Quality Rubric Graduate - Academic Program Review 2014

Quality-Inputs / Exceeds Expectations (3) / Meets Expectations (2) / Developing (1) / Score
  1. Faculty Academic Readiness
/ 95% or more of FT faculty for this program have terminal degrees (MFA, MLS, JD, EdD, PhD) OR industry certifications renewed in the past 2 years.
Credit hours taught by FT faculty exceed University average by 5% (at least 65.4% of credit hours for this program taught by FT faculty).
. / 92% of FT faculty for this program have terminal degrees (MFA, MLS, JD, EdD, PhD) OR industry certifications renewed in the past 2 years.
Credit hours taught by FT faculty are within 5% of University average (at least 59.1% of credit hours for this program taught by FT faculty). / 89% of FT faculty for this program have terminal degrees (MFA, MLS, JD, EdD, PhD) OR industry certifications renewed in the past 2 years.
Credit hours taught by FT faculty are within 10% of University average (at least 56% of credit hours for this program taught by FT faculty).
  1. Student Academic Readiness
/ GRE/GMAT scores for students in this program exceed University average by 5% or more.
GRE: Verbal 159 or higher AND Quant 158 or higher
GMAT: 564 or higher / GRE/GMAT scores for students in this program are within 5% of University average.
GRE: Verbal 143 or higher AND Quant 143 or higher
GMAT: 510 or higher / GRE/GMAT scores for students in this program are within 10% of University average.
GRE: Verbal 136 or higher AND Quant 135 or higher
GMAT:483 or higher
Total Score(Inputs) = ((a+b)/6)*10

Quality - Inputs

Quality - Process

Quality-Process / Exceeds Expectations (3) / Meets Expectations (2) / Developing (1) / Score
  1. Curricular Integrity and Coherence
/ Curriculum is 100% compliant with standards within the discipline. / Curriculum is 90% compliant with standards within the discipline. / Curriculum is 80% compliant with standards within the discipline.
  1. Teaching Excellence/Research/Service
/ 50% or more of FT faculty have published research or had research accepted for publication in a scholarly journal in the past year.
Average score on Teaching Vibrancy section of Class Climate report for FT faculty in this program is at least 4.3 OR Overall Evaluation is at least 4.3. / 40% of FT faculty have published research or had research accepted for publication in a scholarly journal in the past year.
Average score on Teaching Vibrancy section of Class Climate report for FT faculty in this program is at least 3.8 OR Overall Evaluation is at least 3.8. / 30% of FT faculty have published research or had research accepted for publication in a scholarly journal in the past year.
Average score on Teaching Vibrancy section of Class Climate report for FT faculty in this program is at least 3.3 OR Overall Evaluation is at least 3.3.
  1. Monitoring Timely Progression Toward Degree
[Each college has its own advisement procedures, and should develop its own quality standards. These apply to CPS.] / Specialized graduate level advisement is available to students.
AND Student mentoring is provided by Chair, Program Director, or designated faculty
AND an early alert procedure is in place for students not making timely progress toward degree / Specialized graduate level advisement is available to students.
AND an early alert procedure is in place for students not making timely progress toward degree / Specialized graduate level advisement is available to students.
  1. Effective Assessment Practices
/ Annual analysis of objectives and outcomes on Weave has been performed for this program OR comprehensive student ePortfolios are evaluated for fulfillment of program objectives OR outcomes of a capstone course are analyzed annually to measure fulfillment of program objectives. AND
The last analysis resulted in actions being taken to revise the program. / Analysis of objectives and outcomes on Weave is performed on an infrequent basis OR student ePortfolios are developed but not correlated with program objectives OR a capstone course is in place but outcomes are infrequently correlated with program objectives. AND
The last analysis resulted in actions being taken. / Objectives and outcomes are posted on Weave OR students develop ePortfolios OR a capstone course is part of the curriculum, but outcomes are not used by the faculty for curriculum revision.
Total Score(Process) = ((c+d+e+f)/12)*10

Quality - Outcomes

Quality-Outcomes / Exceeds Expectations (3) / Meets Expectations (2) / Developing (1) / Score
  1. Graduation Rates
/ N/A / N/A / N/A / 2
  1. Retention Rates
/ N/A / N/A / N/A / 2
  1. External Validations
/ Program has been approved by an accrediting body in the discipline or an approved NY State reviewer in the past 5 years. / Program has been approved by an accrediting body in the discipline or an approved NY State reviewer in the past 7 years. / Program has been approved by an accrediting body in the discipline or an approved NY State reviewer in the past 10 years. / If program has been in existence for fewer than 2 years, score=2.
  1. Student Competencies in the discipline
/ 85% or more of students have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. OR
85% or more of students achieve a score of 85% or higher in program’s capstone course. OR
85% or more of students achieve a score of 85% or higher on comprehensive ePortfolio. OR
85% of students exceed other standard set by Dean. / 80% or more of students have a major GPA of 3.5 or higher. OR
80% or more of students achieve a score of 85% or higher in program’s capstone course. OR
80% or more of students achieve a score of 85% or higher on comprehensive ePortfolio. OR
80% of students exceed other standard set by Dean. / 75% or more of students have a major GPA of 3.5 or higher. OR
75% or more of students achieve a score of 85% or higher in program’s capstone course. OR
75% or more of students achieve a score of 85% or higher on comprehensive ePortfolio. OR
75% of students exceed other standard set by Dean.
Total Score(Outcomes) = ((g+h+i+j)/12)*10

Quality – Environments

Quality-Environments / Exceeds Expectations (3) / Meets Expectations (2) / Developing (1) / Score
  1. Supportive Physical Environment
/ Specialized spaces (labs, studios, etc) required for this program have been updated in the last 3 years.
. / Specialized spaces (labs, studios, etc) required for this program have been updated in the last 5 years. / Specialized spaces (labs, studios, etc) required for this program have been updated in the last 7 years. / If no special spaces are required for this program, score=2.
  1. Supportive Technological Environment
/ Software and equipment required for the program are updated at least every 3 years. / Software and equipment required for the program are updated at least every 5 years. / Software and equipment required for the program are updated at least every 7 years. / If no software or equipmentis required for this program, score=2.
Total Score(Environments) = ((k+l)/2)*10
Total Quality Score = Inputs Score + Process Score + Outcomes Score +Environments Score =

University Averages (2013 Data)

Entering student GRE score: 151 Verbal, 150 Quantitative

Entering student GMAT score: 537

Faculty with terminal degrees: 92.5%

Credit Hours taught by FT faculty: (aggregate) 62.2%

SJC 49.6%

EDU 46.7%

TCB 82.6%

PHM 93.5%

CPS 38.8%