Yearly PhD progress report

Personal information

First name: / Family name:
Phone (office): / e-mail:
Enrolment number:


Specify the faculty. Some [L1]faculties demand some faculty-specific information (*). See the template(s) included at the end of this document.

☐ ES / ☐ GF / ☐ IR*
☐ LK / ☐ LW / ☐ PE
☐RC / ☐ WE*


Doctoral School

☐ DSh(Human Sciences)
☐ NSE(Natural Sciences and (Bioscience) Engineering)
☐ LSM(Life Sciences and Medicine)

PhD degree:

See appendix for possible PhDs

PhD trajectory

Title of the PhD research:

Joint or double PhD: yes/no

Date of first enrolment (month + year):

Target date public defense:


First name:

Last name:


Research group:

Other supervisors (if applicable):

Abstract of the PhD Research

Short description of the objectives of the PhD research (max. 500 words)

Progress of the PhD

Academic year of progress report:20… – 20...

Progress and results

Short description of the progress of the PhD research work during the past year (max. 2000 words) + the progress in the planning compared to last year (if applicable)

Tentative work plan

The planning for the upcoming year(s) (max. 500 words) with concrete milestones

The research steps and time you expect to need to finalise your PhD thesis

Specific problems to report

Problems of any nature can be reported here; for example long absence due to disease or pregnancy, or major setback due to technical problems (equipment or others), anything that could have an impact on your progress.

Research output

Published publications and presentations from the start of the PhD research (R&D-Pure database)

The research output of accepted publications needs to be extractedfrom the R&D-Pure database.
Login on select “Personal > Research output > My research output“, and “Sort by ↑ Type”.
Afterwards download the publication list in Word format in APA style.
Number of publications for each type and restart numbering for each category.
Include thispublication listhere.

If it is not possible to extract the info from PURE please insert your published publications and presentations here anyway in an orderly fashion.

Accepted or submitted publications under review (not yet included in R&D-Pure database)

Author(s) / Title of publication / Journal/ type and date of the conference

Research activities

(extraction from PURE or portfolio)

Granted PhD scholarships (granted by IWT, FWO,…)

Specify the period and the type of scholarship

International mobility / stays abroad

International stay at a conference, in a research center or a certified lab.

Theme / context / subject of the probation term / Place / research center/institution/lab / Period


Award Name / Awarding Organization / Date

Logistic tasks

List the logistic tasks that you are responsible for (member of commissions, boards, sit-ins, open-door days, contacts with industry, research contracts …) within your department / faculty.

Educational tasks

Teaching at Bachelor and Master level

Course title / Titular / Assignment / contribution / Level Ba/Ma / Date/period

Contribution at teaching/training at workshops/PhD workshops/seminars

Course title / Titular / Assignment / contribution / Date/period

Supervising Master theses

Student / Thesis title / Promotion Year

Regular Courses (including pre-doc courses) & Seminars

List of regular university courses followed successfully since the beginning of your PhD. Only the courses followed after the master diploma are included. This includes also the courses followed in the context of pre-doctoral examinations.

Tip: use the print overview of your PhD Portfolio to include your courses

Title / Code / Coordinator/Teacher / Organizers / Institute / Date/period / Credits

PhD guidance committee (for PhD students started in 2015,2016,2017)

Members (min. 1 member external to the department/university)

PhD guidance [L2]committees are obligatory at the VUB(Article 20.1 algemeen reglement):

“Iedere doctorandus wordt daarnaast eveneens begeleid door een begeleidingscommissie, welke bestaat uit de promotor(en) zoals gedefinieerd in artikel 19 en ten minste één ander lid dat in principe houder is van het diploma van doctor op proefschrift en bij voorkeur extern aan de vakgroep/onderzoeksgroep/VUB.”

Please indate at least 1 member that is willing to be part of the PhD guidance committee.

