Pakistan Science Foundation
Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) for 1800 Young Students
Phase-I (Component-I)
Invitation to Bid for construction of body and designing of
Eight (8) Mobile Science Talent Farming Labs on Mazda/Master Trucks
(Completion period: 5 months)
Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), the executing agency for the development project “Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) for 1800 Young Students, Phase-I (Component-I)” invites sealed bids from reputable firms/body makers/designers registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Department for re-construction and designing of body on its existing eight (8) Mazda/Master Truck (Science Caravan) to be used as mobile “Science Talent Farming Labs” for scientific displays and grooming activities for students in scientific fields. “Single Stage Two Envelop Procedure” will be used for open competitive bidding. Proposals and bids should be submitted in two separate envelops with the titles as “technical” and “financial” proposals, which should be enclosed in a single envelop with clear heading “Proposal/Bid for design and construction of Mobile Science Talent Farming Lab”. Only registered firms, who are on Active Taxpayers List (ATL) of FBR are eligible to supply goods/services to Government departments.
2.Bid documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, method of procurement, procedure for submission of bids, bid security, bid validity, opening of bid, evaluation criteria, clarification/rejection of bids, performance guarantee etc. are available for the interested bidders at PSF Head Office, Plot No.1, G-5/2, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad. Bidding documents can also be downloaded from PSF website and PPRA website free of cost.
3.The Bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at PSF Head Office, Plot No.1, G-5/2, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad on or before 20.1.2017 by 11:00 am. Received bids will be opened on the same day at 11:30 am.
Project Director, Science Talent Farming Scheme
Pakistan Science Foundation, Plot No.1, Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad
Phone:- (051) 9204158
Pakistan Science Foundation
Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) for 1800 Young Students
Phase-I (Component-I)
Pakistan Science Foundation
1-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad
Tel: 92 51-92018879204158 FAX: 92 51 9202468
Pakistan Science Foundation
Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) for 1800 Young Students
Phase-I (Component-I)
Tender Documents
1.Construction of body and designing of Mobile Science Talent Farming Labs on eight (8) Mazda/Master Trucks
(Completion period; 5 months)
Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) intends to renovate and transform its existing eight (8) Mazda/Master Trucks (Science Caravans) into mobile “Science Talent Farming Labs”, which will be used for scientific displays and grooming activities for students in scientific fields.
- Dismantling of existing structure/bodies on the Mazda T-3500/Master Trucks
- Extension in the length of the truck chassis for 4 feet
- Construction/manufacturing of new bodies/structures
- Installation of air-conditioning, cooling / heating system
- Two gates (front and rear side) motorized
- Installation of Bench types folding seats on one side, with leather cover, master Molty Foam (10 years warranty) and 4 showcases/slots on other side for interchangeable story boards of Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mathematics
- Platforms with partitions for exhibits and material for hands on activities with imported wood paneling, fiber glass, vinyl flooring imported with high quality finishing
- Installation of five brand new computers (branded latest core i7, 4GB RAM, 500GB SATA) with 17 inch touch screen monitors on each of the platforms
- Installation of Solar Panels on roof top and heavy duty batteries and inverters for 1200 watts
- Option for charging of batteries from Wapda/Truck’s generator/engine
- Option for installing/operating small observatory
- Storage space for additional exhibits and story boards
- Installation of brand new LCD 32 inch (original Malaysia assembled) with DVD player
- Installation of hi-speed internet/communication system, CD/DVD player, rear camera with 7 inch display, PA/Sound System/amplifier
- Slots for printed material/booklets
- Lights, electrification, and wiring for computers, monitors, multimedia, PA system.
- Graphic paintings on exterior having scientific themes
- Fire extinguishers (2)
- New Dash Board with high quality finishing and matching with the body interior, preinstalled imported switches and buttons for power supply for lights and other fixtures of the Mobile Lab
- The exterior design should be high quality graphic finishing with scientific themes. Gridlines will be provided by PSF and the contractor will be required to prepare and put-up three scientific themes/designs for exterior of the body to PSF for approval.
- Complete in all respects, any other job related with the task
- The bidder will be required to get approval from PSF before installing any item/equipment, paneling, participation, platforms, seats & their material cover, foam etc.
- Completion period : 5 months
“Single Stage Two Envelop Procedure” will be used for open competitive bidding. Proposals and bids should be submitted in two separate envelops with the titles as “technical” and “financial” proposals, which should be enclosed in a single envelop with clear heading “Proposal/Bid for design and construction of eight (8) Mobile Science Talent Farming Lab”. Technical proposals should contain detailed designs, colour prints and soft copies on DVD and other related documents/material. Financial proposals should accompany a bid security equivalent to two per cent (2%) of the bid amount in the form of Pay Order / Demand Draft in favor of “Pakistan Science Foundation”. Rates should be valid for 90 days.
Bids should reach on or before 20.1.2017 by 11:00am at the address given below. Received bids will be opened on the same day at 11:30 am.
