BSO 94/2017

To: / BSO Board
From: / Director of Customer Care & Performance
Subject: / Corporate Balanced Scorecard
Status: / For Noting
Date of Meeting: / 23rd November 2017


The BSO Board approved, in October 2010, the approach and initial content of the Corporate Balanced Scorecard as the vehicle to present corporate performance information (Paper BSO 54/2010 refers).

At the Board meeting in May 2014, it was agreed that a narrative should be included with regard to those indicators RAG-rated RED for the month under consideration.


Indicators RAG Rated Red for the month of September 2017:

Customer Indicators:

C6 - Available Legal Services Solicitor Time Used (Target 90%) - RAG rated RED at 109.4% for October 2017. This year to date figure is reflective of the demand for Legal Services which has been well documented and reported.

  • Solicitor time used year to date = 94.9%
  • Reduction of 3.4% in time used to 31st October 2017 compared with same period last year.
  • Additional funding provided by Belfast Trust for a fixed term appointment of a solicitor.
  • Recruitment process underway for a specialist Social Care Procurement solicitor.

C9- General Recruitment – Overall Time to Fill (HSC-wide) within 70 days (Interim Target 85%) – RAG rated RED at 58.00% for October 2017.

During October 2017, RSSC closed 1020 requisitions and received 827.

At 31st October a total of 3813 live requisitions remained with the RSSC.

The number of posts being closed has been rising steadily over the past number of months as shown below:

The impact of closing out on significant numbers of requisitions and particularly those older than 3 months is having a short term adverse effect on the calculation of the Time to fill statistics when based on the usual 12 month rolling period. For this reason Customer Forum Reports for the period ending 31st October 2017 will include the position for General (Bespoke) recruitment when reviewing the time to fill of requisitions received in the past 6 months. This provides an indicator of the impact of some recent changes. Whilst this remains lower than the expected 85%, it is nevertheless showing improvement.

Description / KPI / Average Time Taken / % within KPI / No of Reqs in Sample
General (Bespoke) Recruitment
Overall Time to Fill in rolling 12 month period
(based on requisitions received since 01.11.2016) / 70 days / 72 days / 58% / 1039
Overall Time to Fill in past 6 month period
(based on requisitions received since 01.05.2017) / 59 days / 77% / 226

In support of this the following drop in the number of requisitions which remain open and are older than 3 months can be seen below:

Requisitions still in the R&S Process which have been with RSSC for 3 months or more
Date / Active Requisitions older than 3 months / On Hold Requisitions older than 3 months / Total requisitions older than 3 months / % of all Activity / % of all Active Requisitions in the R&S Process
18 Aug 17 / 1703 / 719 / 2422 / 52.65% / 50.68%
19 Sept 17 / 1446 / 708 / 2154 / 51.72% / 50.61%
16 Oct 17 / 658 / 439 / 1097 / 39.60% / 32.67%
31 Oct 17 / 616 / 679 / 1295 / 33.96% / 28.60%

Focusing on the number of requisitions which have been with the RSSC for 3 months or more and remain in the R&S Process, this has been reduced from 2422 in mid-August 2017 to 1295 at 1st November 2017.


The Board is asked to note the information contained within the Corporate Balanced Scorecard for the month of October 2017.

Date: 17th November 2017