The United Church of Canada/ Advent Unwrapped

Advent Candle Lighting Liturgy—the Lesser

Written by Alydia Smith, Program Coordinator, Worship, Music, and Spirituality, General Council Office

This is a simplified version of the Advent Candle Lighting Liturgy (see Resources on the Advent Unwrapped website). While still focusing on the theme of Advent Unwrapped and incorporating the Advent Unwrapped thematic videos, this liturgy involves fewer actions.

Advent 1: Hope

(PLAY Advent Unwrapped Hope video:
or )

In a world filled with doubt, fear, and uncertainty,

we are called to reflect God’s hope,

a hope that is not reliant on things or possessions.

Our hope is in Emmanuel. (or add your own definition of hope)

Grant us the courage to share this hope,

as we prepare the way for God-with-us, Emmanuel.

May this gift of a candle’s defiant flame remind us of God’s gift of hope!

(Light the first Advent candle.)


Sung Response Suggestions

“Dans nos obscurités / Within Our Darkest Night” (Psalms for All Seasons 88a)

“Ameni” (More Voices 219)

“Prepare the Way of the Lord” (Voices United 10)

Advent 2: Peace

(Play Advent Unwrapped Peace video:
or )

In a world filled with broken relationships, broken hearts, and broken spirits,

we are called to build God’s dream of peace.

a peace that is not the absence of chaos, noise, or war.

God’s peace is the presence of justice, hope, and love. (or use your own definition of peace)

Grant us the courage to be peacekeepers and kin-dom builders,

as we prepare the way for the Prince of Peace, God-with-us, Emmanuel.

May this gift of a candle’s defiant flame remind us of God’s gift of peace!

(Light the second Advent candle.)


Sung Response Suggestions

“Dans nos obscurités / Within Our Darkest Night” (Psalms for All Seasons 88a)

“Ameni” (More Voices 219)

“Prepare the Way of the Lord” (Voices United 10)

Advent 3: Joy

(Play Advent Unwrapped Joy video:
or )

In a distressing and despairing world,

we are called to share God’s joy,

a joy that cannot be purchased or packaged,

a joy that is rooted in hope. (or use your own definition of joy)

Grant us the courage to share this joy,

as we proclaim the joy of the world, God-with-us, Emmanuel.

May this gift of a candle’s defiant flame remind us of God’s gift of Joy!

(Light the third Advent candle.)


Sung Response Suggestions

“Dans nos obscurités / Within Our Darkest Night” (Psalms for All Seasons 88a)

“Ameni” (More Voices 219)

“Prepare the Way of the Lord” (Voices United 10)

Advent 4: Love

(Play Advent Unwrapped Love video:
or )

In a world filled with loneliness and isolation,

we are called to share God’s love,

a love that is not dependent on our feelings and likes; rather,

a love that is rooted in connection. (or use your own definition of love)

Grant us the courage to love others as God loves us,

as we prepare the way for love-made-known, God-with-us, Emmanuel.

And may this gift of a candle’s defiant flame remind us of God’s love for the world!

(Light the last Advent candle.)


Sung Response Suggestions

“Dans nos obscurités / Within Our Darkest Night” (Psalms for All Seasons 88a)

“Ameni” (More Voices 219)

“Prepare the Way of the Lord” (Voices United 10)


The United Church of Canada 2015