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Arkansas Volleyball Academy



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Arkansas Volleyball Academy


WelcometoArkansas Volleyball Academy!

Weare committed tocreatingasafeandpositivetrainingenvironmentforallparticipants.This Participant Safety Handbook (1) providesageneraloverview ofArkansas Volleyball Academy’ssafety strategies, which aredesignedtoreducemisconductin sport,includingchild physicalandsexualabuse,and (2) identifiesArkansas Volleyball Academy’s expectationsof not only its coaches,staff,andvolunteers–but also parentsandathletes.

Forfurtherinformation concerning Arkansas Volleyball Academy’s safetystrategies, pleasevisit

Pleasetakesome timetoreview thesepolicies withyourathletetohelpthemunderstand(1) how theArkansas Volleyball Academy expects coaches,staff andvolunteers totreat them,and (2)how Arkansas Volleyball Academy expects athletes totreat otherathletes.


Arkansas Volleyball AcademyClub Director

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Tableof Contents

PG 4: Overviewof Arkansas Volleyball Academy’sParticipantSafety Strategy

PG 5: SupervisionofAthletesParticipants

PG 5-6: PhysicalContactwith Athletes& Participants

PG 6: ElectronicCommunicationsandSocial Media

PG 6-7: Travel

PG 7-8: Monitoring

PG 8-9: ReportingChildAbuse, Misconduct,& Policy Violations

PG 10-17: AppendixA: AthleteProtection Policy

PG 17: Arkansas Volleyball Academy Code of Conduct

PG 18-19: Appendix B: Arkansas Volleyball AcademyGrievance Procedure

PG 20: Statement of Acknowledge and Agreement

  • Overview of Arkansas Volleyball Academy’s ParticipantSafety Strategy


AtArkansas Volleyball Academy,weare committed tocreatingasafeandpositivetrainingenvironment forallparticipants. Aspartof this commitment,Arkansas Volleyball Academy’sAthleteProtection Policy strictlyprohibits:

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 Bullying

 Harassment

 Hazing

 Emotionalmisconduct

 Physicalmisconduct,and

Sexualmisconduct,includingchild physicalandsexualabuse

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Acopy ofArkansas Volleyball Academy’s AthleteProtection Policy isattachedasAppendix A.Arkansas Volleyball Academy requires coaches, staff andvolunteers –aswellasparents andathletes– to complywithitsAthleteProtection Policy.


Beforea coach,staff,orvolunteermay provideservices forArkansas Volleyball Academy,werequire themtocomplete threestepsbeforeprovidingservices forArkansas Volleyball Academy.

Step One: Training andEducation

Arkansas Volleyball Academyprohibits abusivebehaviorandmisconductofany kind. Ourtraining providescoaches, staff members,and/orvolunteerswiththeinformation necessary torecognize,reduce,and reportabuseandmisconduct.Arkansas Volleyball Academy asks allcoaches,staff members,and/orvolunteersto completetrainingbeforeprovidingservices forArkansas Volleyball Academyandtorenewtrainingevery twoyears.

Step Two: Screening

Coaches,staff membersandvolunteersconsent to,andpass, aformalapplicantscreening processbeforeprovidingservicestoArkansas Volleyball Academy. Elements of ourscreeningprocessincludean application,interview (face-to-face,video chat,ortelephone),reference check andacriminal background check. Thelevelorintensity ofthecriminalbackgroundcheck may dependonthe positionapplied for.

Step Three: ReviewPolicies& Procedures

Coaches,staff membersandvolunteersmustreview thepoliciescontainedin Arkansas Volleyball Academy’s Participant Safety Handbook,signthelast page,andagree that theyunderstandandwill comply with Arkansas Volleyball Academy’s safety policies.

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Coaches,staff membersandvolunteersare requiredtoreport abuse,misconductandpolicy violations toasupervisor,Arkansas Warriors administrator,memberofArkansas Volleyball Academy’s ParticipantSafety Committee and,where applicable,appropriatelaw enforcement authorities.Failure to dosoisgroundsfor disciplinaryaction.

Coaches,staff,and/orvolunteers willnot attemptto evaluatethe credibilityorvalidityof childphysicalor sexual abuse allegations asa conditionfor reporting toappropriatelawenforcementauthorities.

  • Supervisionof Athletes and Participants

Duringtrainingandcompetition,Arkansas Volleyball Academy strivesto createtwo-deepleadershipand tominimize privateone-on-oneinteractionsto createasafe trainingenvironment.


