RAKVERE- the City of Green Energy!!!

Greening plan

  1. Introduction and background

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was produced in 1992 and Estonia ratified it in 1994. The objective of the treaty is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.

Estonia joined the Kyoto protocol in 1998 and took the responsibility to diminish the greenhouse gas emissions during the period of 2008-2012 by 8% compared to the year 1990. Today almost 50% of this responsibility has been achieved.

The European Union adopted „Energy for the Changing World“ on the 9th of March 2007 and commited to cut at least 20% of CO2 emissions from all primary energy sources by by year 2020.

A great number of Mayors of European Cities signed the Covenant of Mayors in February 2009 and took upon itself the responsibility to go beyond energy policy of European Union, i.e. diminish the CO2 emissions by more than 20%..

The Hemicycle of European Parliament welcomed the representatives of more than 400 cities from all over Europe. Rakvere was the first city in Estonia to join the initiative of European Commission already in January 2008 and signed the Covenant together with other cities of Europe in 2009.

Rakvere has been actively involved in developing the concept of energy efficient city since 2008. It was one of the first cities in Europe that developed the SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plans) as early as July 2009. Rakvere also has the development plan for street lightening since 2005.

The City of Rakvere is internationally active in different transnational projects that target energy and environment issues. It is also a member of international organisations.

Covenant of Mayors -

Energy Cities-

I.C.L.E.I. - Local Goverments for Sustainability-

Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA)-

Committee of the Regions -

Union of Baltic Cities -

UrbEnergy project financed by Baltic Sea Regions 2007-2013 -

The successful activity in energy and climate issues, brought Rakvere among six nominees out of hundred participating cities in the competition of European Energy Awards in 2010 (subsection Energy Efficient Communities).

Since Rakvere City Government is providing energy capacious services, among them street lightening that is possible to be alter much more energy efficient by modernizing lamps and implementing management system, the current project proposal for Reconstruction Subsidy of Outdoor lightening together with Greening Plan is presented.

  1. Targeted greening activities

2.1.1. Modernizing streetlightening network of public areas of Rakvere City with the aim of energy saving and management optimization.

Technical data of existing streetlightning system of Rakvere City:

  • Total length of enlightened streets ~ 77,5 km
  • Number of lamps 2460 psc , incl.. 25 % mercury lamps, 65 % sodium-vapor lamps and 10 % park-lamps and spotlights
  • Number of switchboards 36 pcs
  • Total length of overhead lines 60,2km
  • Total length of cable lines 22,4 km
  • Bus-lines 2,8 km
  • Number of lightning poles 684 pcs
  • Calculated consumable power 370 kW
  • 18th November 2011, at 15:13:47 – the prognosis of consumption of the current year is 127800.-€, of what so far 104670.-€ is consumed. The price of energy consumption package “Green Energy ” has been 0,09 €/kWh in average but the price is to be increased considerably in the future.

2.1.2. Engineering works in order to realize Greening Plan

2.1.3. Procurement and implementation of Internet environment based Centralized Remote Control and Management System whereas:

  • Lightening system must be independent from centralized control.
  • Lightening system must be self-restorable after implementation of automatic hazard protection.
  • Management system must provide supplementary electrical safaty and protection of vandalism by the alarm monitoring system.
  • Supplementary monitoring system must provide protection of vandalism of selected areas
  • Management system must be sustainable also under so called Smart Grid conditions.
  • The system must enable to manage lampsystem according to lightening scenarios.

2.1.4. Software procurement; linking the management and database software by graphic interface with mobile devices of authorized access.

2.1.5. Modernizing lightening devices by replacing or modifying.

2.1.6. Utilization of depreciated lightening devices and replacing them with new ones.

2.1.7. Reconstruction of control stations and equipment of them with remote management and monitoring systems.

2.1.8. Optimal modernization of power supply network of lightening system of public areas according to the requirements of corresponding managing system’s individual managing and control of lamps.

2.1.9. Optimization of the energy consumption of lights by software scenarios

2.1.10. Optimization of localization of lightening poles according to EVS-EN843:2003; EVS-EN13201.

2.1.11. Optimization of choice of lamps according to EVS-EN 843:2003; EVS-EN 13201

2.1.12. Standardizing the choice of lamps and lamp poles according to the zones of urban environment with the aim to achieve esthetical environment

2.1.13. Emphazising the valuable urban zones of the city

2.1.14. Increasing the safety of the city implementing the possibilities of the remote control system and by this shaping the enlightening of the areas according to the necessity of the moment according to the simple lightening scenarios

2.1.15. Large-scale utilization of depriciated devices will decrease costs


  1. Technical specification
  2. Possible scenarios when choosing lightening devices:
  3. Gradual elimination of high pressure sodium lamps with electromagnetic integrated ballast lacking power control

