EDG 1212
Final Project
Fall 2013
The final project of the Screwless Vise will consist of a complete set of working drawings (CAD & sketch), log, and CAD files. There are two due dates. The sketches are due on Monday, November 18, 2013 at the beginning of the class. The graded sketches will be returned the next class period. Listed below are the requirements for the sketches.
1. All non-standard parts.
2. Use only 11X17 grid paper using B-5 title block.
3. All Sketches are to be freehand. NO TOOLS!
4. Multi-view Orthographic and completely dimensioned with notes.
The completed final project is due no later than 4:00 pm Wednesday, December 4, 2013. You will turn in the drawings (including sketches), log, and CD with all files for final. I will NOT accept any work after the due date and time without exception!
1. Drawings
a. Sketches
b. CAD drawings (Assemblies, and Multiview Dimensioned). Use form B-5.
c. Cover Sheet is optional
i. Sheet 1 – Exploded Assembly CAD – Labeled 1 of ?
ii. Sheet 2 – Multiview Assembly CAD – Labeled 2 of ?
iii. Sheet 3 – Part #1 Sketch – Labeled 3 of?
iv. Sheet 4 – Part #1 CAD – Labeled 3 of ?
v. Sheet 5 – Part #2 Sketch – Labeled 4 of ?
vi. Sheet 6 – Part #2 CAD – Labeled 4 of ?
vii. Etc.
d. Drawings are to be turned in stapled in book format (3 staples along the left edge).
2. Log
a. Fits and Tolerance calculations.
b. Any design changes
c. Standard Part Sources, including prices.
3. CD/Flash Drive
a. Should include all drawing, part, Word, Excel, etc. files that pertain to the final project.
b. Filenames:
i. Part and sheet file names are to be Part Name XXX. DO NOT NAME YOUR FILE AS BEFORE! Example: BASE XXX (XXX = your initials)
General guidelines
1. Make all drawings a scale of 1:1. There may be a few exceptions.
2. Draw all shaft parts horizontally.
3. Make all threaded features simplified (cosmetic) representation.