Skills Funding Agency European Social Fund 2014-2020 – Skills Support for the Unemployed; NEET provision; and CEIAG
Seetec intends to bid for provision procured by the Skills Funding Agency, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) for:
1) Black Country SSU - skills development, job readiness and pre-employment training for unemployed groups, particularly aligned to the Black Country LEP’s priority sectors;
2) Black Country NEET – providing young people with IAG focused on their needs in the LEP area, focused pre-employment training, working with schools/colleges/employers to develop work experience opportunities and signposting to relevant services
3) Stoke & Staffs SSU - skills development, job readiness and pre-employment training for unemployed groups, particularly aligned to the Stoke & Staffs LEP’s priority sectors;
4) Stoke & Staffs Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) for young people and adults - enhancing high quality CEIAG across schools, FE and employment provision to ensure young people and adults make informed choices around education, skills and employment opportunities and progression pathways available in S&S.
Seetec is considering bidding for these contracts and seeks expressions of interest for those organisations with the capacity, capability and expertise to support our delivery. This is a Phase 2 EOI, which enables you to provide detailed information specific to this type of provision. For your EOI to be considered, you MUST complete our Phase 1 EOI if you have not already done so (available here).
Please note that this EOI is for the above named programmes ONLY. There are separate EOIs for other partnership opportunities, which must be completed accordingly.
Your response will be treated as private and confidential and will not be disclosed in whole or in part to any third party without prior written consent. Submission of an EOI does not guarantee that your organisation will enter any commercial agreement with Seetec.
Instructions for completing this application
We have used tick boxes where possible but have also included some free text boxes as appropriate.
Please save your completed form as <your organisation name> P2 BC SSU NEET S&S SSU CEIAG EOI and send to us via email by 5pm on Tuesday 19th July 2016
Should you have any questions, please contact Seetec’s Business Development team on 01702 201070. Thank you for your interest in working with Seetec.
Seetec Business Development Team
Section 1: Contact Details
Organisation nameOrganisation type / Private (Ltd, PLC) / Public sector / Voluntary sector / Social enterprise
Other (Please specify
Organisation address
Web site address
Contact name and job title
Contact telephone number
Email address
Alternative contact details
UKPRN number:
Section 2: Geography
2.1 Please select the sector areas you are interested in delivering training in and, / ý /CONTRACT / Black Country SSU
Black Country NEET
Stoke & Staffs SSU
Stoke & Staffs Careers IAG
2.2 Please indicate which LEP areas you are interested in delivering in and, within those LEP areas, please indicate which local authorities you can deliver services in / ý /
Stoke and staffordshire / Cannock Chase / East Staffordshire
Lichfield / Newcastle-under-Lyme
Stoke-on-Trent / Stafford
Staffordshire Moorlands / South Staffordshire
2.3 Please indicate:
· The premises from which you will be based and, as appropriate, from which you will deliver interventions;
· The local authority within which these premises are based;
· Whether these premises are your own premises or are co-located;
· If partner/co-located premises, please state whose premises (if not clear from address)
Please add as many rows as required.
PLEASE NOTE: We will accept this information as a separate attachment if this is easier, as long as it clearly indicates the information requested below. /
Address and postcode of premises / Local authority / Own premises? / Partner /
premises? / If partner/co-located premises, please state whose premises /
Premises 1
Premises 2
Premises 3
Premises 4
Premises 5
Premises 6
2.3a Is your response to 2.2 based on current infrastructure, or planned infrastructure (i.e. infrastructure that will be put in place if awarded a subcontract)?
Current / Planned / If planned, please clarify which premises are not yet in place and when they will be ready:
Section 3: Black Country SSU Delivery offer
3.1 Please explain your delivery offer within the boxes below (max 250 words per box).1. Please describe your capacity and capability to deliver a high-quality service in the Black Country in the sectors you are interested in. There is a short lead-in time to implement these contracts, so an ability to hit the ground running is critical.
2. Please describe the package of learning you will put in place for unemployed learners. This must include engaging unemployed/economically inactive participants, robust initial assessment of individuals, continuous mentor/key worker support, meaningful and appropriate IAG include labour market information, and innovating pre-employment training comprising regulated and non-regulated learning via tailored, employer-led pathways into employment or Apprenticeships.
3. Please explain how you will engage participants to deliver this programme, providing evidence of how this approach has been successful.
4. Please explain how you will engage employers to support customers into employment and Apprenticeships on this programme, providing evidence of how this approach has been successful.
5. Please explain how you will support participants in work for those employed or in an Apprenticeship, and support them to progress for 13 weeks and into further learning or in work progression
6. Please explain how you deliver services as part of a locally determined approach to form part of an integrated service offer, which may include, for example, Jobcentre Plus, local charities and/or community organisations, Housing, IAG services, training providers/colleges and local authority services.
7. With regards to your responses to questions 1-6, please provide evidence of your previous success with similar provision.