Types of existing lamps
TRIDONIC HPS EL.MAG standard A3 / Type A / Type B / Type C
Lamp / 250 / 150 / 70
Interface W / 34,2 / 18,7 / 12,2
100% / 284,2 / 168,7 / 82,2
-10% / 259,2 / 153,7 / 75,2
2000 normal hours + 2000 saving hours ENERGY CONSUMPTION PER YEAR kWh: / 2133602,0 / 1059630,0 / 582254,4 / 491717,6

3.1.2. COMPARISION TABLES: valgustusvahendite valiku põhimõtted
Utilization of high pressure sodium lamps with electromagnetic integrated ballast supplied with power control

TRIDONIC HPS EL.MAG standard A3 / Type A / Type B / Type C
Lamp / 250 / 150 / 70
Interface W / 34,2 / 18,7 / 12,2
100% / 284,2 / 168,7 / 82,2
-30% / 209,2 / 123,7 / 61,2
2000 normal hours + 2000 saving hours ENERGY CONSUMPTION PER YEAR kWh: / 1938186,0 / 962130,0 / 528074,4 / 447981,6

Comparision tables: valgustusvahendite valiku põhimõtted

3.1.3. Utilization of high pressure sodium lamps with dual power electromagnetic integrated ballast with power control

TRIDONIC HPS EL. PCIS PCS / PCS / Type A / Type B / Type C
Lamp / 252 / 147 / 73
Interface W / 23 / 14 / 8
100% / 275 / 161 / 81
-50% / 149 / 87,5 / 44,5
2000 normal hours + 2000 saving hours ENERGY CONSUMPTION PER YEAR kWh: / 438714,0 / 211152,0 / 134190,0 / 93372,0

Comparision tables: valgustusvahendite valiku põhimõtted


Dimming device; reconstruction of existing lamps: powerCONTROL PCIS, PCI, PCS outdoor DIM B011.pdf

Matrix of lamps: HID_Electronic_Ballast_Lamp_Matrix.pdf

3.1.4. Utilization of LED lamps with power control

OMS SIRIUS LED / Type A / Type B / Type C
Lamp / 102 / 68 / 34
Interface W / 12 / 8 / 4
100% / 114 / 76 / 38
-50% / 63 / 42 / 21
2000 normal hours + 2000 saving hours ENERGY CONSUMPTION PER YEARkWh: / 546812,0 / 257004,0 / 149388,0 / 140420,0

Comparision tables: valgustusvahendite valiku põhimõtted



Lamp type B: FORSTREET SIRIUS L - LED 4x1200lm_743 cross 4x17W, LED DRIVER

Lamp type C: FORSTREET SIRIUS M - LED 2x1200lm_743 cross 2x17W, LED DRIVER

Lamp poles for regular areas: koonilised teraspostid 8...10m ja astmeline teraspost 6m


Lamp type A: 127-0774 BSP544 Post Top Luminaires

Lamp type B: PROMENADE; traditsiooniline Rakvere Vanalinna valgusti

Lamp type C: AMBASSADOR; miljöövalgusti

Lamp posts for protected area: dekoratiivsed lamineeritud puitpostid; custom-made valumetallpostid

3.1.5. Utilization of lightning devices with induction lamps

RACAIRO INDUKTSIOON / Type XX / Type A / Type B / Type C
Lamp (not dimmable) / 120 / 80 / 40
Interface W / 10 / 6 / 3
100% / 130 / 86 / 43
0% / 130 / 86 / 43
2000 normal hours + 2000 saving hours ENERGY CONSUMPTION PER YEAR kWh: / 799952,0 / 377520,0 / 217752,0 / 204680,0

Comparision tables: valgustusvahendite valiku põhimõtted

3.1.6. Utilization of new generation discharge lamps

PHILIS Cosmo-white / Type A / Type B / Type C
Lamp (Philips system) / 140 / 90 / 60
Interface W / 12,5 / 9 / 7,3
100% / 152,5 / 99 / 67,3
0% / 152,5 / 99 / 67,3
2000 normal hours + 2000 saving hours ENERGY CONSUMPTION PER YEAR kWh: / 1013876,0 / 442860,0 / 250668,0 / 320348,0

Comparision tables: valgustusvahendite valiku põhimõtted

  1. Investment volume


1. New investment (device, material, working hours etc) / Amount (pcs.) / Price (km) / TOTAL
Electric materials and devices / 1 / 4 741 923,90 € / 4 741 923,90 €
Project drafting (main project) / 1 / 35 066,00 € / 35 066,00 €
Elektric works / 1 / 818 444,00 € / 818 444,00 €
Landscape recovery works / 1 / 1 646 858,90 € / 1 646 858,90 €
Set up of automatic management system / 1 / 10 512,00 € / 10 512,00 €
Management costs / 1 / 0,00 € / 0,00 €
Supervision costs / 1 / 0,00 € / 0,00 €
TOTAL COSTS / 7 252 804,80 €

