Unit 1: Inquiry, Reflection, and Social Implications
Standard / Enduring Understanding(s) / Essential Questions / Prerequisite Vocabulary / New Vocabulary
1.TLW design and conduct valid experiments, draw conclusions, and evaluate all aspects of the process. (Instructional Sequence 1)
  • A chemical change does not always occur when substances are combined.
  • Chemical changes occur when matter reacts and produces new substances; physical changes yield different forms of the same substance rather than a new substance.
  • Every experiment provides useful results, whether or not the results match the hypothesis.
  • Evidence of chemical change include color change, gas formation, solid formation, and temperature change.
  • Scientific investigations follow processes that require systematic and logical development, observation, and careful analysis.
  • Scientific investigations generally lead to new questions.
  • Substances may be classified by their physical and/or chemical properties.
  • The foundation of scientific theory is replicable investigations.
  • Through repeated inquiry, patterns emerge and theories are proposed.
  • How can substances be classified?
  • How does science help us answer questions about the world around us?
  • What does it mean to question?
  • What happens to substances during a chemical change?
  • What is evidence of a chemical change?
  • What is scientific inquiry?
  • Why do scientists conduct investigations?
/ acid-base indicator
measurement tool
reaction rate
melting point
empirical evidence
metric measurement
boiling point
experimental control
scientific investigation
cause and effect
chemical change
solid formation
chemical property
gas formation
physical change
spring scale
chemical reaction
graduated cylinder
physical property
states of matter / dependent variable
independent variable
scientific experiment
scientific method
hydrion paper
1. TLW critique whether specific questions can be answered through scientific investigations. Content Expectations(s): C1.2A;
(Resource: Will a Scientific Investigation Answer the Question)
Using Will a Scientist Investigation Answer the Question Resource, students should be encouraged to discuss the topics and determine if a valid scientific study can be performed. The most significant issues for the student to consider are whether the study can be limited to one variable and if the terms can be defined and quantified. (For example: In #2, can positive emotions be measured?)
2. TLW review the proper use of tools and techniques used for measurement in scientific investigations. Content Expectations(s): C1.1C;
(Resources: Quantitative and Qualitative Descriptions; Significant Digits; Metric Conversions; The Factor-Label Method of Conversion; Density Demonstrations; Finding the Density of a Regularly-Shaped Object; Calculating and Comparing Densities; Sink or Float How Dense Is It; Density of Unknown Materials)
Classify measurements as quantitative or qualitative.
Tools For Quantitative Measurement
graduated cylinder
meter stick
spring scale
measuring tape
electronic measuring devices
hydrion paper (wide range and narrow range)
Demonstrate various techniques for proper use of scientific measurement tools and processes using AssessmentE as a guide. Considerations include:
Use of chemicals, heat, and glassware
Responses to possible laboratory emergencies
Use of safety equipment
Consumption of food/beverage items in class
As students observe the demonstrations, they use AssessmentE to identify correct procedures, their observations of the demonstrations, and justifications for their responses.
For discussion of incorrect lab procedures, use the illustration found at
Incorrect Procedures link.
Students should practice reading graduated cylinders and thermometers, massing objects, and measuring the dimensions of regular and irregular objects, using estimation where applicable. When reading measurement devices, read one place further than the accuracy of the instrument, by estimation, except when using a digital readout. Teachers can use a variety of objects with regular and irregular shapes for students to estimate and measure mass and volume.
Students may solve measurement problems using significant figures and rounding techniques, and solve metric conversion problems using the factor-label method. Factor-label method: Quantity sought equals quantity given times conversion factors. The appropriate conversion factor allows the cancellation of the unwanted unit and gives the answer to the desired unit. All numbers are labeled with units. For example:

