North Thames Fisheries Local Action Group Board meeting minutes
North Thames Fisheries Local Action Group (NTFLAG) Board Meeting
2nd June 2017 11am | Meeting location Leigh Community Centre
Type of meeting / Board MeetingChair / Andrew Rattley
Vice-Chair / Pat Fitzsimons
/ Attendees
Andrew Rattley, Pat Fitzsimons, Amy Pryor,GilesTofield,KesellaScott-Somme, Anna Patel, Nick James, Cllr PeterWexham, Cllr CaroleMulroney, Nikki Mason, Richard Eves, Claire Dumontier-Marriage, Daryl Godbold, Cllr John Lamb, Cllr Bernard Arscott
Agenda topic Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct Signing
Welcome to Nick James who has joined the board: Specific interest in the old town, looking at resident concerns, interested inthe culture and heritage working group.
Terms of reference and code of conduct signing
It was explained that the Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct need to be signed in order to vote, which was agreed at the last board meeting. Previously, the Board had agreed to allow Board members to vote via email up to 7 days after a meeting. Majority agreedthat those voting need to be present at the meeting to vote including votes at this current meeting.The Board discussed whether voting after this board meeting should be permitted on this occasion due to this change to the ToR. Majority agreed that members should be present to vote and therefore the votes cast by those present today would be the only ones counted.
Questions, Answers, Statements
Q:Have these protocols been used elsewhere or are these specifically for this group?
A:Each FLAG is different and FLAGs suggested a process at application stage, which was reviewed again afterNTFLAG was successful in the bid and approved by the MMO and the board.There is an annual review of the Local Development Strategy (LDS) so there is flexibility to edit this. Legal requirement from the MMO is that fishery representatives need to be between 10 and 49% and an active fisheries voice is needed to vote. Representation cannot be more than 49%.
Actions / Person responsible / DeadlineAmendToRto reflect changes to voting / Anna Patel / Completed, emailed.
Agenda topic Communication Strategy and Plan
Current Communication Strategy and Plan plus a sample of a newsletter will be sent in email for comments and approval.
Agenda topic Working Groups update
Environmental Monitoring Working Group
- Combine scientific data with fishermen local knowledge. FLAG will need to talk to the fishermen and see if they are happy to share catch data etc for FLAG research.
- CEFAS are writing a project proposal for Thornback Ray monitoring, details will be sent out whenFLAG receives it. It was noted that IFCA are aware of this project, data collection will be done in parallel not overlapped with other organisations.
- Kings College London is interested in modeling, representing environmental data over time.
- Other projects include; fish and habitat citizen science surveys using local residents to collect data. This could be led by The Zoological Society of London, Environment Agency and Institute of Fisheries Management/Steve Colclough.
Promotion and MarketingWorking Group
- The idea of a Thames holistic brand – could help to change perceptions of the Thames combined with the environmental monitoring to promote a cleaner river. This could include Whitstable oysters, Leigh cockles and finfish. This brand could be a legacy part of the project, to include all of the Thames eventually.
Discussion on the Thames or Leigh brand
- Amy described the two possible routes; a holistic brand would take longer to set up but would have a larger impact to change the perception of the Thames as dirty or could chose to do something on a smaller, local scale.
- Fishermen: Whitstable is seen as ‘cleaner’ than Southend. A larger Thames brand could be a better idea but Thames can conjure dirty images. Whitstable for example may be unhappy with choosing Thames as a larger brand as well. There will not be space for multiple brands in one area.
- Whitstable has its own brand so value would need to be added. A marketing technique is to have an evolving brand, Whitstablecould appear alongside our brand and if this succeeds they could drop the Whitstable brand. Need their involvement with the MSC certification of Thames Est. cockles branding. MSC accreditation needs to go hand in hand with this, Kentand Essex gives a very different perception to the Thames, even if it is the same thing.
- A group forum - consider FLAG collaborations, KEIFCA / the wider Thames. TEP forums can be informal and by reinstating the Greater Thames Fisheries Action Group other funding opportunities may become available. Getting other fisheries on board with the branding idea may take up to a year and roll out up to 3 years.
Questions, Answers, Statements
Q:Do we agree to a holistic brand?
A: We need to employ someone to work out if a holistic brand would work and take expert advice on this.
