Due to the pressures which continue to grow within the NHS we have decided to restructure our appointment system.
Patients are already encouraged to treat minor illnesses at home, get advice from NHS Direct or a Pharmacist.
We will be employing Specialist Nurses (Nurse Practitioners) who will be running Minor Illness Clinics for patients with problems that need to be seen urgently.
They will be working in conjunction with the doctors to deliver a more efficient service to all our patients.
Our Receptionists will continue to ask you for a reason for your Urgent appointment. This is with full backing of the doctors, and will enable you to be given an appointment with the most appropriate clinician.
Dr Vicki Lawrence who has been a Partner since 2006, has a special interest in Contraception, and is also one of our GP Trainers, is moving to pastures new and will be leaving the Practice at the end of March. We will miss her and wish her well in her new role.
We are very pleased that Dr Arifa Syed Rahimudeen joined the Practice as a Partner in October 2017. She was a Registrar with the Practice in 2016 and covered some Locum sessions with us prior to joining the Partnership.
We also welcome Dr Nicola Cullum who joined us on 1st February. She will be here two days per week.
Dr Tim Gent will be retiring at the end of July. You may still see him around the Practice as he has agreed to continue to help with the Medical Student teaching, and may even join us for some Locum days.
Dr Oliver Hudson, our current Registrar, joined us in August and will be with us for a 12 month period.
Nurses - Glynis decided to retire in February after four years with the Practice. We wish her well in her retirement. Karen has joined our nursing team and she will be starting her own clinics at the end of March.
Dispensary - Amber completed her Apprenticeship with flying colours and we are happy that she has joined us as part of the Dispensary team. We were also pleased to welcome Chloe back following her maternity leave.
Admin - We are pleased to welcome Christine to our secretarial team, along with Jade who has returned from maternity leave.