Project Director, Science Talent Farming Scheme
Pakistan Science Foundation, Plot No.1, Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad
Phone:- (051) 9204158
2.Important Note:
i.PSF has to re-fabricate eight (8) Caravan Trucks (Mazda T-3500/Master), but initially one existing Caravan truck will re-fabricated/re-designed as per details above. However, the remaining seven (7) units will be upgraded on satisfactory performance as per requirement.
ii.PSF will hand-over the Mazda Truck with old body to the body making firm/contractor at its head office, Plot No.1, G-5/2, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad and the firm will be solely responsible for transportation and safety/security of the chassis during execution of the assignment of body fabrication and designing.
iii.The firm will update PSF in writing about progress of the work after every two weeks. The firm will also facilitate the inspection team of PSF for visits at firm’s workshop.
iv.After completion, the firm will be responsible to hand over the completed Mobile Science Talent Farming Lab at PSF head office, Plot No.1, G-5/2, Constitution avenue, Islamabad.
3.Instruction to bidders :
First stage
(i) the bidders shall first submit, according to the required specifications, a technical proposal without price;
(ii) the technical proposal shall be evaluated in accordance with the specified evaluation criteria and may be discussed with the bidders regarding any deficiencies and unsatisfactory technical
(iii) after such discussions, all the bidders shall be permitted to revise their respective technical proposals to meet the requirements of the procuring agency;
(iv) the procuring agency may revise, delete, modify or add any aspect of the technical requirements or evaluation criteria, or it may add new requirements or criteria not inconsistent with these rules:
- Provided that such revisions, deletions, modificationsor additions are communicated to all the bidders equally at thetime of invitation to submit final bids, and that sufficient time isallowed to the bidders to prepare their revised bids:
- Provided further that such allowance of time shall not be less than fifteen days in the case of national competitive bidding and thirty days in the case of international competitive bidding;
(v) those bidders not willing to conform their respective bids to the procuring agency's technical requirements may be allowed to withdraw from the bidding without forfeiture of their bid
4.Second stage
(i) the bidders, whose technical proposals or bids have not been rejected and who are willing to conform their bids to the revised technical requirements of the procuring agency, shall be invited
to submit a revised technical proposal along with the financial proposal;
(ii) the revised technical proposal and the financial proposal shall be opened at a time, date and venue announced and communicated to the bidders in advance; and
(iii) the revised technical proposal and the financial proposal shall be evaluated in the manner prescribed above.
The bid found to be the lowest evaluated bid shall be accepted:
Provided that in setting the date for the submission of the revised technical proposal and financial proposal aprocuring agency shall allow sufficient time to the bidders to incorporate the agreed upon changes in the technical proposal and prepare their financial proposals accordingly.
5.Sealing of Bid:
1. The proposal should be prepared as per part C “Preparation of bid” of this document and sealed properly and envelopes should be clearly marked as “Technical Proposal” or “Financial Proposal” in legible letters with the tender heading and its closing and opening date and time.
2. If the envelops is not sealed and marked properly, PSF will assume no responsibility for the bid’s misplacement.
6.Submission of Bid:
1. The bid should be submitted as per given closing date and time advertised in the tender notice. The late bid will not be entertained.
2.Tender acceptance form of this tender document signed in original by Secretary; PSF should be submitted along with the Technical bid.
3.No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadlinesfor submission of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified in the bid document. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in the bidder’s forfeiture of its bid security (earnest money).
7.Opening of Bid:
The proposal shall be opened publicly at the tendered date& time in the presence of Purchase Committee(CPC) of PSF and Bidder’s representatives who are present shall be given the attendance sheet evidencing of their presence. In case any holiday is announced by the Govt. of “Force Majure Situation” , the tenders will be opened on next working day or as intimated by the PSF.
The bidder’snames, quoted rates, bid security attached and such other details considered appropriate will be announced at the time of opening of bids. No bill shall be rejected at the time of opening of bids, except for the late bids, which shall be returned unopened to the Bidder.
The bids without or different of Bid Security(earnest money) will also be rejected.
The Bidders are required to bid for all items. Partial offers will not be considered.
During evaluation of the bids, PSF may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the prices or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted.
If a bid is not substantially responsive to the terms & conditions/particulars of the tender documents, it will be rejected by PSF and may not subsequently be made responsive by the bidder by correction of the non-conformity.
A bid once opened in accordance with the prescribed procedure shall be subject to only those rules, regulation and polices that are in force at the of issue of notice for invitation for bids.
8.Terms and Conditions
- No bid/offer will be considered if:-
- Received without or deficient of required earnest money.
- Received letter than the date and time fixed for tender submission.
- Received incomplete or without required information/documents.
- The tender is unsigned/unstamped.
- The offer is ambiguous.
- The offer is made by unauthorized agent of firm/company.
- The offer is from a firm which is blacklisted by any Govt. office.
- The offer is conditional.
- The offer is received by telephone/telex/fax and telegram.
- Unsigned/ambiguous having erasing, cutting and overwriting etc.
- Prices quoted by the firm /company should be inclusive of all applicable taxes/duties and delivery charges in Pak Rupee. All admissible taxes impose by the GoP from time to time shall be catered for in the quoted rates.
