Stanley-Boyd Student Council Scholarship

The Stanley-Boyd Student Council Scholarship is open to all seniors currently enrolled at the Stanley-Boyd High School. This scholarship is available to students involved in any extra-curricular activity or community service program(s) throughout high school. Extra-curricular activities include church-youth group, 4-H, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts or other similar activities. Any student planning to attend a post-secondary program such as a 2 or 4 year college or vocational school must have maintained a 3.0 grade point average throughout high school.

Depending on available funds, the Stanley-Boyd Student Council will award one or multiple scholarships worth various amounts. The scholarship will be dispersed directly to the recipient and the institute of higher education after the completion of the first semester as a full time student (12 credits), and a minimum grade point average of 3.0. A report card, or transcript, and proof of enrollment for the second semester as a full time student must be delivered to Mrs. Hove or Mrs. Mahr along with a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Judges will be chosen from the school and the community. They will have no direct tie to this year’s seniors. Applications will be judged without knowledge of the applicants’ identities. Names will be removed and applications will be numbered to ensure anonymity.

The Stanley –Boyd Student Council does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, ancestry, age, creed, pregnancy, parental or marital status, sexual orientation, or physical, learning, mental, or emotional disability.


Only include your name on this page as indicated below. Please do not include your name or any information that will indentify you in the essay.

Name ______Date ______

After completing my essay, I hereby indicate my understanding that the decision of the judges is final. Everything that I have included is true to the best of my knowledge, and the essay is my own personal work.


Please return this page along with your essay toMrs. Hove no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday, May4, 2018

Stanley-Boyd Student Council - ESSAY


Your essay must answer the question below, andbe at least 500 words. It should be word processed, contain proper grammar and spelling. Remember in order to ensure anonymity, please avoid including too many details about your involvement in specific activities.


Explain the importance of your involvement in extra-curricular activities, such as your membership or leadership? Give examples of specific skills and perspectives you have gained from these experiences, and how you will apply these skills in your future.