Date: April 5, 2013
To: EETD Safety Committee
From: Ron Scholtz X8137
Subject:4/4/13 EETD Safety Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting Attendees: Darryl Dickerhoff (BTUS), Dan Best (EHSS), Ron Scholtz (DIV), Henry Coles (BTUS), Yuyi Li (ESDR), Nina Khanna (EAEI), Doug Black (EAEI), Ewa Elkins (HR)
EETD Safety Metrics (Ron)
The committee briefly reviewed the March 2013 Safety Metrics presentation slides.
- The committee discussed a recent recordable slip-related injury in the parking lot. The employee suffered a knee and foot injury, but didn’t report it to Health Services for several days resulting in additional treatment. We need to better communicate early accident reporting. Ron will provide communications on prompt accident reporting that supervisors can use as a discussion item during their staff meetings. (AI- Ron). In addition, Dan will check with Facilities to see if the utility covers can be repainted with slip resistant material. (AI- Dan)
- New tracking slides were reviewed for recent “Safety Concerns” submitted by EETD personnel. Ron will now track these on a monthly basis and ensure status is communicated to submitters.
- Open training assignments continue to improve. We have reached a new low of 66 open assignments. In addition, pending JHA’s are down to a new low of two expired for the entire division.
Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned (Ron)
- All past Safety Alerts are now available on the new EETD safety website.
- A number of new Safety Alerts are in the works and will be issued shortly. These include “early accident reporting”, “return of empty gas cylinders”, and “lab area housekeeping lessons leaned”.
Self-Assessment Program Update (Ron)
- The lab area housekeeping practices self-assessment has been completed and the final report submitted to OCA. There are four corrective actions in the CATS tracking system to address the findings regarding chemical labels, chemical containment, “orphan” chemicals, and visitors safety glasses availability.
- The next self-assessment will involve “On the Job Training” practices. Material Sciences Division (MSD) has expressed an interest in performing a joint self-assessment with EETD.
Building Emergency Team (BET) Update
- The Building 70 and Building 90 BET need some new members now that ESD is moving out. (Action Item- Susan).
- Additional EETD staffing of the Building 62 BET is being addressed. We have two new BET for Building 62 who just completed their training. Congratulations Yuyi Li and Hugues Duncan!
Old Business (All)
- The new EETD Safety website is now available. The link to access is: It was suggested by the committee that a link to the LBNL “Safety Concerns” website is prominently displayed on the home page just under the emergency contact information. Ron will follow-up with EETD Communications to see if this is possible. (AI- Ron)
- The EETD Integrated Safety Management Plan annual review has been completed and is now available on the EETD safety website.
New Business (All)
- The emergency shower eyewash/shower push bar in lab area 70-103 is subject to being accidentally bumped when exiting through the door. This could create serious flooding if not noticed right away. It may need to be removed or modified. Dan will follow-up to see what options are available to address. (AI- Dan)
- EHSS is currently performing exposure assessments in some of the lab areas.
- EHSS is performing hood ventilation checks in Building 62.
Next Meeting: Thursday, June 6@ 9:00am
Action Items
Item / Action Needed / Assigned / Status01-3 / Generate a spill cleanup procedure for use in addressing chemical spills in glove boxes. Generate specific spill cleanup training for EETD lab workers. Ensure that adequate cleanup supplies are available. / Ron Scholtz / Open
- Small spill kits provided for glove boxes.
- Fire department tours of B62 and B70 labs completed
08-3 / Look into possibility of electronic format lab area self-inspections with centralized database. / Ron Scholtz / Open- App currently being developed by Communications.
12-4 / Distribute a copy of the ISM Plan for annual review and comment. / Ron Scholtz / Completed
02-1 / Review email notifications for “high risk” ergonomic self-assessments. Create regular report for high risk/high frequency users for follow-up by ergo-advocates. / Ron Scholtz/ Richard DeBusk / Completed
02-2 / Hold a “Electrical Equipment Inspection Program” seminar for EETD personnel. / Ron Scholtz/ Mark Scott / Completed
02-3 / Identify safety precautions and communicate to employees working in office areas late at night. / Ron Scholtz / Open- Ron has submitted a Safety Concerns requesting input from EHSS and Protective Services.
04-1 / Add a prominent link to the “Safety Concerns” submittal system on the EETD safety website home page. / Ron Scholtz/ Communications / Ron will speak with Sondra to see if a change can be made
04-2 / Follow-up with Facilities to determine if utility covers in parking lots can be repainted with low-slip paint. / Dan Best/ Facilities / Dan is checking with the painters. Does not seem to be a problem. Need to scope locations.
04-3 / Follow-up with Facilities to see if emergency eyewash in 70-103 can be modified to prevent accidental activation. / Dan Best/ Facilities / Dan has looked at unit and is checking on options.