Sunday morning from 9:30 -11:30 AM in the Ministry Center through hospitality, spiritual formation and teaching the Catholic faith. If you are interested, contact Carol Arntz at the parish office at 419-798-4177 extension 303 or e-mail at .
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Religious Education Commission - Plans and guides religious education opportunities for all members of St. Joseph Parish by developing faith, nourishing the Christian life and continually unfolding the mystery of Christ. For additional information contact Carol Arntz at the Parish Office 419-798-4177 extension 303 or at .
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Respect Life– “The promotion of the culture of life should be the highest priority in our society...If the right to life is not defended decisively as conditions for all other rights of the person, all other references to human rights remain deceitful and illusory.” Pope John Paul II. The St. Joseph Respect Life Ministry promotes life from conception to natural death.Call Pat Sumen, 419-734-9198.
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Rev. August Schaefer Trustees - Assists the pastor in perpetuating and upholding the religious and charitable work of the Diocese of Toledo and in particular of St. Joseph Parish by holding, investing and administering The Fund’s assets for the benefit of St. Joseph Parish and parishes and Catholic institutions in the Diocese of Toledo. For additional informationcall the Parish Office 419-798-4177 for Fr. Jimextension 309 or ask for extension 326.
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Sacristy care cleaner - This group is designated to keeping our church sanctuary and sacristies clean and neat. We have many good "Martha’s and Mark’s" but we still could use more helpers. The cleaningtakes only one hour, every 6 months. ContactChris Molyet at the Parish Office, 419-798-4177 extension301,if you are able to help.
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Stewardship Committee - Develops and implements Stewardship and Parish Tithing process efforts for St. Joseph. They assist with welcoming, time and talent process and education of parishioners. For additional information; contact Eileen Schumaker at the Parish Office 419-798-4177 extension 304 or at .
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Vacation Bible School helper-Vacation Bible School is held for a week in July.If you are interested in helping, please contactDeb Miller at 419-798-5598 or at .
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For further information visit our web site: Phone Number is: 419-798-4177
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