Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram


The Hertzsprung–Russell diagram is a graph of stars showing the relationship between the stars' absolute magnitudes or brightness versus their temperatures (colors). Hertzprung-Russell diagrams are not maps of the locations of the stars. Hertzsprung–Russell diagrams are also referred to by the abbreviation H-R diagram. The diagram was created around 1910 by Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell and represents a major step towards an understanding of stellar evolution or "the lives of stars". adapted from Wikipedia.com


1.  Log on to a computer and open Excell.

2.  Open the file “HR Diagram” in the given folder.

3.  Use the data below to fill in the temperature and magnitude for each star.

4.  Highlight the temperature and magnitude cells

5.  Click on the chart wizard icon and follow the steps below.

Step 1 of 4
Choose “XY (Scatter)
Click Next / Step 2 of 4
Click Next / Step 3 of 4
Titles: Label the Title, X axis, and Y axis.
Legend: Click off “Show Legend”
Click Next / Step 4 of 4
Choose “As new sheet”
Click Finish

6.  Double click the gray “Plot Area” and change the Area color to white.

7.  Double click the X axis. Choose the “Scale” tab. Set the “Minimum value to 0 and the Maximum value to 22,000. Check the “Values in reverse order” box. Choose the Patterns tab. Change “Tick mark lables” to “High” and “Minor tick marks” to “cross”.

8.  Double click the Y axis. Choose the “Scale” tab. Set the “Minimum value to -10 and the Maximum value to 15. Check the “Values in reverse order” box. Change “Value axis Crosses at” to 15.

9.  Add a text box with your name.

10.  Print a copy for each person in grayscale. [15]


1.  The stars you plotteed are grouped into four main clusters: Main Sequence Stars, Red Giants, Supergiants, and White Dwarfs. Circle and lable each group. [4]

2.  All stars will eventually burn up their fuel. A medium main sequence star will then become a red giant and then a whitye dwarf. Using your chart and graph give a name of each type of star. Label these stars on your graph. [3]

Medium Main Sequence Star / Red Giant / White Dwarf

3.  Our Sun has a temperature of 5,750 0C and an absolute magnitude of 4.9. Plot and label it on the graph. As the Sun dies it will go through certain stages. Draw a line on your graph showing the changes the Sun will take as it runs out of fuel. [2]

4.  Label Betelgeuse and Antares on your graph. Which is further along in its evolution? How can you tell? [3]

Conclusion: [10]

Claim: What is the relationship between the temperature and brightness of main sequence stars?

Evidence: Give three examples that support your claim.

Interpretation: How does this relate to something you learned in class?

Star / Temperature Celcius / Absolute Magnitude / Star / Temperature Celcius / Absolute Magnitude
Bellatrax / 18,000 / -2 / Formalhaut / 8,500 / 2
Capella / 6,000 / -0.6 / Betelgeuse / 3,200 / -5.5
Regulus / 12,000 / -0.6 / Altair / 7,750 / 2.2
Pollux / 4,650 / 0.8 / Procyon / A / 6,500 / 2.6
Spica / 19,500 / -2 / Alpha / Centauri A / 5,750 / 4.4
Arcturus / 4,500 / -0.3 / Ross / 248 / 2,500 / 14.7
Beta / Centauri / 21,000 / -3 / Sirius / B / 8,100 / 11.4
Aldebaran / 3,900 / -0.2 / Tau / Ceti / 4,750 / 5.7
Achernar / 16,500 / -3 / Procyon / B / 6,500 / 13.1
Beta / Tauri / 12,000 / -2 / Epsilon / Eridani / 4,500 / 6.1
Beta / Crucis / 21,000 / -4.6 / Epsilon / Indi / 4,250 / 7
Alpha / Crucis / 19,500 / -4 / Cygni / A / 3,800 / 7.5
Vega / 9,750 / 0.5 / Cygni / B / 3,700 / 8
Rigel / 12,250 / -6.8 / Alpha / Centauri B / 3,900 / 5.8
Castor / 9,250 / 0.9 / Kapteyn's / Star / 3,400 / 11.2
Deneb / 9,000 / -6.9 / Lacaille / 8760 / 3,200 / 8.8
Beta / Carinae / 9,750 / -0.4 / Lacaille / 21185 / 3,000 / 10.5
Canopus / 7,100 / -3.1 / Barnard's / Star / 2,600 / 13.2
Sirius / A / 9,250 / 1.5 / Ross / 614A / 2,500 / 13.3
Antares / 3,300 / -4.5 / Kruger / 60B / 2,500 / 13.4