Determine the density of known and unknown materials using measurement, significant figures, rounding, and the factor-label method for metric conversions. (Several of the density resources are used in Earth Science - Inquiry and will be a review for students who have taken the Earth Science course.) Students should be able to explain the accuracy and limitations of measurements.
3. TLW organize data, present data as a graph, and interpret the graph orally or in written form. Content Expectations(s): C1.1h; / (Resource: Graphing)
4. TLW investigate chemical reactions using a guided inquiry process. Content Expectations(s): C1.1A; C1.1B; C1.1C; C1.1D; C1.1E; C1.1f; C1.1g; C1.1h; C1.2D; C1.2f; C1.2g; C1.2h;
(Resources: Scientific Inquiry Investigation: Chemical Reactions; Creating an Experimental Design to Solve a Problem; Conducting an Experiment to Solve a Problem; Science Investigation Preparation; Science Investigation Report; Making Life a Little Better)
To construct and test theories, scientists gather information, formulate and test hypotheses, draw conclusions, and look for generalizations. With enough concurring data over time and the development of investigative technologies, eventually a theory develops.
An example of how scientists gather data from which they draw conclusions comes from the field of chemistry: observations from pharmaceutical studies of new medications that were formulated by chemists. Initial studies may show their effectiveness; subsequent studies using larger sample sizes may or may not confirm the initial results and the medication would be removed from the marketplace. Numerous confirming studies would lead to a conclusion that the medication is safe and effective.
The guided inquiry activity uses chemical reactions as a specific example to align with the Scientific Inquiry and Reflection High School Content Expectations, but inquiry can and should be applied throughout the entire Chemistry course.
The questions: Can new substances be formed by combining other substances? Can a new substance be formed by combining a liquid and a solid? Give evidence to support your conclusion.
The resource Making Life a Little Better is an alternate or additional investigation. Apply the guided inquiry approach if using this resource. Other investigations are described at
5. TLW review the steps in the scientific method and analyze the steps in given examples. Content Expectations(s): C1.1B; C1.2A;
(Resources: Scientific Method Flow Chart; Applying The Scientific Method; Scenario Containing the Scientific Method)
Students should analyze the chemical reactions investigation they conducted and compare the process to the steps of the scientific method. Did the classroom process follow the classic steps? (Important Note: Students should come to understand that in real-life science, the steps are rarely as linear as the model would imply. New hypotheses are formed and investigated as results lead scientists in new directions.)
Scientific Method:
State the problem or ask a question.
Gather information.
Form a hypothesis.
Test the hypothesis (experiment).
Record and analyze data.
State a conclusion.
Students should be able to explain how scientists construct and scientifically test theories.
6. TLW analyze investigations using the processes of cause and effect, comparing and contrasting, and observing and inferring to reach conclusions. Content Expectations(s): C1.1A; C1.1B; C1.1C; C1.1D; C1.1E; C1.1f; C1.1g; C1.2C; C1.2D; C1.2f; C1.2g; C1.2j;
(Resource: Scientific Investigations to Analyze; The Effect of Caffeine on Sleep)
Include the guided inquiry investigation students designed and conductedwhen analyzing investigations.
7. TLW research and discuss the social implications of correct use and disposal of chemical substances. Content Expectations(s): C1.2B; C1.2k; C1.2j;
Students may research and report on trends in green chemistry and identify what the government and universities are doing to lead this effort.

Reports may consist of a think-pair-share activity in which students reflect personally on the issue and share with one person. Each pair then shares with another pair.
8. TLW reflect on the future career and occupational prospects of science fields. Content Expectations(s): C1.2E;
In small groups, students reflect on the activities, processes, skills, and toolsof scientific inquiry and discuss the implications for science career and occupational prospects. Focus questions: In what careers would you use scientific tools? Where would you use the skill of reading graphs and charts? In what careers might you use the scientific processes to test a theory? Share with the class for broader discussion.
Unit 2: Forms of Energy
Standard / Enduring Understanding(s) / Essential Questions / Prerequisite Vocabulary / New Vocabulary
2.TLW describe the energy of electrons according to quantum theory and express the organization of the electron using electron configuration and kernel structures. (Instructional Sequence 3) /
  • Individual elements have an emission spectrum that is always the same and that can be used to identify the element.
  • The specific energy emission or absorption within atoms can be accounted for by electron transition within energy levels.
  • How can an emission spectrum be used to identify an element?
  • What accounts for a specific energy emission or absorption within atoms?
/ electromagnetic spectrum
invisible light
visible light
electron / absorption spectrum
emission spectrum
relative energy
atomic motion
energy level
p orbital
release of energy
excited state
s orbital
bright-line spectrum
flame test
quantum energy
chemical bond
ground state
quantum mechanics
electromagnetic field
1. TLW contrast the mechanism of energy changes and the appearance of absorption and emission spectra. Content Expectations(s): C2.4b;
(Resource: Bohr Model of the Atom)

2. TLW describe energy changes in flame tests of common elements in terms of the (characteristic) electron transitions. Content Expectations(s): C2.4a;
(Resource: Flame Test)
3. TLW explain why an atom can absorb only certain wavelengths of light. Content Expectations(s): C2.4c;

Stellar Fingerprints: The Spectra of Starslink
4. TLW compare various wavelengths of light (visible and nonvisible) in terms of frequency and relative energy. Content Expectations(s): C2.4d;
Electromagnetic Spectrumlink / 5. TLW describe the fact that the electron location cannot be exactly determined at any given time. Content Expectations(s): C4.8i;

6. TLW describe the shape and orientation of s and p orbitals. Content Expectations(s): C4.8h;
(Resource: Bohr Model of the Atom)
to Demonstration 4.
7. TLW write electron configurations and kernel structures. Content Expectations(s): C4.8e; C4.8f;
(Resources: Element Diagram; The Periodic Table of the Elements)
Students should write the complete electron configuration of elements in the first fourrows of the periodic table and kernel structures for main group elements. Kernel structures are also called shorthand notation and Noble gas notation
Standard / Enduring Understanding(s) / Essential Questions / Prerequisite Vocabulary / New Vocabulary
3.TLW explain nuclear changes, their relationship to dating and conservation of matter and energy, and analyze concepts of nuclear chemistry as related to risk/benefit issues of industry, the environment, and society. (Instructional Sequence 4) /
  • In all atoms, the nucleus is held together by a strong force.
  • In nuclear reactions, matter is not conserved but stabilizes through the process of radioactive decay.
  • What holds the nucleus together in atoms?
  • Why is matter conserved in chemical reactions and not in nuclear reactions?
/ atom
nuclear reaction
conservation of mass
potential energy / atomic number
nuclear equation
radioactive isotope
decay rate
mass number
radioactive dating
radioactive substance
elementary particle
neutron mass to energy conversion
radioactive decay
stable isotope
nuclar (U-235 energy
radioactive element
unstable isotope
nuclear chemistry
1. TLW explain why matter is not conserved in nuclear reactions. Content Expectations(s): C2.r5b; C1.2i; C1.1D; C3.5a;
(Resources: Isotopes of Common Radioactive Elements; Simulation of Radioactive Decay; Radioactivity Card Game; Balancing Nuclear Equations)
E = mc2 Discuss the theory of relativity and its relationship to Conservation of Matter. Review the PBS video, Einstein's Big Idea. and discuss the progression of ideas that led to the theory of relativity.
Students should illustrate how elements can change in nuclear reactions using balanced equations. (This is a recommended expectation and can be used to differentiate instruction for those students who are able to go beyond the required expectations for the course.)
An example of a nuclear equation:

The four nuclear reactions are:
  • Fission - the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two lighter nuclei, neutrons and giving off energy
  • Fusion - the combining of lightweight nuclei into heavier nuclei
  • Radioactive decay -- stated above as radioactivity
  • Nuclear disintegration -- a nucleus is bombarded with alpha particles, protons, deuterons, neutrons, or other particles and the unstable nucleus emits a proton or a neutron and becomes more stable.
The three naturally-occurring types of radiation are:
  • alpha - helium nucleus
  • beta - an electron
  • gamma - high frequency electromagnetic energy
/ 2. TLW determine the age of materials using the ratio of stable and unstable isotopes of a particular type. Content Expectations(s): C2.5a;
(Resource: Half-Life PracticeProblems)

3. TLW describe the potential energy changes as two protons approach each other. Content Expectations(s): C2.r5c;
This is a recommended expectation and can be used to differentiate instruction for those students who are able to go beyond the required expectations for the course.
4. TLW describe how and where all the elements on Earth were formed. Content Expectations(s): C2.r5d;
This is a recommended expectation. Use this lesson to differentiate instruction for those students who are able to go beyond the requirementsof the courese. See Earth Science: Earth and Space.
The Chemical Elementslink

5. TLW evaluate risks and benefits of the nuclear industry to society, including economic, environmental, and political factors. Content Expectations(s): C1.2j; C1.1i; C1.2B; C1.2k;
(Resource: Nuclear Debate)
Unit 3: Energy Transfer and Conservation
Standard / Enduring Understanding(s) / Essential Questions / Prerequisite Vocabulary / New Vocabulary
4.TLW predict products, write balanced equations, and describe energy changes during chemical reactions. (Instructional Sequence 6) /
  • Chemical reactions will either absorb or produce energy.
  • Matter is not created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction.
  • Matter undergoes physical and chemical changes; chemical changes produce new products, while physical changes do not produce new products.
  • How is matter conserved during a chemical reaction?
  • What is the role of energy in chemical reactions?
/ atom
boiling point
melting point
reaction rate
chemical change
element stability
chemical property
chemical reaction
physical property
solid formation
gas formation
temperature / balanced equation
decomposition reaction
exothermic reaction
single displacement reaction
double displacement reaction
endothermic reaction
Law of Conservation of Mass
synthesis reaction
Enrichment Vocabulary
1. TLW distinguish between chemical and physical changes in terms of the properties of the reactants and products. Content Expectations(s): C5.2B;
(Resources: Examples of Physical Change; Examples of Chemical Change; Chemical and Physical Changes Lab)
In a chemical change, new products are formed from the combination of reactants. In a physical change, new products are not formed. Note: ResourceChemical and Physical Changes Labmay be done as a demonstration rather than a lab investigation.
2. TLW draw pictures to distinguish the relationships between atoms in physical and chemical changes. Content Expectations(s): C5.2C;
Use shapes of circles, triangles, and squares to represent atoms for reactants and products to illustrate physical change and chemical change. Hands-on objects (nuts and bolts, or various colors of unifix cubes or gum drops) can also be used.
Use the inquiry lab at GrandValleyStateUniversity’s Target Inquiry website for free login) Scroll to Balancing Equations Teacher Guide and Student Guide.
3. TLW balance simple chemical equations, applying the concept of conservation of matter. Content Expectations(s): C5.2A; C5.6b;
(Resources: Using the Periodic Table to Write Equations; Process for Balancing Chemical Equations;A Megacognitive Balancing Process; Single Displacement Reaction Demonstration;Balancing Equations; Mass-Created or Destroyed During Chemical Change?; Reaction Prediction; Activity Series of the Elements; Solubility Chart; Chemical Reactions Lab; Chemical Reactions)
Discuss chemical changes in terms of the breaking of bonds, the reforming of bonds, and the rearrangement for atoms to form new substances. The demonstrations suggested in this lesson show different kinds of chemical reactions. Students need to predict single replacement reactions but do NOT need to classify or name the other types of chemical reactions. However, students should be able to analyze the relationship between balancing equations and the Law of Conservation of Mass for all types of reactions. (An equation must have the same number of atoms on each side because matter cannot be created or destroyed.)
Use a demo such as copper chloride + aluminum or copper chloride + iron to show a single replacement reaction. (Resource: Using the Periodic Table to Write Equations)
Conduct a teacher demonstration of synthesis by burning a piece of magnesium ribbon.