If there is more than one deficiency or additional space is needed, an addendum should be attached using the same format.
Name: / Division: / Office:
Position: / Date Warning Issued:
You are hereby officially notified that your job performance is considered below performance requirements overall on the basis of performance deficiencies with the following essential job function(s) and/or objective(s) which significantly impact performance. In accordance with the policies and procedures of the Division of State Human Resources and this agency regarding the Employee Performance Management System (EPMS), the following information is being provided to give you adequate notice of your substandard performance along with the opportunity to improve such performance prior to a formal evaluation.
During the time period stated below, you and your supervisor will have regularly scheduled meetings to discuss your progress. Written documentation of these meetings will be placed in your official personnel file. Within the time period stated below, your supervisor will complete a formal evaluation of your job performance. If your appraisal result is “successful” or above, your employment will continue. If, however, your appraisal result is “unsuccessful,” you will be removed from your position immediately.
IMPROVEMENT PERIOD: Not less than 30 days or more than 120 days from date of issuance.
CONSEQUENCES IF NO IMPROVEMENT NOTED: Termination, demotion or reassignment.
Rating Officer Signature / Date / Reviewing Officer Signature / Date
Human Resources Director / Date
My signature below indicates that I was given the opportunity to discuss this warning notice of substandard performance with my supervisor and was given a copy, not that I necessarily agree. I understand that if my performance requires two substandard warning processes within a 365 calendar day period and my performance drops to a substandard level on any essential job functions/objectives which significantly impact performance a third time within the 365 day period, I will be issued an “unsuccessful performance” evaluation. I further understand that I will be removed from my position through termination, demotion or reassignment.
Employee Signature / Date / Witness (if employee refuses to sign) / Date
Rev: 09/2017
South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation