Greater Lansing Homeless Resolution Network
Thursday, January 21, 2016
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
1)Call to Order and Confirmation of Quorum
a)David Henrion called the meeting to order at 9:35.
2)Welcome and Introductions
a)All introduced themselves.
3)Networking Block
4)Review of Minutes – November 19th, 2015
a)Steve Maiville motioned to accept the minutes, Vicki Sandbrook seconded. All were in favor.
5)Chair Report
a)Susan Cancro gave a brief over view of the PIT Count and its importance in both the actual counting and the interaction with people choosing to remain unhoused. She also discussed the importance of having participation across the CoC.
i)Amanda Fleckenstein announced there were some late shifts available and people could volunteer by contacting Renee Jones (). Amanda talked about the giveaways that would be handed out.
ii)Joan Jackson Johnson said the count is a way to get to know other people, and discussed her past experiences with the count. She also discussed choosing to be housed.
iii)Kathy Johnson, Amanda, and Joan discussed the library’s role in the PIT.
b)Susan said the process of distributing CoC funds is being discussed and refined in the Finance Committee. She gave a bit of the history of difficulties in the process.
i)David and Liza Rios reiterated that these are open projects that agencies should apply for if they believe they can be done more efficiently.
c)Susan announced Community Connect will be in May or June, and Kids Connectwould be in August.
6)Presentation by Lansing’s Human Relations and Community Services Development
a)Joan started by giving an overview of her department and its mission. They have 6 full time people in the department, and their door is always open. She discussed the Mobile Food Pantry and its effectiveness in meeting people’s needs. Joan said that her partnership with the Lansing Housing Commission was key in increasing the number of units available for Lansing’s homeless, and spoke on the 20 LHC units currently available. She said people should contact the HARA to apply, and they are located throughout Ingham. They do not need to be CH, but preferably people with a high SPDAT score.
b)Joan discussed how HRCS works to distributes HUD funds and acts as the fiduciary for the CoC, and announced that there would be a community meeting for those wanting to apply for grants from Lansing’s general funds.
c)Joan said HRCS is the HMIS lead for the CoC, led by Matt Stevenson. HRCS also monitors network agencies and will hopefully soon be the unified funding agency for the CoC. Kids Connect will be August 22nd this year, and Joan said HRCS is continually working to improve it.
d)Joan discussed the One Church One Family PSH program, which has 9 houses.She also said that it was great to have the HARA on their same floor, allowing them to work together effectively.
e)Joan and Amanda talked about the difficulties of obtaining ID for clients. Amanda suggested having a stronger relationship with the Secretary of State, and Joan said HRCS was able to keep working and eventually receive birth certificates from out of state.
f)Fonda Cavin discussed how people in MI Works training could lose their housing during their training. Sunshine said that DHHS could use 3rd party documentation of future income. Joan and Sunshine discussed this. Susan said that asset maps would be useful, so that members would know where they should direct people.
7)Updates – HARA and Community Partners
i)Amanda said the HARA is out of Prevention and deposit money, but still had some rentassistance left. 50 HCV names were pulled in January, which Amanda expects to continue. Amanda reiterated that MSHDA pulls based on date entered, and the average wait seems to be 4 or less months.
ii)Susan said as chair as the HARA subcommittee, all network agencies should support the HARA and it should be used by all homeless. She said GLHRN is planning training on understanding regulations, about voucher types, and on HARA policies. The training will then be put online and reviewed if something changes. This will happen no later than March.
i)Sunshine said that DHHS now has a verification email address:
ii)Sunshine said there was a change in homeless daycare. DHHS will pay 100% of services if clients meet the definition of self-certification of CDC.
iii)Sunshine discussed DHHS’s policies towards utility assistance. She said DHHS can’t pay for electric for BWL or electric/heat for Consumer’s. They can start accepting applications on April 1. DHHS has expedited funds, which can be received in 7 calendar days.
(1)Joan noted that electric can’t be shut off, only reduced.
i)Ericanne Spence discussed CMH’s mental health first aid training, which is available for $25 including lunch. It is at their Jolly location, and they provide CEUs as well. If anyone is interested they can contact Joel on their team.
ii)Ericanne also announced their Recovery Center will be improved next year. It will include a sober room for people who need a spot but don’t want to go into the system.
iii)Ericanna said NAMI, LPD, and CMH are putting together a 40-hour crisis intervention training for the police. Specific officers will attend, and then these trained officers will go to sites which may have a person with a mental illness. She believes this will start by the end of year for all interested police departments. Every county in Ohio has a similar program, so CMH is trying to build this for Ingham.
8)Sophia Estrada Ferreira announced that January 26th is Eaton County’s Homeless Connect.
9)Cameron Paxton said that MCAH is looking for people for their Breakfast of Champions award.
GLHRN Attendance
Advent House:Susan
City Rescue Mission:Tiffany
City of Lansing:Joan Jackson Johnson
CFC: Gateway:Jennifer
Sophia Estrada
Haven House:Bridgett
Ingham County DHHS:Sunshine
Loaves and Fishes:Jenny
NW Initiative/AARO:Monica
Salvation Army:Brooke
Sparrow's Nest:Lorrie
Wellness, Inx:Arron
Other Agencies:
Carefree Medical:Lisa
Central Michigan 211:Heather