Anindividualmeeting may benecessarytoaddress anathlete’s concerns,trainingprogram,or competition. Under thesecircumstances,coaches, staffmembersand/orvolunteersare to observethefollowingguidelines:

Any individualmeetingshouldoccur when othersare present andwhereinteractions canbeeasily observed

Where possible,anindividualmeetingshouldtake placein apublicly visibleandopen area,suchasthe corner ofagymorpooldeck

Ifan individualmeetingis totakeplaceinanoffice,thedoorshouldremainunlocked andopen

Ifaclosed-doormeetingis necessary,the coach,staffmemberand/orvolunteermust informanothercoach,staff memberand/orvolunteerandensurethedoorremains


Individual Training Sessions

Anindividualtrainingsession(s) withanathleteorparticipantmayalsobedesiredornecessary. Underthesecircumstances,written permission of aminorathlete’sparents orguardians is required in advanceof theindividualtrainingsession(s),andArkansas Volleyball Academy encourages parentsand guardians toattend the trainingsession.


Minorathletesandparticipantswill not beleftunattended orunsupervised duringArkansas Volleyball Academyactivities.Except assetforthabove,Arkansas Volleyball Academycoaches, staffmembers,

andvolunteersare prohibited from beingalonewithanindividualathleteorparticipant in any roomorbuilding.

  • PhysicalContactwithAthletes andParticipants

Appropriatephysicalcontact– forsafety, consolation andcelebration–isa productiveand inevitablepartofsport.However,rulesandboundariesforphysicalcontactmustbeset to reduce thepotentialformisconductin sport.

Physicalcontactwithathleteshasmultiplecriteriaincommon whichmakethembothsafeand appropriate.Thesecriteriainclude:

 the physicalcontact takes placeinpublic

 nopotentialforphysicalorsexualintimaciesduringthephysicalcontact

the physicalcontactisfor thebenefitof theathlete,not tomeet an emotionalorother needofan adult


Physicalcontactisappropriate forsafety,celebration andconsolation.Examplesofcontact thatmaybeappropriateinclude:

 Spottingan athlete or positioning anathlete’sbody tomore quickly acquireaskill;

 Short hugs,patsontheback,or high-fives;or

 Arms aroundashoulder(sidehug).


Coaches,staff andvolunteersnever:

 Physically disciplineparticipants

 Ask athletestosit onourlaps

 “Cuddle”ormaintainprolonged physicalcontactduringanyaspectoftraining,travelor


 Touchathletes orparticipants in asexualmanner

 Touch an athlete’s orparticipant’sprivateparts.

  • Electronic CommunicationsandSocialMedia

Aswithany communication,the content ofany electronic communicationmustbereadily availabletoshare with thepublic,theathlete’s family and coach.Iftheathleteisunder theage of18,any email,electronic text,socialmedia,orsimilarcommunicationmustcopy orinclude theathlete’s parents orguardians onrequest.Theparentsorguardiansofanathletemay requestinwritingthat theirchildnot be contactedbyanyformof electronic communicationby coaches(photographyorvideography).Toreview guidelinesconcerningspecific typesof electronic communications, visit

  • Travel


Parents areresponsible forarrangingforlocaltravel–travelthatArkansas Volleyball Academydoes notsponsor, coordinate,orarrange for travel.Tominimizeone-on-oneinteractions, coaches,staff,and volunteersshould notdrivealonewithan unrelatedathleteandshouldonly drivewithatleast twoathletesoranotheradultatalltimes,unlessotherwiseagreed toinwritingbytheathlete’s parent orguardianinadvanceof travel. Inanycasewhere acoach,staffmember,orvolunteer is involved in an athlete’s local travel,aparentalreleaseisrequiredinadvance.


Teamtravelisovernight travelthatoccurswhenArkansas Volleyball Academy sponsors, coordinatesorarrangesfor travelso that ourteams cancompetelocally, regionally,nationally orinternationally.During teamtravelArkansas Volleyball Academymakeseffortstoprovideadequatesupervisionthrough coachesandother adultchaperones.Becauseeachcompetitionvenueisdifferent,Arkansas Volleyball Academywill publishrelevanttravelguidelinesbeforecompetition,whichmust beagreedtoinadvanceby coaches,staff,andvolunteers.

  • Monitoring

By monitoringtheinteractionsamongcoaches,staff members,volunteers,athletes,andother participants,Arkansas Volleyball Academyworks toprevent,recognizeandrespondtoinappropriateandharmful behaviors,whilereinforcingappropriatebehaviors.