Q: Would you be happy for us to look for a marketing and branding professional? [General agreement]. It was agreed that Amy Pryor could explore options for a marketing and behavior expert toexplore the holistic brand idea.
Newsletter; include an update on the water quality of Southend – meeting the European Standards, would be a step in changing perceptions of the Thames. Tideway could be a match funder- they are also interested in changing perceptions of the Thames in time for completion of the ‘Super Sewer’.
Totally Thames Festival – Sept 2017; FLAG would like Leigh fishermen and a chef to take part in a Tideway foreshore event in Kew, conduct market research on the perceptions around Thames fish.
Tourist Food Route - has been set up so people know where their food is coming from anditspathways. Involve Leigh into the North Sea route.
Actions / Person Responsible / DeadlineSend details of Tourist food route to Anna Patel / Cllr John Lamb / 21st July
Explore options for a marketing and behavior expert to explore the holistic brand idea / Amy Pryor / 21st July
Shrimp population
- Shrimp collapses: pollution in the river for the pink shrimp, cod and habitat change for brown shrimp. But to find the other reasons for the crashes the whole food chain will need to be explored.
- Shrimp (and many fry) disappeared when the sea wall was built as they require brackish water.Catching shrimp is expensive and unfeasible financially with the amount landed.
- Small scale boats survive, but no one has approached the IFCA on it.
- Find a student to look at shrimp declines in the estuary, if it possible to have as a fisheries resource again as the brown shrimp industry is very valuable, more than the pink shrimp.MMO will not fund a hatchery for stocking purposes.
Actions / Person Responsible / Deadline
Add last bullet point to environmental WG / Kesella Scott-Somme / On draft agenda now
Local fish in the area
- 60% of some restaurants is locally landed fish. Some restaurants are tweeting about their fish which would be the dish of the day.Some local restaurants would buy from local day boats. However, if they are not registered they go to London and needs looking into.
- Marketing/PR - find which local chefs use locally sourced fish as customers are often unaware.
Questions, Answers, Statements
- Q. Could we collaborate with a restaurant to bring local fish into their restaurant and have thempubliciseit?
- A: People want to have the same fish on a daily basis which is not possible from the Thames, therefore we need to encourage behavior change.
Agenda topic FLAG projects – Expressions of Interest and full applications
- Leigh Port Infrastructure– Giles Tofield gave an update on the brief.
The first brief was written in 2016 by Mott Macdonald, and wascommissioned by Southend Borough Council, in order to undertake the Southend Shoreline Strategy which has significant overlap with the proposed Infrastructure Study. What is included: the causes and solutions to siltation, possibilities for improving infrastructure and habitat in the area. It is aboutaccessibility.
- SBC will be the applicant, with assistance from FLAG and Mott Macdonald.
- Stakeholder consultations are part of the study – FLAG infrastructure WG and possibly FLAG board.
- FLAG would like to start at the beginning of July, looking at a report for September, but this depends on the MMO application processing time.
- Need match funding; currently exploring this with SBC.
- A lot of work has been going on behind the scenes for this project.
After completion of stage 1 it may be decided that the cost is too high or it will not be sustainable but it needs to be explored for the future of Leigh port and the fishing industry.
Action / Person Responsible / DeadlineCirculate Infrastructure Brief / Anna Patel / When completed
- Leigh Library Gardens Stage 1 Expression of Interest – Anna Patel/Giles Tofield
FLAG is interested inusingthesmall building in Leigh Library Gardens for fishermen training, schools, ‘classroom on the coast’, cooking lessons, a drop-incenterfor FLAG information, meetings, promotions.In a useful andaccessible location. The building is structurally safe, but ivy, asbestos present. Stage 1 would be looking at renovating and then peppercorn rent (free) in exchange from doing up the building. Unlikely to be more than £20,000 for Stage 2.
- Total of £5000, total FLAG under £4000.
- SBC as lead applicant, 75% FLAG funded.
- Scores 24/31.
- We can choose to use EMFF core funding instead of FLAGfunding but this is to be decided when we have the full application at the board level.
Cllr John Lamb declared interest. Council will have to agree.
Questions, Answers, Statements
Q. Is this for Leigh Community?
A. Yes, - Could have a kitchen for cups of tea and cooking demonstrations, good PR, good for communities and fisheries, eventually it can be returned to the council. No timeline on how long FLAG keep it for, could be more than the three years of FLAG as no ongoing rent costs.FLAG investment in this property could bring a community asset into use, which would support the FLAG and has the potential to benefit other local organisations.
