State:State Number:
President Name:Chapter Number:
Chapter:Probation Date:
City: State: Zip:
Home Phone:Work Phone:
The 2011 Chapter Red Chip will serve as a 90 day (3 month) program to re-activate a probationary status chapter. Successful completion of the Red Chip will be recognized annually.
□Conduct a total of three chapter projects (one Community, one Individual and one Ways and Means)
□Must bring chapter membership to 25 members (transfers-in do not count toward Red Chip membership requirements)
Complete the following demographic information for the chapter – utilize the information from a member survey:
□Age of membership:
% 18-27% 28-33 % 34-40
□Marital Status:
% Single% Married
% 0 Children% 1-3 Children % 3 or more
□Education Level:
% HS Graduate% College Degree
% Graduate Degree% Vocational
□Jaycee Experience:
% 0 – 1 year% 1 – 3 years % 3 + years
Indicate what professions are represented in your chapter:
□Conduct a Board of Directors meeting
Submit sign-in sheet for verification to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Submit a Board of Directors roster
Include name, birthdates, phone number, mailing address and email if applicable – Send copy to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Submit a chapter roster
Include name, birthdates, phone number, mailing address and email if applicable – Send copy to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Conduct a Member Survey
Conduct the survey by calling the members and asking the questions that are on the survey
A Member Survey can be found on the US Jaycee website,
□Conduct a general membership meeting
Submit sign-in sheet for verification to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Collect a list of prospective members from each member
Submit a copy of the prospective members to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Complete a proposed Membership Plan for the Year:
Submit a copy for verification to the National Blue Chip Program Manager (A membership plan template is available on the US Jaycee Website)
□Recruit a minimum of two new members and submit with membership close-out
□Evaluate the chapter plan and revise to include Red Chip
Submit a sign-in sheet for the evaluation of the chapter plan
Be sure the plan includes 3 chapter projects (Individual, Community and Business) to be completed within the 90 day Red Chip time frame
□Develop a calendar of proposed events
Submit a copy of the calendar to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Provide the chapters tax ID# to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
If a Tax ID# has not been established the Form SS-4 can be found on the IRS website or you can register on-line at
□Submit paperwork for Group Exemption under the US Jaycees tax identification number for tax-exempt status if this hasn’t been done.
If the chapter has already filed for Group Exemption under the US Jaycees tax ID# please submit in writing verification from the USJC Finance Director
The Group Exemption Form can be found on the US Jaycees website,
□Submit a copy of the chapters Incorporation
Each State Government has their own rules and regulations please contact your State Jaycee Organization for assistance or contact the US Jaycee Organization for assistance
If the chapter has not filed for incorporation they must do so and submit a copy for verification to the US National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Community Area of Opportunity Vice President/Chair and committee meet to coordinate a Community project
Complete project within the 90 day probation
Write a CPG (Chairman’s Planning Guide) for the Community project
Submit a copy of the CPG and sign-in sheet to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Business Area of Opportunity Vice President/Chair and committee meet to coordinate a Chapter Ways and Means project
Complete project within the 90 day probation
Write a CPG (Chairman’s Planning Guide) for the Business project
Submit a copy of the CPG and a sign-in sheet to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Individual Area of Opportunity Vice President/Chair and committee meet to coordinate an ID project
Complete project within the 90 day probation
Write a CPG (Chairman’s Planning Guide) for the ID project
Submit a copy of the CPG and a sign-in sheet to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Publish and distribute a chapter newsletter
The newsletter can be distributed by mail or email. Submit a copy of the newsletter to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Conduct a Board of Directors meeting
Submit a copy of the sign-in sheet for verification to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Conduct a new member orientation
Submit a copy of the sign in sheet for verification to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
The US Jaycee website has documents to help with conducting you’re a New Member Orientation (an example is It’s All Greek To Me)
□Host a membership social
Submit a copy of promotional items and a sign-in sheet to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Begin Passport to Leadership program with all members
Submit a copy of all Passport to Leadership forms to US Jaycees Service Center and to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Conduct Local Officer Training for officers
Contact the state office, US Jaycees office, or a past Jaycee to assist in coordinating the Local Officer training.
Submit sign-in sheet for verification to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Publish and distribute a chapter newsletter
The newsletter can be distributed by mail or email. Submit a copy of the newsletter to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Recruit a minimum of two new members and submit with membership close out
□Conduct a general membership meeting
Submit a copy of the sign-in sheet for verification to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Develop a chapter call list for board members/committee chair people
Divide the membership up for the committee chairmen to contact for meetings, socials and projects
□Submit a copy of the chapter Bylaws to the National Blue Chip Program Manager for verification
If the chapter has no Bylaws then the chapter will need to develop them
The US Jaycees website has a file called Local Bylaws to help you develop your Bylaws
□Conduct a general membership meeting
Submit sign-in sheet for verification to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Enroll all new members into Passport to Leadership
Submit a copy of all Passport to Leadership forms to US Jaycees Service Center and to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Submit an article(s) to the local newspaper(s) about chapter and upcoming projects
Submit a copy of the article(s) to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Publish and distribute a chapter newsletter via mail or email
Submit a copy of newsletter to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Recruit a minimum of two new members and submit with membership close out
□Update a chapter website or social media (Facebook, etc.) with current information
Verified by screen print of updated page(s) submitted to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Attend a District, Regional, State or National meeting/convention
Submit a copy of the registration or sign-in sheet to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
□Submit Red Chip to the National Blue Chip Program Manager
Congratulations on completing your Red Chip program.
Continue to complete your Blue Chip for the remainder of the year.
Send Chapter Red Chip to National Blue Chip Program Manager:
7447 S. Lewis Avenue • Tulsa, OK 74136-6839 • Fax 918.584.4422 •