Arkansas Volleyball Academy monitorsfor compliancewithitspoliciesandprocedures, includingwithoutlimitationitsAwarenessTraining,Travel,andPhysicalContactPolicies.


Arkansas Volleyball Academyutilizesmultiplemonitoringmethods toobservehow individualsareinteracting,including withoutlimitation (1) formalsupervision,includingregularevaluations;and(2)informal supervision,includingregularandrandomobservation (e.g.,rovingandcheckinginteractions throughout practices), and(3)maintainingfrequent contactwithstaffmembers,volunteerand athleteswhointeractoff-site.


WhileArkansas Volleyball Academyhasaformalreportingpolicy, staffmembersandvolunteersshouldbeprepared to respondimmediatelytoinappropriateorharmfulbehavior,potentialrisk situationsand potentialboundaryviolations.

Coaches,staff members,andvolunteerswillredirectinappropriatebehaviors topromote positivebehaviors,confront inappropriateorharmfulbehaviors, andreportbehaviorsif necessary.


Coaches,staff membersandvolunteersare requiredtoreport policy violations,misconduct and physicalandsexualabuseconsistentwith Arkansas Volleyball Academy’s Reporting Policy.

Arkansas Volleyball Academydoes not investigate suspicionsorallegationsof childphysicalorsexualabuse orattemptto evaluatethecredibilityorvalidityof suchallegations asa condition forreporting toappropriate law enforcementauthorities.

  • Reporting Child Abuse, MisconductandPolicy Violations

Werequireeverycoach,staff memberandvolunteertoreport:

1)violations ofArkansas Volleyball Academy’s Participant Safety Handbook,

2)misconductasdefinedin Arkansas Volleyball Academy’s AthleteProtectionPolicy,



Werequireevery coach,staff memberandvolunteertoreportsuspicionsorallegationsof sexualabuse,orthepotential“grooming”behaviorsof aco-workerorvolunteerto:

(1)Arkansas Volleyball Academy’ Club Director

(2)Arkansas Volleyball AcademySafeSport Representative

(3)Delta Region SafeSport Ambassador

(4)Whereapplicable,appropriatelaw enforcement authorities.

Coaches,staffmembers, and/or volunteersdonotinvestigatesuspicionsorallegationsof childphysicalor sexual abuse or attempttoevaluatethecredibilityor validityof such allegationsasacondition forreportingto the appropriatelawenforcementauthorities.

Grooming Behaviors

Ifanycoach,staff memberorvolunteerreceivesanallegationorobservesmisconduct orother inappropriatebehaviorsuchasgrooming,thatisnot reportableto theappropriatelaw enforcementauthorities,theymustreport theirobservationstoanimmediatesupervisor,a Arkansas Volleyball Academy administratororamemberof Arkansas Volleyball Academy’sParticipantSafetyCommittee.

Allquestions orconcernsrelated toinappropriate,suspicious, orsuspectedgroomingbehavior shouldbedirectedtoanimmediatesupervisor,aArkansas Volleyball Academy administratororamemberof Arkansas Volleyball Academy’s Participant Safety Committee


Whether ornot asexualinteraction betweenminorsconstitutes child sexualabuseturnsonthe existenceof an aggressor,theagedifferencebetweenthechildren,and/orwhether there isan imbalanceof powerorintellectualcapabilities.

Ifyouhave any concernsthataninteraction betweenchildrenmay constitutesexualabuse,reportitto the appropriate lawenforcement authorities,theArkansas Volleyball AcademyClub Director,orArkansas Volleyball Academy’s SafeSport Representativeimmediately.


Ifan allegation of childphysicalorsexualabuseismade,Arkansas Volleyball Academy mayimmediatelyremovethat individualfrom theprogramuntiltheallegation has beeninvestigated byanofficialagency.As necessary, Arkansas Volleyball Academy maysuspend,terminateor changetheassignmentofastaff memberand/or volunteer.


Ifany staffmemberand/orvolunteerreceivesanallegationorobservesmisconduct orother inappropriatebehavior,suchasapolicy violation thatisnotreportabletotheappropriatelaw enforcementauthorities,itistheresponsibility of eachstaff member and/orvolunteerto report theirobservationsto:

(1)Arkansas Volleyball Academy’ Club Director

(2)Arkansas Volleyball Academy SafeSport Representative

(3)Delta Region SafeSport Ambassador

Arkansas Volleyball Academyalsoencouragesmemberparents, athletes andothersportparticipantsto communicate violationsofArkansas Volleyball Academy’sParticipantSafety Handbookand/or allegationsandsuspicionsofchild physicalandsexual abuse toa Arkansas Volleyball AcademyadministratorormemberofArkansas Volleyball Academy’sParticipantSafety Committee. Where applicable,parentsmay alsoreportto theappropriate lawenforcement authorities.