In the future, the committee should evaluate the progress of the student yearly (preferentially in the 3 months before this report). Ideally, this would happen during a small meeting during which the promotor and the member(s) are updated on this progress by the PhD student by means of a short presentation (20 min.) and a small Q&A session/discussion. The committee will write a small report about the progress, that can added as a PDF to the annual report in the future and referred to in the section below. A PDF version of the presentation (i.e. the slides) can in the future also replace/supplement the currently written “Progress of the PhD” part.

Optional (in 2017): Evaluation, comments and advice of the guidance committee

If your guidance committee evaluated the progress of the PhD project in the past 3 months, please indicate the date and the comments of the committee. If the committee has only been appointed recently and no meeting has been organized at the writing of this annual report, you can either leave this field empty or, if time permits, have the committee members evaluate only the written text of this annual report and they can write their comments or advice in this section

Advice and approval of the supervisor(s)

Will there be funding available for this PhD to continue next year? yes/no

If yes, which type of funding (e.g. FWO, VUB, EU, …), and until when?

Supervisor(s) recommendation for re-enrollment as a PhD student:

Positive recommendation for re-enrollment

Positive recommendation for re-enrollment, but with the points for improvement specified below

Negative recommendation for re-enrollment

Recommendation for re-enrollment postponed (e.g. in case of incomplete file; can be changed into a positive recommendation during the second examination period, if the points for improvement specified below are taken care of)

Evaluation, comments and advice of the promotor

The evaluation of the PhD progress by the promotor(s) is mandatory. Please add points for improvement or motivate negative recommendation

Remediation plan

The steps, planning and decision criteria used when reevaluating the (negative) advice. If none, please indicate “none”

Date & Signature promotor(s)

The signature of the supervisor(s) is/aremandatory!

Sign off by PhD candidate

I, the PhD candidate, discussed the advice and the (optional) remediation plan with my supervisor(s).

Submission date

Signature PhD candidate

Declaration obligatory part doctoral[L3] program

Based on the yearly progress report, both the promotors and the PhD students declare that the following obligatory parts of the compulsory part of the doctoral school program are complete:

☐the writing of at least one scientific publication at an international level or a similar achievement at an international level.

☐giving at least one oral or poster presentation at an international scientific conference.

☐giving at least two seminars, either about his/her own research, or on a more general theme.

☐following at least one seminar series or course component specifically organized for PhD researchers.

☐following the courses component ‘Scientific integrity for starting PhDs’ during the first year of the doctoral program.
This course component is mandatory for PhD researchers whose doctoral period started during or after the 2016-2017 academic year.

Signature of the promotor(s) Signature PhD candidate

Appendix to yearly PhD progress report

List of possible PhDs

Doctorate in Applied Economics

Doctorate in Applied Economics : Business Engineer

Doctorate in Archeology and Art

Doctorate in Bioscience Engineering

Doctorate in Communication Studies

Doctorate in Criminology

Doctorate in Dentistry

Doctorate in Economics

Doctorate in Educational Sciences

Doctorate in Educational Sciences (Adult Educational Sciences)

Doctorate in Engineering Sciences

Doctorate in Gerontology

Doctorate in History

Doctorate in Interdisciplinary Studies

Doctorate in Language and Literature : Germanic Languages

Doctorate in Language and Literature : Romance Languages

Doctorate in Law

Doctorate in Linguistics

Doctorate in Medical Sciences

Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Doctorate in Philosophy and Ethics

Doctorate in Physical Education and Movement Sciences

Doctorate in Political Sciences

Doctorate in Psychology

Doctorate in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy

Doctorate in Sciences

Doctorate in Social Health Sciences

Doctorate in Social Sciences : Sociology

Doctorate in the Human Ecology

Doctorate of Arts

Doctor in Linguistics

Yearly progress report - 1


Throughout the text, the italic grey text is explanatory. This text can be deleted once you have completed the fields.

Please also delete this comment and make sure that all track changes and/or comments,due to editing of the fields, are removed before submitting the text.




[L3]This section is for the central PhD office to evaluate at which point during their PhD training, students achieve this minimal set of requirements.