SPECIFICATION: peamised elektrimaterjalid ja valgustusvahendid

OFFERS: Pakkuja_1; Pakkuja_2; Pakkuja 3; Pakkuja 4; Pakkuja 5; Pakkuja 6; Pakkuja 7; Pakkuja 8; Pakkuja 9

OFFER FOR Old Town area: Pakkuja 10; Pakkuja 11; Pakkuja 12; Pakkuja 13


REMOTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Juhtkilpide ja süsteemi konfiguratsioon


The works are conducted on so called regular areas of the city and on the area under protection of national heritage of Rakvere City (Old Town)

Lightening network is designed according to the standards of EVS-EN. Cabelling will be conducted under ground. The danger for vandalism is taken into consideration in certain areas of the city and additional cabel pipage will be designed depending on the necessity of the monitoring system.

When it comes to LED lights, attention is paid on the fact that the lights will tolerate working temperatures under -35C.

Existing and new switchboards will be supplied with remote management system (described in 2.1.3). The software and system will be tuned.

The management of the lightening devices will be arranged by contracted partners on the basis of remote management and those partners have the responsibility to implement existing and and developed lightening scenarios according to the agreements.

3.2. Time-frame – projekti ajaline raamistik

  • 2012- Designing of the building project and tendering process; starting with works
  • 2013- Ending of building works; reporting

3.3. GHG emission reductions and Greening Factor

Covering the needs of the city with existing unreconstructed types of lamps and similar / Reconstructed lamps with dual power electronic integrated ballast / Utilization of new LED lamps / Decrease of electricy consumption per year kWH / Decrease of CO*2 emissions pers year/ TONS / Decrease of CO*2 emissions per year m*3
2 133 602 / 438 714 / 546 812 / 1 148 076 / 1275,6 / 637820,0

Diminsing the energy consumption by 47%, provides a possibility to sell CO2 quota with the guarantee that the means are used for reducing the energy costs within the frames of „GREENIG PROGRAM“. The Estonian lightening systems are energy costly and undeveloped both as it comes to quality demands as well as modern remote systems.

Therefore, the fact is quite remarkable that by taking Rakvere’s streetlightening system on the standardized level by reconstructing the existing system and by increasing the number of lamps by 980, the retrenchment of achieved energy consumption is 47%.

3.4. Responsible institutions

The Government of the Republic of Estonia, acting through the Ministry of the Environment will be responsible before the AAU purchaser for the fulfillment of the AAU purchase agreement. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications will be responsible for the implementation of this greening plan, while local government (the Green Investment Scheme Operator) will carry out the implementation in practice.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications will:

  • be responsible and liable for the implementation of the Greening Plan;
  • supervise the implementation of the Greening Plan by local government and later reporting by local government;
  • assess annual Greening Performance Reports;
  • report the results of the Greening Plan implementation to the Ministry of
  • Environment, who in turn submits the reports to the AAU purchaser (including the reports listed in p.13 “Reporting”).

The local government will:

  • act as a Green Investment Scheme Operator;
  • carry out the procurement process;
  • compile and submit the reports defined in chapter Reporting to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

3.5. Gis funds transfer scheme

3.6. Tender procedure

3.6.1. Tenders will be carried out in compliance with EU directive 2004/18 EC

3.6.2. Additionality

3.6.3. monitoring and control system with developed functionality

3.6.4. Vandalism control system

3.6.5. Perspective integratiblity with SMART GRID

3.6.6. Minimal costs for updating software

3.7. Compliance with EU state aid and public procurement rules

Full compliance of the described measure with the EU state aid and public procurement rules has been checked

  1. Support for Soft Costs
  1. Reporting

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications will be responsible for presenting the following documents and reports to the Ministry of the Environment who will submit the audited reports to the Buyer:

(a) Government Order, the tender document, the decree of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications , and the procurement contract (translated into English)

(b) Tender Report;

(c) Annual Reports;

(d) Final Report

The Tender Report will be submitted after conclusion of the tender and will include:

  • information on the announcement of the tender,
  • the contracting and commitment of funds,
  • the awarded company,
  • technology to be provided,
  • calendar of delivery,
  • expected greening effect

The Annual Reports and the Final Report for this Greening Plan shall include the following information (to the relevant extent):

1) The balance of the Account as of the end of the reporting period, and the detailed information in relation to the usage of the Proceeds during the reporting period;

2) Calculation of the emission reductions;

3) Information on the Misused Proceeds and/or the Unused Proceeds, if any, and the detailed plan how to recover such situation.

A reporting form for this Greening Plan will be agreed between the Buyer, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. The reports will be compiled by the local government. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications shall also procure the auditing of the reports from an independent Auditor.

The Ministry of the Environment will forward to the Buyer the audited Annual and Final Report for the period ending on 31 December each year within 4 months from the end of the relevant calendar year. The last year subject to reporting is 2013.

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