Section 4: Black Country NEET & IAG Delivery offer
4.1 Please explain your delivery offer within the boxes below (max 250 words per box).1. Please describe your capacity and capability to deliver a high-quality service in the Black Country. There is a short lead-in time to implement these contracts, so an ability to hit the ground running is critical.
2. Please explain how you will engage participants to deliver this programme, providing evidence of how this approach has been successful.
3. Please describe the package of learning you will put in place for learners. This must include engaging unemployed/economically inactive participants, robust initial assessment of individuals, labour market-led IAG and clear pathways into employment or Apprenticeships.
4. Please explain how you ensure services are tailored to meet individual needs. This should include gaining an understanding of the barriers that individuals face and thereby enabling young people to re-engage with mainstream provision and/or further learning; statutory education; progress successfully into work; Traineeships or apprenticeships.
5. Please explain how you use innovative activities to overcome barriers to participation which take into account, and build on, previous interventions that individuals may have received during their time in the education system and/or while engaged in other reengagement, education or work-related support programmes as identified during the initial assessment.
6. Please explain how you deliver services as part of a locally determined approach to form part of an integrated service offer, which may include Voluntary, and Community sector, Housing, IAG services and cross LA services such as the Youth Offending Team (YOT) and SEND.
7. Please explain how you ensure services are designed in consultation with key stakeholders including young people themselves.
8. Please explain how you will engage employers to support customers into employment and Apprenticeships on this programme, providing evidence of how this approach has been successful.
9. With regards to your responses to questions 1-8, please provide evidence of your previous success with similar provision (where not already provided above).
Section 5: Stoke & Staffs SSU Delivery offer
5.1 Please explain your delivery offer within the boxes below (max 250 words per box).1. Please describe your capacity and capability to deliver a high-quality service in Stoke and Staffordshire in the sectors you are interested in. There is a short lead-in time to implement these contracts, so an ability to hit the ground running is critical.
2. Please describe the package of learning you will put in place for unemployed learners. This must include engaging unemployed/economically inactive participants, robust initial assessment of individuals, continuous mentor/key worker support, meaningful and appropriate IAG include labour market information, and innovating pre-employment training comprising regulated and non-regulated learning via tailored, employer-led pathways into employment or Apprenticeships.
3. Please explain how you will engage participants to deliver this programme, providing evidence of how this approach has been successful.
4. Please explain how you will engage employers to support customers into employment and Apprenticeships on this programme, providing evidence of how this approach has been successful.
5. Please explain how you will support participants in work for those employed or in an Apprenticeship, and support them to progress for 13 weeks and into further learning or in work progression
6. Please explain how you deliver services as part of a locally determined approach to form part of an integrated service offer, which may include, for example, Jobcentre Plus, local charities and/or community organisations, Housing, IAG services, training providers/colleges and local authority services.
7. With regards to your responses to questions 1-6, please provide evidence of your previous success with similar provision.
Section 6: Stoke & Staffs Careers IAG Delivery offer
4.1 Please explain your delivery offer within the boxes below (max 250 words per box).1. Please describe your capacity and capability to deliver a high-quality careers education, information advice and guidance service in Stoke & Staffordshire in the local authorities you are interested in. There is a short lead-in time to implement these contracts, so an ability to hit the ground running is critical.
2. Please explain how you will engage participants to deliver this programme, providing evidence of how this approach has been successful. This must include engaging unemployed/economically inactive participants, robust initial assessment of individuals, a combination of regulated and non-regulated learning and clear pathways into employment or Apprenticeships and having a presence in community locations e.g. colleges.
3. Please describe the package of support you will put in place to support learners to progress into education, employment or training (including Traineeships and Apprenticeships), giving evidence of how your approach has been successful in the past. This must include enhanced and sustained CEIAG, employment and careers coaching, mentoring, job brokerage, group sessions, driven by local labour market intelligence.
4. Please explain how you will engage employers to support learners into employment, education and Apprenticeships on this programme, including ensuring employers have a central role in delivery of CEIAG to young people and adults. Please provide evidence of how this approach has previously been successful.
5. Please explain how you will support other key stakeholders, such as parents, schools and colleges, to understand progression pathways. Please provide evidence of how you have done this in the past.
6. Please explain how you deliver services as part of a locally determined approach to form part of an integrated service offer, which may include, for example, National Careers Service, Jobcentre Plus, local charities and/or community organisations, housing, training providers/colleges and local authority services.
Section 7: Declaration
7.1 Please confirm that, should Seetec choose to add you to our supply chain, you are willing to be named in Seetec’s proposal as a partner. If you are not willing to do so, please explain why.Yes
If no, please explain why
7.2 Please confirm that you would potentially be willing to use Seetec’s customer management system, should you be selected as a partner (full training will be provided by Seetec). If you are not willing to do so, please explain why
If no, please explain why:
I confirm on behalf of my organisation that I am authorised to agree this declaration and, to the best of my knowledge, all of the answers detailed in this form are true and accurate.
Name and job title:
Seetec / SFA ESF 2014-2020 BC SSU and NEET; S&S SSU and CIAG opportunities / July 2016
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