- The bid must accompany 2% of total bid price in shape of DD/Pay Order in the name of PSF ISLAMABAD on account of earnest money (refundable).
- The bids will be evaluated in line with evaluation of this document and firm/company found to be substantially responsive and qualified to the evaluation criteria will be awarded the contract in the form of Purchase Order/ supply Order.
- All prices should be valid for at least 90 days from the date of opening. Withdrawal or and modification of the original offer within the validity period shall entitle PSF, Islamabad to forfeit the earnest money and /or imposing a ban on such firm/company from future participation in PSF Islamabad tenders.
- If any item is against the specification, PSF may reject it and the supplier shall either replace the rejected item or arrange alterations necessary to meet the required specifications free of cost and the job must be completed withinspecified time from the date of communication of decision to the manufacture/Supplier by the PSF.However, the initial date of the concerned work will be considered that of actual delivery date.
- This opportunity will be provided only once. In case after replacement, the items again declared as against the required specification standard, the items will not be returned to the supplier nor any payment will be made against the defective/faulty supply and also the firm can be imposed financial penalty in shape of forfeiture of their earnest money/performance security.
- The payment will be releasedwithin 30 days after complete delivery of Mobile Science Lab items by the given time line, acceptance by the receiving and inspection committee PSF and removal/rectification of defect/faults existing in the supplies. After satisfactory inspection, testing, performance and acceptance of delivery by the concerned end user/technical concerned of PSF and submission of bill/invoices/GST Invoice/ Delivery Challan by the supplier.
- An amount equivalent to 2% of the total contract cost should be deposited in shape of Pay Order/DD. The earnest money of successful bidder will be retained by the PSF and released after satisfactory inspection /acceptance of supplies. The earnest money of unsuccessful bidders will be released immediately after announcement of final result/award of contract.
9.Evaluation Criteria (Technical Proposal)
- Technical proposal shall be evaluated strictly in accordance with the details mentioned under the heading “Instruction to Bidders”
- Besides , following qualifications must be fulfilled for successful evaluation of Technical Proposal.
10.Bid Evaluation Criteria:
- Bid with lowest total cost conforming to the specifications and other terms and conditions prescribed in the tender document will be considered for award of contract.
S# / Description
a. / The supplier must be a well established firm/company, be in the relevant business with sound technical expertise, experience as well as sound financial status.
b. / The firm should have legal presence/registration in Pakistan.
c. / The firm is neither black listed nor in litigation of any of public sector organizations.
d. / The firm is NTN and GST Registered.
11.In addition, the following particulars/documents make merit for assessment of eligible firms/ companies/ designers :
12.Technical Proposal
Name of Firm/Company: ______
Registration Details: ______
(as a firm or company)
GST Number: ______
National Tax Number: ______
Date: ______
For preparation of proposals, layout design/draft sketches are attached at the end of tender docs. Other specification/requirements are also part of the tender docs. For any details, the bidders can discuss their queries with STFS management through telephone/personal visit at the address given in the tender notice.
The interested bidders are required to prepare their detailed technical proposals containing detailed design with measurements, photographs, layout designs (hard and soft copies) in consultation with STFS/PSF management.
Body construction and Design Work
Item-wise Detail of proposed work for construction of body and designing of Mobile Science talent Farming Labs
S.No. / Items/Particulars / Detailed specificationsUse extra sheets, where required.
13.Evaluation criteria
The firm(s) which meet the required needs mentioned at para 14 of these tender documents under the heading “Technical Requirements” and are willing to execute the jobs according to the finally agreed specifications after completion of the procedure as mentioned under the heading “Instructions to the Bidder” shall be considered as technically qualified.
14.Technical requirements
S# / Description / Remarksa) / The bidder must be a well established firm/company, be in the relevant business with sound technical expertise, experience of at least 20 projects of similar magnitude. (Proofs to be attached) / (Proofs to be attached )
b) / Age of the firm/year of establishment (having at least 10 years on experience) / (Proofs to be attached )
c) / The bidder must have sound financial status. / (Proofs to be attached )
d) / The firm should have legal presence/registration in Pakistan. / (Proofs of registration with Registrar of Partnership to be attached )
e) / The firm is neither black listed nor in litigation of any of public sector organizations. / (The firm must attach an undertaking on Stamp Paper)
f) / The firm is NTN & GST Registered. / (Registration certificates to be attached)
15.Main Material to be used
- Prime quality imported Electro galvanized steel sheet 1mm thick
- Electro galvanized rectangular pipes for structure
- Phosphating, paint, primer, baking/stoving type, Paint de bear, Holland
- Body Style Aero dynamic
- Seats: Imported Reclining
- Hard wood frame for floor, frame height ¾”, treated against water absorption,
- Contoured Dash board made of fiber glass
- Bus front and back, made of reinforced fiber glass
- 2 doors (alongwith imported safety features)
- Driver door
- Emergency door
- Electrical harness
- Tail Lamps indicating lamps on body
- Lights inside bus