Parentsandathletesmay report toanyArkansas Volleyball AcademyCoachwithwhom theyare comfortable sharingtheirconcerns.Youmayalsoreport toany memberofArkansas Volleyball Academy’s Participant Safety Committee,whichincludes thefollowing:

Arkansas Volleyball Academy’ SAFESPORT REPRESENTATIVE: Jimmy Guthrie

Contact Information: * 870-680-2474


Contact Information: * 901-489-4620


Contact Information: * 901-218-3372


Contact Information: * 870-897-7237


Contact Information: * 551-427-8981


Contact Information: * 479-531-5657

Delta Region Office Manager: Joanie Williams:

Contact Information: * 870-933-8110

Or contact USA Volleyball’s National reporting site at:


The USA Volleyball SafeSport Abuse Reporting Form is located on the above USA Volleyball site.

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USA Volleyball and Arkansas Volleyball Academy’ is committed to providing a safe and positive environment for its participants’ physical, emotional and social development and ensuring it promotes an environment free from abuse and misconduct. As part of this program, Arkansas Volleyball Academy has implemented policies below addressing various types of abuse and misconduct, and certain policies intended to reduce, monitor and govern the areas where potential abuse and misconduct might occur.

USA Volleyball and Arkansas Volleyball Academyhave aZERO TOLERANCE for abuse and misconduct.


USA Volleyball and Arkansas Volleyball Academy supports an environment for participation in volleyball conducive to the enjoyment of volleyball that is free from threats, harassment and any type of bullying behavior. The purpose of this policy is to promote consistency of approach and to help create a climate in which all types of bullying and harassing behavior are regarded as unacceptable.

Bullying is the use of coercion to obtain control over another person or to be habitually cruel to another person.

Bullying involves an intentional, persistent or repeated pattern of committing or willfully tolerating physical and non-physical behaviors that are intended to cause fear, humiliation or physical harm in an attempt to socially exclude, diminish or isolate another person. Bullying can occur through written, verbal or electronically transmitted expression or by means of a physical act or gesture. Bullying behavior is prohibited in any manner in connection with any USA Volleyball sanctioned activity or events.


Examples of bullying prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to: physical behaviors, including punching, kicking or choking an athlete; verbal and emotional behaviors, including the use of electronic communication (i.e. “cyber bullying”) to harass, frighten, degrade, intimidate or humiliate.

While other team members are often the perpetrators of bullying, it is a violation of this policy if a coach or other responsible adult knows or should know of the bullying behavior but takes no

action to intervene on the behalf of the targeted participant(s).


It is the policy of USA Volleyball and Arkansas Volleyball Academythat there shall be no hazing of any participant involved in any of its Member Teams by any coach, volunteer, independent contractor, support staff or other participant.

Hazing includes any conduct which is intimidating, humiliating, offensive or physically harmful. The hazing conduct is typically an activity that serves as a condition for joining a group or being socially accepted by a group’s members.

Examples of hazing prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to: requiring or forcing (including through peer pressure) the consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs; tying, taping or physically restraining a participant; sexual simulations or sexual acts of any nature; sleep deprivation or the withholding of water and/or food; social actions (e.g. grossly inappropriate or provocative clothing) or public displays (e.g. public nudity) that are illegal or means to draw ridicule; beating, paddling or other forms of physical assault.

Activities that fit the definition of hazing are considered to be hazing regardless of a person’s willingness to cooperate or participate.

Hazing does not include club or team activities that are meant to establish normative team behaviors or promote team cohesion so long as such activities do not have reasonable potential to cause emotional or physical distress to any participant. Examples of activities that do not constitute hazing include directing or allowing younger player to pick up or fill water bottles or giving older players first preference to team assignments, responsibilities, accommodations, facilities or equipment.

While other team members are often the perpetrators of hazing towards their teammates, it is a violation of this policy if a coach or other responsible adult participates, knows or should know of the hazing but takes no action to intervene on behalf of the targeted participant(s).


It is the policy of USA Volleyball and Arkansas Volleyball Academy that there shall be no form of harassment directed at any participant involved in any of its Member Teams by any coach, volunteer, independent contractor, support staff or other participant.

