ROTARY INDUCTION: Robert & Sherry Lawson
Fellow members and guests…… today it is my privilege to welcome our newest members into the world of Rotary and likewise as new members into our club.
I’ll ask Marilyn Brooks to bring Robert & Sherry Lawson forward and introduce them to you.
I hope this moment is, for all of you, as full of celebration - and commitment as it is for me. As your charter president, I can tell you that right from day one when we began our weekly meetings in 2004… I envisioned having members represented in our club from our First Nations community of Rama. Over the past few years, I began to wonder if that dream would ever come true.
As you all know, each year, as Rotarians we subscribe to various international themes established by the President of Rotary International. In 2006-07 our theme was Lead the Way. I thought that maybe we could lead the way by attracting some native members. Didn’t happen. Then in 2007-08 our theme was Rotary Shares. Maybe this would be the year that we could share Rotary with our native friends and neighbours through membership… Nada.
Then in 2008-09 our theme was Make Dreams Real. I thought “This is a sign of things to come.” It was always my Rotary dream to see our club build on our diversity with native members. I confess that I did not make “my” dream real that year either.
And of course last year’s theme “The future of Rotary is in your hands” took the heat off me to achieve my own dream… and placed it on the shoulders of all members. And Marilyn Brooks has taken that theme literally and she has proposed Sherry & Robert Lawson for membership. I hope your induction today is the first of many within our district to welcome native leaders into Rotary. Diversity is a key element in the development of any Rotary Club and having a native leader join our club is helping to weave the fabric of our Rotary Club to truly represent the communities we serve.
I know I speak for all members when I say how proud we are to have representatives of so many different groups within our own small membership.
This year’s theme in Rotary is Building Communities & Bridging Continents. We are building communities right here at home. We have bridged continents through various exchange programs and humanitarian initiatives and we continue to do so.
We have so many different talents… skills… backgrounds… interests… and ways of looking at things in our club… we are getting much closer to representing the entire community we serve.
Ok… so enough with my sermon on diversity and Rotary themes. Lets get on with the task at hand, which is to accept Sherry & Robert Lawson into Rotary.
So Sherry & Robert?... Now is a time to reflect on why Rotary is such a unique organization, and how your life may be enhanced by being a member of Rotary.
Rotary is not a political organization but Rotarians are concerned with good citizenship and the importance of public service.
Rotary is not a religious organization but is built on principles that have served as a moral compass for people around the world and throughout the ages.
In 30,000 clubs throughout 160 countries around the world there are over a million men and women—business and professional leaders, who come together with a common goal of service to their own communities and to impact on international humanitarian issues.
Rotarians are known for their high ethical standards… respect for the dignity of all vocations… and the application of the ideal of service in their personal, business and community lives.
Through Rotary, you can bring about quality of life changes within your Community…. youcan develop your leadership skills through committee work and club projects…. And you can advance your network of contacts while enjoying fellowship activities.
You can involve yourself in those club activities which interest you most—youth programs, environmental initiatives, literacy & educational programs, community service needs and club administration to name a few. Internationally we promote goodwill and peace and the relief of famine and disease.
Rotary has been described as the greatest non-governmental influence for peace in the world.
You are also encouraged to always keep an eye open for other individuals who could add to our fabric and to the effectiveness of this organization. As you become more knowledgeable through participation, we hope you will share Rotary by proposing someone else for membership.
Rotary binds us together by the simple belief that all of humanity is our business; and by the deep satisfaction that comes from putting this conviction into action the world over.
Becoming a Rotarian makes you a part of the oldest, most international, most admired and most emulated service club on the planet.
Becoming a member of the Rotary Club of Washago & Area - Centennial signals this club’s recognition and confidence in you as people who are willing and able to take a leadership role in this Club and who have already taken a leadership role in thisand other communities.
From today… you are trusted colleagues and I know every member looks forward to working with you and getting to know you better.
From today… you will be people who stand for Rotary’s timeless principles expressed in THE FOUR WAY TEST and our motto….”SERVICE ABOVE SELF…”
From today… The Rotary Club of Washago & Area - Centennial calls on your energy and your creativity. And in return, your fellow members commit to you that they will go out of their way to make you feel welcome and at homewhile participating in district events, international service initiatives,local & native community service… and fund raising projects. To assist in getting to know your fellow members better we encourage you to get involved in these important aspects of Rotary.
As last year’s president of Rotary International, John Kenny said, “If Service is the foundation stone of all Rotary, then fellowship is the mortar that binds it.”
And sometime in the near future you will be invited to be the speaker at one of your weekly meetings to talk about your own background and your classification.
Your induction brings our club membership to 21, which means you now have 20 new best friends.
Sometime in the future you may be invited to let your name be nominated for the Board of Directors.
Membership in Rotary operates subject to a classification system.... and Robert? Your classification is Electrician – Retired and Sherry? Your classification is Library Coordinator. You are recognized as leaders in each of your respective vocations.
We are very pleased that you have accepted the invitation for membership in Rotary and we all look forward to your attendance at our weekly meetings. We have a saying in Rotary and it goes like this… “Welcome to Rotary… Things go better when you’re here!”
I'll now ask Marilyn to present you with your Rotary pin which shows that you are a Rotarian and would ask that you wear it daily with pride. Also included are your membership certificates, Four Way Test, and Declaration of Rotarians.
So fellow members?... Welcome to the World of Rotary. You are now the newest Rotarians in the world. Please accept the congratulations of President Janet and the club.
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