Q:AreSouthendcouncil funding this?
A: No, this will be FLAG funded with a small amount of match.We need to find out if it is possible before we put a proposal in,initialinvestigations are hindered by council being busy. Depends if we can get change of use and there are worries about asbestos.
Q:Concerns that it is expensive, short-term and not directly for fisheries, would a building in Old Leigh be better?
A: This will connect with the wider community with Old Leigh. Asbestos has already been looked at and can be dealt with cost effectively.
Q:COOP for funding? The local community votes and decides.
A: Yes, this could be a source of funding, when we have an idea of costs.
Support from fishermen who state that it would be a good project for wider community benefit.
Official vote on this at the next meeting and we will take any objections now.The EOI was agreed.
MMO process/update
- MMO will try and process FLAG projects in 4 weeks.
- FLAG is about a month behind schedule, due to delays in setting up of the E-System used by the MMO and FLAG to process claims.However, FLAG has made use of this time and come a long way.
- We have no guarantee that any projects will be funded.
- Both Newcastle and local Harwich MMO officers will attend Board meetings for advisory purposes in the future.
Actions / Person responsible / Deadline
Set up collaborative council teamto keep wider SBC staff on board with FLAG projects and proposals / NikkiMason / As and when required. This is already ongoing for the Infrastructure Study for example.
Circulate brief to board / Anna Patel / Done, emailed
- MSC accreditation for Thames Estuary cockles - full application– Anna Patel
Declarations of Interest: Andrew Rattley, Carole Mulroney, John Lamb and Peter Wexham for this project. Pat Fitzsimons took Chairing duties for this discussion, Andrew can provide information.
- This was the first EOI FLAG had, nobody objected at that time.
- Leigh Port Partnership, a private organisation are the lead applicant.
- Total £50,000, £25,000 from FLAG and £25,000 from the 14cockle licenseholders (all agreed).
- MSC accreditation is in the FLAG LDS
- MSC accreditation is to providetraceabilityfor customers and to demonstrate the sustainability of the fishery. Customers are increasingly interested in sustainability of their food.
- Timeline: 12 months for certification.
- Leigh currently does not have any seafood sustainability certification.
- A good investment for Leigh, increase the value of stock, IFCA can prove that stocks are sustainable and well managed. Anything which brings attention to Leigh fisheries is a good thing.Fisherman: I am happy with this if it is not detrimental to the fishing industry. Both sides of the industry (shellfish and finfish fishermen) need to be considered and givenequal weighting in the FLAG.
- Questions asked re cockle companies held in the UK. If 60% of cockle fleets are from abroad why promote them? Should FLAG support foreign owned companies?- All license holders are UK registered and owned companies that pay UK tax, they have foreign shareholders but employ local fishermen.
- Concerns: MSC will push the price up of local cockles e.g. £15 a pint and only supermarkets will buy them. Leigh will lose the culture cockles provide. – Companies can sell accredited cockles to supermarketsand bring more money to Leigh. It diversifies sources.This project has demonstrated collaboration between cocklers and we should encourage that.
- Does the certification include water quality? If so, it could support the holistic brand, support finfish sales and marketing.
Voting: Those who declared an interest left the room for voting. NikkiMason declines vote as council member. 4 votes for and 1 against, the project is passed.
Agenda topic Horizon Scanning
Culture and Heritage WG: 16th June 12-2, FLAG is looking for complimentary legacy projects and link projects together.
Leigh port Infrastructure WG likely to be at the end of June.
Fishermen training requirements: 23rd June – Friday 12pm –E.g fishing apprenticeships.
Anti-socialbehavior and litter: FLAG funding? Problems putting cameras in Old Leigh due to cables, interferences with trains in Southend – also very expensive. Worth speaking to companies that have good CCTV.
Actions / Person Responsible / DeadlineEmail date of infrastructure WG / Anna / When decided
Contact other FLAGs to find out if any anti-social behavior projects have been undertaken elsewhere / Anna / 21st July
Agenda topic Any Other Business
- Minutes of group meetings need to be sent out quicker and next meetings on agendas.
- Paul Gilson has decided to step down from the Board, we hope he will remain on the WGs.