Harassment in sport includes any pattern of physical and/or non-physical behaviors that are intended to cause fear, humiliation or annoyance; offend or degrade; create a hostile environment; or reflect discriminatory bias in an attempt to establish dominance, superiority or power over an individual participant or group bases on gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual expression or mental or physical disability.

Examples of harassment prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to: such non-physical offenses as making negative or disparaging comments about any member’s sexual orientation, gender or expression, disability, religion, skin color or ethnic traits; displaying offensive materials, gestures or symbols; and withholding or reducing playing time to a participant based on any trait or characteristic listed above.

Sexual Harassment is a form of harassment prohibited by this policy. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment, even if the harasser and the participant being harassed are the same sex, and whether or not the participant resists or submits to the harasser, when:

1. Submission to such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of a participants in any activity; or

2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a participant is used as the basis for decisions affecting the participant; or

3. Such conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it limits a participant’s ability to participate in or benefit from a volleyball related program or activity, or it creates a hostile or abusive environment.

Any conduct of a sexual nature directed by a minor toward an adult or by an adult to a minor is presumed to be unwelcomed and shall constitute sexual harassment.

Acts of verbal or physical aggression, intimidation or hostility based on sex, but not involving conduct of a sexual nature, may also constitute sexual harassment.

While other team members may be the perpetrators of harassment or sexual harassment, it is a violation of this policy if any coach or other responsible adult knows or should know of the harassment or sexual harassment but takes no action to intervene on behalf of the targeted participant(s).

It shall be a violation for any employee, volunteer, independent contractor or other participant to harass a participant(s) through conduct or communications of a sexual nature, or to retaliate against anyone that reports sexual harassment or participates in a harassment investigation. USA Volleyball, Delta Region and/or its Clubs shall investigate all indications, informal reports and formal grievances of harassment or sexual harassment by any employee, volunteer, independent contractor or other participant and appropriate corrective action shall be taken. Corrective action includes taking all reasonable steps to end the harassment, to prevent harassment from recurring and to prevent retaliation against anyone who reports harassment or sexual harassment or participates in a harassment investigation.


It is the policy of USA Volleyball and Arkansas Volleyball Academy that there shall be no emotional misconduct (abuse) of any participant involved in any of its Members Teams by any coach, volunteer, independent contractor or other participant.

Emotional misconduct involves a pattern of deliberate, non-contact behavior that has the potential to cause emotional or psychological harm to a participant. These behaviors may include verbal acts, physical acts or acts that deny attention or support.

Examples of emotional misconduct prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to: a pattern of; verbal behaviors that attack a participant by (e.g. calling them worthless, fat, or disgusting); or repeatedly and excessively yelling at a participant or participants in a manner that serves no productive motivational purpose; by physically aggressive behavior such as: throwing sport equipment, water bottles or chairs at participants; punching walls, windows or other objects.

Emotional misconduct does not include generally-accepted and age appropriate coaching methods of skill enhancement, physical conditioning, motivation, team building, appropriate discipline or improving athletic performance.


It is the policy of USA Volleyball and Arkansas Volleyball Academy that there shall be no physical misconduct (abuse) of any participant involved in any of its Member Teams by any coach, volunteer, independent contract, support staff or other participant.

Physical misconduct means physical contact with a participant that intentionally causes or has the potential to cause the participant to sustain bodily harm or personal injury.Physical misconduct also includes physical contact with a participant that intentionally creates a perceived or actual threat of immediate bodily harm or personal injury. Physical misconduct may also include intentionally hitting or threatening to hit an athlete with objects or sports equipment.

In addition to physical contact or the threat of physical contact with a participant, physical misconduct also includes the providing of alcohol to a participant under the age of consent and the providing of illegal drugs or non-prescribed medications to any participant.

Without limiting the above, any act or conduct described as physical misconduct under applicable federal or state law constitutes physical misconduct under this Policy.

Physical misconduct does not include physical contact that is reasonable designed to coach, teach, demonstrate or improve a volleyball skill, including physical conditioning, team building and appropriate discipline. Permitted physical conduct may include, but is not necessarily limited to, hitting specific volleyball shots across the net, serving the ball, follow-through of the body rolling on floor, and communicating with or directing participants during the course of a game or practice by touching or moving them in a non-threatening, non-sexual manner.


It is the policy of USA Volleyball and Arkansas Volleyball Academy that there shall be no sexual misconduct (abuse) of any minor involved in any of its Member Programs by an employee, volunteer, independent contractor or any other participant.