The SPJIMR - Start-Up Incubation Centre (SPIC) - Application Form
Please note
- For ease & convenience, the relevant details can be submitted in a PPT format as well.
- If available, each application can be accompanied by detailed information and workings that will support the submission e.g. Idea description, Working Model and/or Prototype
- Each description field should not exceed 200 words, with the total application not exceeding 10 pages/slides– kindly avoid elaborate explanations in the form wherever not needed.
Sl No / Information Needed / Description / Validation Assumptions if any
1 / Existing pain point being pursued by the Start-Up and Early Customer Validation.
2 / Opportunity presented by the Pain problem/point addressed by the solution, existing customers acquired and why is it important to be pursued. Build a case using real-life examples as well as current customer experience(s) if any.
3.1 / Current Solution executed including the resultant Product &/OR Service offering
3.2 / Current Customers Acquired & Potential Target Customers – in the pipeline
3.5 / Innovation planned – either in the business model or technology/ IP
3.6 / Differentiation & how disruptive will this be from existing solutions.
3.7 / Name of Company Formed, MoA, Shareholder Agreement along withBrief Operational plans to scale the venture.
5 / SPJIMRFMB Alumni as Co-Founder & other Co-Founders (full/part time) and all their details including education, experience current/future contributions
- Market Validation
Sl No / Information Needed / Description / Metrics (if any) / Current Validation
6.1 / Availability of TAM, SAM, SOM & Secondary Data to validate the market size and other parameters. Please include the name/source of the data.
6.2 / Primary Research if any (even informally done within a sample of the target segment) to describe success and/or inadequacy of the current/future solution. Please attach a copy of the questionnaire or research tool that was used.
6.3 / What is the market size of and describe the intended target segment in terms of demographics as well as psychographics? How accessible are these customers?
6.3 / If you have progressed beyond the idea stage, pleased give a description of the Minimum Viable Product or Concept. Is there any early customer validation of MVP– Proof of Concept that has been done by registering potential customers or even informal engagement with paying or non-paying customers.
6.4 / Status of Customer Acquisitions and revenues: Plan for Early Revenues
- Support Required from SPJIMR-SPIC
Sl No / Information Needed / Description / Specific Requirements
(if any)
7.1 / Structured mentoring by an Advisory Board / Panel with Domain Expertise
7.2 / Support in Fund Raising – Please mention approximate amount/timelines
7.3 / Specific support in Business Development – Industry/Alumni Connects;
7.5 / Describe infrastructure required if any
a)Internet / Wi-fi when on campus
b)Library/e-Resources when on campus
c)Participation in special classes, start-up events, Investor Meets etc.
d)Any other infrastructure required
7.6 / Interest in partnering/aligning with start-ups in similar area at the SPIC
7.7 / PR and other visibility support required
7.8 / Engaging SPJIMR Students in Live projects for addressing your requirements.
7.9 / Any other requirements – please describe in detail if you need interactions with SPJIMRAlumni in the same area for Domain Support or Funding/Investments
In addition to the above, depending on the stage of the start-up, if the information and details on the business model and status of current/ future funding or investments needed, the same can be submitted as additional pages/slides.
We hereby confirm that the above is in order
Authorised Signatory