Student-Initiated Course Application
University of Miami

Student Government

Completed applications are due to the Student Government Office

On The Second Floor of the Student Activities Center

By Friday, February 21st in the Design A Course Folder

Proposing Student Information

If there are multiple student initiators, please fill out the attached supplemental initiator form as well, one for each additional initiator.

Name: __________________________ Year: ___________ Major(s): __________________________________

Phone Number: (______) ______ -_________ Email Address: _______________________________

C-Number: _______________________

Proposed Course Information (to be completed with faculty sponsor)

Course Title: ________________________________________________________________________________

Abbreviated Course Title (to appear on transcripts; 30 character maximum): ______________________________

Credit Hours: ______ Preferred Day/Time: _____________ Enrollment Cap: ________

Course Prerequisites (if necessary): ______________________________________________________________

To your knowledge, has this course, or a variety of it, been taught in the past? (Circle one) Yes No

Supporting Faculty Information

Name: _________________________________ Department: ______________________________________

Phone Number: (______) ______ -_______ Email Address:

I understand that by signing below, I am indicating my ability and willingness to assume responsibility for the quality and conduct of this course and to determine if a student passes the course, thus earning degree credit.

Faculty Sponsor Signature: ______________________________________

***To be filled out by the student - Please include a separate sheet addressing the following in bullet-point form:

Student-teachers are expected to work closely with their Faculty Sponsors throughout the entire semester, not only in the planning and application process. Using specific details, indicate how you and your faculty sponsor plan to work together throughout the semester.

A completed application consists of two copies of the following materials:

1. This two-page form, printed and completed

2. An attached sheet addressing the above bullet-point question

3. A syllabus, including a course description, an explanation of the course requirements and expectations, and a list of readings and lecture and/or discussion topics for the entire semester

4. A letter of faculty support written and signed by faculty sponsor

5. A budget proposal for course expenses, or a note stating that such a budget is not applicable

6. A copy of all student-initiators’ resumes

7. A copy of all student-initiators’ unofficial transcripts

8. Supplemental initiator form for any additional student initiators

Additional materials are not required, but may be included as applicable.

*** [ ] Initial this box to acknowledge that you will be attending the in the classroom dynamics seminar scheduled to meet on a weekly basis throughout the semester. Time and Date TBD. All student-initiators must initial this box in order for this application to be considered complete. ***

Once received, the application will be reviewed by the Academic Affairs Committee as well as respective department chairs, deans, and the Faculty Senate. Students and sponsoring faculty can expect to receive a decision within a few weeks of the due date. Funding for course expenses CANNOT BE GUARANTEED and will be awarded separately through the Student Council Academic Affairs Committee on the merits of this application.

I understand that this application is subject to review, that application submission alone does not qualify the proposed course for inclusion , and that the application review committee may contact me with further questions about my application. I understand that only complete applications will be reviewed – no exceptions. I understand that funding for course expenses is awarded by the Student Government Academic Affairs Committee in a competitive process and that my application will be evaluated solely on its merit. I understand that during the semester in which I am teaching, I will be required to maintain both good academic and disciplinary standing and that I understand that I cannot enroll in my own course. I understand that, upon successfully leading this course to completion, I will receive a letter indicating my achievement. I understand that by submitting this application, I am making it available to review by future members of the Academic Affairs Committee (with the exception of my transcript and resume) and by the deans and other University administrators. I agree to lead the proposed course and assist the faculty sponsor in meeting student needs throughout the semester.

Signature(s) of Student Teacher(s): ___________________________________________________

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can initiate or instruct a course?

A class can be initiated by any currently-enrolled undergraduate student, group of students, or organization (for example, FEC can apply to initiate a course in Cuban culture). It may be instructed by a single student or by a group of several students (all of whose names must appear on the application). Just remember – it is a serious commitment, so be selective in choosing a partner or partners.

While the program is open to students from any school or college, the trial program may be limited to certain schools or colleges within the University.

What kind of credit will my students get for taking my course?

Courses are taught on a CR/NC basis. This means that students who take the class can only get credit(s) from it; it will not count towards their GPA. Courses can count for anywhere from 1-3 credits, as determined by the instructor, faculty sponsor, and Faculty Senate Curriculum committee. CR/NC classes cannot be taken to fulfill requirements for a degree. For more information, please consult your academic advisor.

What does a faculty sponsor do, and what should I look for in a faculty sponsor?

In the application process, the role of your faculty sponsor is to write you a letter of support and to work with you as you craft your course syllabus. The faculty sponsor is responsible for grading any assignments and for awarding final CR/NC for the class. You should stay in contact with your faculty sponsor over the semester and keep them informed about the progress of the class.

Try to pick a professor with whom you are close and/or who has an interest in the topic that you chose for your class. Remember, it is a time commitment for the faculty sponsor as much as it is for you. Furthermore, the letter of support that they submit is a very important part of the application.

If your course is accepted, your faculty sponsor’s name, not your own, will appear as the instructor. However, while the faculty sponsor may come and sit in on the class, or even act as a “guest lecturer,” his/her duty is not to teach the course.

The faculty sponsor CANNOT be a graduate student or non-faculty administrator; he or she must be an actual faculty member at the University.

How will I make sure my course fits with my schedule?

The application includes a request for the day and time when you would like your course to be held, as well as how many credits you would like your course to count for.

If something comes up and you need to change the date/time when your course will be held, please contact the University Registrar in order to make the necessary changes.

What makes a successful application?

Your syllabus will be the centerpiece of your application. Successful applications should include a course description, class expectations, and a grading system as well as a week-by-week schedule of classes and assignments in their syllabi. We understand that your syllabus may change between the time you submit your application and the time your course begins, but we urge you to be as thorough in your syllabus as possible.

An application must also include a copy of your transcript (unofficial is fine), a copy of your resume, and a letter of support from the faculty sponsor. In successful applications, these letters of support explain the sponsor’s relationship with the student initiator, the student’s credentials for teaching the class, and any other relevant information. Part of this application includes an answer to one bullet-point-form question. Finally, you must submit a budget proposal, if applicable.

Will I get credit for teaching a course?

In the future, course credit may be available for students that are leading the course. However, no credit can be guaranteed.

How specific should my syllabus be with regard to reading assignments? To what extent can a syllabus be modified after my application has been accepted?

Your syllabus should be as specific as possible, but know that we understand that your specific reading assignments may be altered as you have more time to prepare for the course. In the syllabus, we mostly want to see that you have thoroughly thought about the semester and what content you would like to cover. Having a good sense of the reading schedule is one way to show that. We would like the syllabus you submit to us to be as close as possible to what you will use during the semester; again, however, we understand that you may make modifications in terms of specific reading assignments between the time that you submit your application and the beginning of the following semester. We would suggest, however, that once the semester starts and you have distributed a syllabus to the students in the class, you stick to that syllabus.

Supplemental Initiator Form

Name: ______________________ Year: _______ Major(s): ________________________

Phone Number: (____) ____ -_______ Email Address: ___________________________

C-Number: ____________

*** [ ] Initial this box to acknowledge that you will be attending the in the classroom dynamics seminar scheduled to meet on a weekly basis throughout the semester. Time and Date TBD. All student-initiators must initial this box in order for this application to be considered complete. ***

Once received, the application will be reviewed by the Academic Affairs Committee as well as respective department chairs, deans, and the Faculty Senate. Students and sponsoring faculty can expect to receive a decision within a few weeks of the due date. Funding for course expenses CANNOT BE GUARANTEED and will be awarded separately through the Student Council Academic Affairs Committee on the merits of this application.

I understand that this application is subject to review, that application submission alone does not qualify the proposed course for inclusion, and that the application review committee may contact me with further questions about my application. I understand that only complete applications will be reviewed – no exceptions. I understand that funding for course expenses is awarded by the Student Government Academic Affairs Committee in a competitive process and that my application will be evaluated solely on its merit. I understand that during the semester in which I am teaching, I will be required to maintain both good academic and disciplinary standing and that I understand that I cannot enroll in my own course. I understand that, upon successfully leading this course to completion, I will receive a letter indicating my achievement. I understand that by submitting this application, I am making it available to review by future members of the Academic Affairs Committee (with the exception of my transcript and resume) and by the deans and other University administrators. I agree to lead the proposed course and assist the faculty sponsor in meeting student needs throughout the semester.

Signature(s) of Student Teacher(s): ___________________________________________________