22 July 2015

Dear Parent/Carer

As we approach the end of term, there is a lot that we need to celebrate. As I write, our Year 9 combined Cadet Force is up at Catterick on their first ever cadet camp. There are over 300 students from across the country and it will give our students the opportunity to enjoy a range of outdoor activities. Earlier in July, their first ever promotion parade took place – in attendance was the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire as well as parents and guests – 6 cadets were promoted. Many of the cadets, joined by other students in Year 9, are also undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh award.

Our sports day was a wonderful event. Not only did the sun shine all day, but we had a wonderful atmosphere amongst our spectators who cheered their teams on. Arctic won overall, but there were examples of individual’s excellence all day. We also took a team to District Sports – 18 students were placed first in their respective events and the Academy came 3rd out of all schools in North East Lincolnshire with Year 8 and Year 9 girls winning overall.

Next year sees us launch 2 exciting new projects supported by Gaia Technologies. Gaia, who are one of the top ICT for schools and colleges specialists in the country, will be launching a creative and digital project. This will last 2 years and will enable our students to work alongside lead professionals in this field from across the UK. This is a unique opportunity for our students and we are the only academy in Grimsby to have this opportunity. In addition, we will also be running a 3D project.

As always in Summer, we say a sad farewell to some staff: Mrs Culyer from our intervention team will be working in a primary school; Miss Robinson has secured a place to train as an English teacher; Mr Schultz, Mr Thompson, Mrs Chacon-Tuke and Mrs Story have secured posts in other schools; Mr Lillywhite, Ms Brackpool and Mr Walton, Vice Principal, will also be leaving us – we wish them every success in the future.

The Academy will be welcoming new staff in September: Ms Cousins joins the English department, Mr Rowe and Mr Baines, the maths department, Mr Young and Mrs Love, the science department, Miss Britton and Miss Harrison, the MFL department and Mr Jarvis and Miss Monteith, the humanities department. We are sure that your sons and daughters will make their new teachers very welcome.

This has meant a slight restructuring of the Houses – all of our House Managers will retain responsibility for their Houses but will be supported by the following staff:

Arctic - Miss Hayne

Atlantic - Miss Fieldsend

Indian - Mrs MacDonald

Pacific - Mrs Herridge

Southern - Mr Shanks

In addition, whilst Years 7 – 10 will remain in vertical tutor groups, each House will have a bespoke Year 11 tutor group. This is so vital information about revision courses and careers can be given directly to the students.

Our Year 10 students had the benefit of working with a company called Humanutopia this term. 73 students stepped up and became ‘Heroes’ for the Academy. Along with the Student Engagement Leaders, they will become part of our Leadership Academy headed up by Miss Fieldsend from September. Humanutopia will continue to work with all other year groups from September and we are hoping many more students will volunteer to step up into leadership roles.

Our attendance continues to improve year on year – from September, the government have announced more stringent procedures for dealing with Persistant Absenteeism – your child will be fully informed about this from September.

Our Year 11 prom was a clear highlight. More students than ever attended – as did more parents and other family members. Our students chose all sorts of transport to get them to the Oaklands – a vintage double decker bus, preceded by one of our Year 11’s riding her own horse, a multi-coloured stretched limo – to say the least! The prom king and queen duly took the first dance and the whole evening was rounded off by spectacular fireworks. A special thanks to Mrs Walsh for her organisation.

Over Summer, please could I remind parents that we expect students to be in full uniform on their return. In particular, skirts must be at least knee length and of appropriate material.

I have enclosed a reminder of our uniform expectations, along with a letter regarding a ‘Health and Well-being’ drop in session for your information.

Outstanding Ipad payments for Year 9 and 10 students are due and should be paid to the main office as soon as possible. We are currently investigating the option of extending the insurance and warranty schemes from September 2015 and we will write to you under separate cover about the options that are available to parents.Whilst parents will have paid the full amount due for the Ipad as they are to be used in the Academy the same restrictions/conditions will apply to their use.

Could I ask that parents of Year 7 and Year 8 students check to see if they have any Ipad balance due for payment.

Should you have any issue with your child’s Ipad or wish to make payments please note that the main office is open throughout the holidays between the hours of 0900 – 1500 hours Monday to Friday.

As usual, we will finish early at 1.15pm on Friday 17th July. Our final day is our usual celebration – however, this year, it has been organised by our Young Leo’s.

We return to the Academy on Thursday 3rd September. Please make sure that your son/daughter is here by 8.25am at the latest ready for an 8.30 start.

May I wish you and your family a peaceful and happy Summer and thank you again for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Elaine Davies
