WSCA Board Meeting minutes


Present: Cher Edwards, Deborah Rawdon, Chris Kelly, Andra Kelley Batstone, Anne Parker, Mary Graham, Michelle Merlitti, Michele Weber Hindrup, Kim Reykdal, Anthony Abastilla, Liz Brown, Jim Parker, Amy Brackenbury

Motion to accept minutes as written. Andra Kelley Batstone motioned to approve minutes. Michele Weber seconded to approve minutes. Cher stated that minutes are approved. Motion carried.

Update of government relations. An action plan is the same as a work in progress plan, everyone should have one in, and these should align with the 5 – year government relations plan.

Budget report: This time of year spend more than we bring in. Work from budget rather than what is in bank, itemization is typical for this time of year. Responsibility to know where the money is going because it is membership money, should meet the goals of the board and remember we are meeting the needs of our membership.

NWICT conference on the previous Friday, with the U of W, added a $1300 bonus to the budget. Those who attended enjoyed the conference.

Strategic plan overarching goal: lower ratios for school counselors; goal for legislators to approve additional funds. Increase membership in order to pay legislative liaison. Membership and tech committee are combined, webinars may be offered to members.

Board members should take a look at the 5 year plan and your action plan and see if they fit, update if necessary. If not, bring issues to the next meeting to problem – solve. Systems approach to meet these goals, organizing govt. relations to be ready.

Reminder to use Facebook, Twitter, and WSCA scene.

Reminder of Nov. 1 School Counselor Education Consortium.

Discussion of giving legislators who are supportive of school counseling a “Friend of School Counselors” award, rather than endorsements which imply partisanship. Candidates for the award can submit what they’ve done for review. Link our position statements with ASCA, on the website.

Conference committee proceeding as usual this time of year, has many volunteers. Slots are saved for technology, and for Nita and Kim to present legislative updates.

Inquiries will be made as to Randy Dorn’s parameters of support for school counseling, because Mike Hubert in his role does not speak beyond what Randy supports regarding McCleary, etc.

November 9, conference committee has a 9:00 a.m. call, WSCA board will meet at 10 a.m. Committees are all welcome to attend WSCA board calls.

Discussion of CEUs via WCA possibly being impracticable during WCA reorganization. WSCA, Seattle U. and SPU will be explored as alternate CEU providers.

Western Leaders conference attended by president elect was informative, full of ideas for interface and for public relations.

Thus far WSCA has a high school nomination and a secretary nomination. Reminder e mails and contacts will be made to elicit more.

Career and technology ed task force Nov. 4 at 1:00. School counselor panelists were solicited to go and discuss options, education of students, internships, job shadows, etc.

Adjourned 4:35 p.m.