AP Physics B and C – Mr. Evans
Procedures and Grading
Textbook, three-ring binder, loose-leaf paper, pencil, scientific or graphics calculator and the following set of items per four students: 4 AAA batteries, paper towels, 1 box of tissue
Assigned homework will be taken up and graded or reviewed with no grade taken. Homework should be done in pencil (20% deduction for writing in pen) using format discussed in class.Homework (Practice Towards Learning) will count as 20% of the student’s six-weeks average. Students are asked to sign and return the “Pre-AP, AP Physics Late Work Policy.”
We will try to do at least one lab per unit. Most lab reports will include only the data gathered and questions from lab sheets. Labs (Application of Learning) will count as 20% of the student’s six-weeks average.
Tests and Grades
Two or three tests (Evaluation of Learning), including one formula test, will be given each six-weeks. The tests will include multiple choice and free response questions from previous AP exams. Formulas must be memorized. You will be required to write the formulas used in the chapter and from previous chapters for each test. Tests are 60% of the student’s six-weeks average. Test grades are ordinarily curved. Grades are posted after each test. If you feel there is an error in the recording of your grades, please call it to my attention immediately. Please keep old assignments in case there is a question regarding your grade.
To comply with the AP Curriculum Standards you will be required to keep a lab notebook. The notebook will include the lab sheet plus a copy of the data you collected. A format sheet will provide details for organizing the notebook. The notebook will count as a 50 point test and be averaged with the rest of your test grades.
AP Multiplier
AP students who score 70 or above for the six-weeks will receive the 1.10 multiplier used to calculate class ranking in accordance with MHS policy for AP classes.
In General
Please be in your seat when the bell rings. Remain in you seat until the bell ending class rings. Do not “line-up” at the door during the final few minutes of class. Please do not bring drinks (including water bottles) or snacks into class.
Cell Phones
We will have times when it will be appropriate to use cell phones as a part of class instruction (taking pictures of problem set answers, accessing AP Central, etc.). Cell phones should be put away at all other times and not used for purposes other than those times that are instructionally appropriate and prescribed by your teacher.
I am available for tutoring Monday - Thursday after school on days that I do not have meetings.
Revised August 2012