Cale Green Primary School
Year 2 Theme 2 – Overview
Passport to Pakistan
Our first topic Flickering Flames and Rascal Ratshas now come to an end and the children really enjoyed learning about the Fire and Plague. We now move onto our next topic called Passport to Pakistan.
Tomb Raiders
This topic is all about comparing two different locations in UK and Pakistan.
English Link up
We will be learning about traditional tales from both the UK and Pakistan and looking at the common features of them. The children will be writing their own version of a traditional tale. We will also be looking at writing non-chronological reports about some of the wild life in Pakistan and learning about the features of non-fiction text.
We have now started to teach our discreet daily phonics lessons. During these lessons your child will learn to read and write common words. They will also learn new sounds to help them when reading and writing of unfamiliar words. Your child should have a Phonics diary which on a weekly basis will have new sounds stuck in it. Please can you ensure that your child/children do practise spelling these words as well as reading them.
Maths Link up
We will be continuing to develop our maths skills looking at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will be learning to tell the time and solving simple time problems.
Children will continue to master key number facts such as times table facts through regular practice at home and at school. By the end of year 2 all children are expected to know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
There will be a focus on problem solving which will be linked to everyday situations and our topic work.
Cross Curricular Links
We will be using maps and globes to locate places around the world and identify the seven continents. There is a large Design and Technology element to this topic and the children will be designing and making a shirt for the class puppet to wear to Pakistan.
Special Class Events
Physical Education
P.E will be on Monday and Friday to begin with. Please ensure that your child has a suitable P.E kit in school, for both indoor and outdoor P.E lessons, and wears no jewellery on P.E. days.Shorts are needed for gymnastics lessons.
Homework folders will be given out on Monday. The children will have spellings to copy and learn, along with a number factssheet to complete weekly. Additional homework will sometimes be set linked to the theme or for handwriting practice. The completed homework folder is due back into school every Friday.
Children should be reading as often as possible. Please try and aim to hear your child read at least 4-5 times a week and then make a note of this in your child’s reading record.
Please remember to encourage your child to use this strategy for learning spellings- Look / Say/ Cover / Write / Check.
The children will be given a phonics book. It is essential that every Friday this book is in school as a new set of sounds will be stuck in for the following week to be learnt. With each sound there will be a list of words which have the sound in them. Your child will need to be able to spell as well as read these words.
To help support your child’s learning over the course of this theme, there are several websites, listed below, which you could explore with them:
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Please find me on the playground after school.
Ms Ingham