OUR MISSION: To promote life-long learning
COURSE TITLE: Foundations of Health Science
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Vickie Charleston
TEXT: Diversified Health Occupations (DHO) and Health Care Science Technology (occasionally)
FEE: $10.00 DEADLINE FOR FEES – August 15, 2016
PROGRAM: Therapeutic Services
Foundations of Health Science is a required one-credit course that introduces students to a wide range of health careers. Integrated academics combined with health care knowledge and skills provide the framework for a strong health care delivery system in the twenty-first century. This course is the prerequisite for all the health science courses. It is recommended for students who want to prepare for further study in an array of health-related fields at the postsecondary level.
The philosophy of this course is to teach the student about standards in today’s health care environment. There are standards in the health care setting that must be adhered. This course will help the student develop a plan if a career of medicine is taken. The students will understand the effects of good hand washing, emergency care management, and CPR treatment via demonstration. The student will learn how to effectively communicate, verbally and written, in order to seek gainful employment in the future.
The goal of the Therapeutic Services program is to allow students to:
1. Research and learn about different health care careers.
2. Learn more about the standards of health care.
3. Gain more knowledge about the human body.
4. Utilize math skills in dosage calculations.
5. Assess and implement employability skills.
The goals of this course are to:
1. Identify roles and responsibilities of individuals as members of a health care team.
2. List personal qualities necessary for employment in health careers.
3. Identify structures and functions of the human body systems.
4. Spell and pronounce medical terms correctly.
5. Use effective communication skills in the field of health care, including addressing clients respectfully.
6. Explain mathematical concepts in a health-related setting.
7. Compare and contrast morals, values and ethics as they relate to their beliefs and requirements in the health care setting.
8. Develop a personal wellness plan.
9. Identify and demonstrate common technical skills required in the health care industry.
Ø How will incorporating medical terminology into instruction assist the health care worker in the 21st century? What skills and knowledge are needed for success as a health care worker in the 21st century?
COURSE OUTLINE (The numerical items in the parenthesis are course content standards.)
I. History of the health care profession
II. Health Science Careers and Pathways(1)
a. Therapeutic Services
b. Diagnostic Services
c. Support Services
d. Health Informatics
e. Biotechnology Research and Development
III. Health Care Roles and Responsibilities(2)
a. Skilled Care/Client Needs
b. Communication
c. Leadership
d. Safety
e. Confidentiality
IV. Health Care Delivery Systems (3)
V. Safe Work Practices (4)
a. OSHA Standards
b. Hand washing
c. PPE
d. Medical/Surgical asepsis
e. Standard Precautions
VI. Emergency procedures and protocols (OPTIONAL: CPR/First Aid/AED certification- Cost $27)
VII. Introduction to Medical Terminology(5)
VIII. Forming medical terms form word elements
IX. Overview of anatomy/physiology
X. Structures and functions (6)
XI. Body systems
XII. Communication skills (7)
a. Components of effective communication
b. Barriers to effective communication
XIII. Information technology (8)
a. Internet
b. Transcribing
c. Communication Information
XIV. Employability traits of health care workers (9)
XV. Developing job-seeking skills
XVI. Job-seeking skills
XVII. Legal responsibilities (10)
a. Patients’ Bill of Rights
c. Malpractice
d. Negligence
e. Advanced Directives
XVIII. Ethical practices and issues (11)
a. Life support
b. Technology
XIX. Fundamentals of health promotion and wellness (12)
XX. Technical skills in the health care industry (13 & 14)
XXI. Skills needed for personal financial literacy (15)
The students will:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in infection control methods with 100% accuracy.
2. Demonstrate correct use of medical terminology and abbreviations, prefixes, suffixes, and root words in oral and written communications in the classroom and health care settings.
3. Participate in mock job interviews and secure successful employment.
4. Create anatomy T-shirts.
5. Certification in First Aid/CPR.
Labs 20% A= 90-100
Project /Tests 50% B= 80-89
Daily grade/quizzes 15% C= 70-79
Notebook 15% D= 60-69
TOTAL 100% F= 59 & Below
*In order for the student to stay abreast of health/medical issues, current health articles are due every FRIDAY, unless notified.. References to use: newspaper, magazines, internet. The student is to read and summarize the article and list the reference. This is a daily grade.
Loose-leaf paper Index cards (3x5- for medical terminology)-the cards will be used as flash cards to
1- 1/2inch 3-ring binder with dividers
Black pen and/or pencil
Watch with a second-hand (Assessing vital signs) *This is very important and needed.
White T-shirt (clean)
Color markers
1. Bring needed materials to class. You will not be allowed to return to your locker for your materials.
2. Be in your seat and ready to begin when the bell rings. (You are responsible for your book.)
3. Respect and be polite to people. Respect other people’s property.
4. Speak at appropriate times, using appropriate voice and language.
5. Follow all school rules. All cell phones must be turned off, unless used for class instruction ONLY.
6. Follow all lab safety practices and procedures at all times.
7. Do not tamper with any items on the instructor’s desk, especially the computer.
8. No abuse of classroom equipment. You will be charged the cost if it is destroyed.
9. Remain in you seats until dismissed by the instructor or substitute teacher.
10. No food or drink allowed during class, including chewing gum.
11. If you are absent from the class, for any reason, you are responsible for obtaining the assignments from the instructor. The assignments should be turned in within 3 days. Any tests that are missed due to absence should be taken on the scheduled make-up test date.
12. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. The only exceptions allowed will be excused absences.
HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) - Students are given the opportunity and encouraged to actively participate in the organization. Dues: $16.00
The Thomasville City Schools System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and to other designated youth groups. The following personnel have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Dr. Vic Adkison, Superintendent & Title IX Coordinator
P.O. Box 458
Thomasville, AL. 36784
Phone: 334-636-9955
Ms. Tracy White, Title VI Coordinator Charles Alford II, Section 504 Coordinator
777 Gates Drive 777Gates Drive
Thomasville, AL. 36784 Thomasville, AL. 36784
Phone: 334-636-9955 Phone: 334-636-4451