Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works:
Setting Goals:
KWHL (know, want to know, how will learn, learned)
In Inspiration…a web
A template to have students fill in with goals:
How to make a template: File..Save As..Document
Template (.dot)
Format: Our class learning goal for this unit:
To understand______
Complete the following sentences to set your personal
Learning goal:
I know….
But I want to know…
I want to know more about…
Goal plan template in Inspiration:
Goal in box
Goal in 5 steps…with completion dates
Personal Learning plan in Inspiration’s Goal Setting Template
Goal setting
Name What I Areas to What I need Resources
Dates to already develop to do
Complete do well
Data collection tools
Survey Monkey, Pollcat lite, web surveyor and profiler pro
Creating Rubrics
Rubistar. Landmark Project Rubric Machine,
Web logs (blogs)
Providing Feedback
In Microsoft word, use the “Reviewing” function under toolbars
To add comments (Insert…comment). Save documents in a shared folder.
Flesch-Kincaid Readability Scale (in Word – calculates the complexity of a piece) Tools…Options…Spelling and Grammar…Show readability statistics
Classroom Response Systems – wireless clickers
Use with eInstruction (Instructor summary and question report – list of student responses)
Web resources:
Class blog
Poetry… teacher posts a poem, students respond
Students post poems
Teacher posts rubric
Students peer evaluate
Wikis (collaborative writing – students add to collective knowledge on a topic)
Instant messaging with experts AIM or ichat
(online help sessions – college professors, etc)
Video conferencing
Providing Recognition:
Class earns bonus points when 90% of students score a proficiency level with clickers
Students anonymously post their work for reviews on a web site
Certificates made from templates in Powerpoint
Web showcases or picture galleries (a picture of a refridgerator with artwork posted on it) – student work showcase – upload pics, link to web page (limit user access)
send audio email congrats
video conferencing
Cues, Questions and Advance Organizers
Student-generated rubrics
Kidspiration plan: Today you will learn….picture…Essential question…
Complete an advance organizer (fill in boxes) in Inspiration (e.g. types of bridges, forces acting on the bridge)
Brainstorming in Inspiration
Use video clips:
Students create videos…save to flash drive.. use with other students as advance organizers
Nonlinguistic Representation:
Word processing…graphics enhanced notes (picture from with sounds added..print sheets for students)
Software from Inspiration (Inspire-data) – students enter and plot data
Graphic organizers with Microsoft Visio, Cmap Tools, SmartTools, Word
Mneumonic – use Inspiration Vocabulary Word template (students give definitions, use in a sentence, give a mneumonic, and can link to sites for more information)
Create time line in draw…. Draw…Grid…Snap Obects to grid
Draw….Grid…Display gridlines on screen
(add clip art) Insert…Picture…Clip Art
Or create time line in Inspiration
Collect info with scientific tools… digital probe, microscope
Multimedia presentations… Power Point, Key note, Hyperstudio
use software from ToonBoom Animation, Inc
Student-created movies: iMovie, Moviemaker
Use java applications, simulations from the web
Other good web sites for nonlinguistic rep:
Surviving Everest (National Geographic)
Summarizing and Note taking
Use Word’s Track Changes Feature to help students with rule-based summarizing
Steps: 1. Take out the material that is not important to understanding
2. Take out words that repeat info
3. Replace a list of things with a word that describes the things in the list
4. Form a topic sentence or find one
Sample way to use Track Changes
Type in a passage from a text. Activate Track changes. Find a redundant sentence. Highlight it and delete it. (it shows changes…crossed out text, etc)
(Great for writing workshop)
Another Word Tool… AutoSummarize Mark Up
Tools…Auto Summarize (It gives you four choices…highlighting key points, insert summaries at the beginning or end, hide everything except summary without leaving the document).
Students can use this with their own writing to find the key points.
Create combination notes in Word or PowerPoing
Definition frame in Inspiration:definition, general category, characteristics
Topic-Restriction-Illustration in Inspiration:
General topic or statement, what info does the author give that narrows or restricts the topic or statement, what examples does the author give
Problem/Solution frame (in Inspiration’s Template Library)
Character trait note taking in Inspiration
Note taking in Powerpoint (over a graphic on slide)
Web resources for note taking: (students can work on work together)
Cooperative Learning:
Components: (sink or swim together), (helping each other to learn, applauding efforts and success), (each of us has to contribute to the group achieving its’ goal), (communication, trust, leadership, decision making, conflict resolution), (reflecting on how well the team is functioning and how to function even better)
Multimedia – rubrics
Roles, task description
Web quests
Web site creation:
Shared calendars
Shared bookmarks
Course management
Web simulation games (users talk for free (multiple users) despite location)
Reinforcing Effort
Effort rubrics
Notetaking, attention, participation, homework, studying, total effort
Pair effort rubrics with performance (Excel spreadsheets, graphs)
Survey on effort – survey monkey
Which strategies will help students practice, review and apply learning:
Similarities and differences:
Create classification tables and templates (group things into categories by characteristics)
Analogy of the day (students can create each day for next day warm up…use graphics, in template)
Spreadsheets – create and analyze
Comparison charts – scatter plots
Venn diagrams
Literature comparison templates
Animal classification templates
Ideas classification template (e.g. living/non living)
Classification matrix (i.e. sorting bugs into categories
Homework and Practice
Choices in products using a variety of media
(lists some review sites and some sites good for homework) (multiple users edit a doc on web)
Students make individual or shared pages to organize notes, to-do lists, web sites
online group chat… class to class, etc (password protected)
Generating and Testing Hypothesis:
6 tasks: Systems analysis, Problem solving, Historical Investigations, Invention, Experimental Inquiry and Decision Making
Use spreadsheets
Digital probe analysis
Multi player strategy games
Special software applications