Executive Council

Developing Future Leaders For Business and Information Technology


Duties and Responsibilities

1.  Prepare news articles for publication in local and state newspapers.

2.  Contact state and local newspapers, acquaint them with the aims and purposes of Business and Information Technology, and supply them with BPA news.

3.  Collect and prepare news and feature articles of statewide and/or national interest and submit them to the national newsletter (Communique).

4.  Take pictures of Executive Council members in action to use in publicity.

5.  Assist in planning, collecting, preparing, and arranging materials for Executive Council exhibits to be used for publicity.

6.  Assist in the development of a local Executive Council Program of Work.

7.  Attend and participate in the Fall Leadership Conference and the Spring Leadership Conference.

9. Be available, as necessary, to promote the general welfare of BPA.

Tools Needed

As Reporter, you should have access to a copy of:

______1. A copy of the Oklahoma BPA Bylaws

______2. Booklet on Conducting Ceremonies

______3. Robert's Rules of Order, Revised

As Reporter, you should have a:

______4. Access to a typewriter or computer

______5. A supply of publicity release forms

______6. Access to a camera that can take black & white photographs

______7. BPA pin

______8. BPA blazer

Hints for the Reporter


The public judges an enterprise by what it does and by what it says. If its purpose is sound, its services good, its people aggressive and successful individually, and its program beneficial, your community, and perhaps the nation, should be told. Good public relations is the result of this combination of sound policies and good practices, multiplied by effective publicity. This means simply winning the friendship and support of the public.

Good publicity for Business and Information Technology and BPA activities will perform several functions:

·  Keep students informed and interested

·  Attract additional students to the Business and Information Technology program

·  Maintain pride among students and stimulate them to further progress

·  Create interest on the part of the general public

·  Create and sustain public support of the Business and Information Technology program and the BPA organization


Effective publicity is easier when you have good tools for the job. Many news media people will supply you with guides to follow in preparing copies for them. A date book with room to note deadlines and plans is an invaluable help. Dates of important events and special projects should be noted in this book as well as a schedule of planned publicity.

Keep notes on radio and television publicity and other media used.


Learn to recognize and use for publicity only those things that interest others. Some things worthy of mention are:

·  BPA Leadership Conferences

·  Outstanding speakers

·  Field trips and competitions

·  Election of BPA Chapter, State, and National Officers

·  Accomplishments of individual BPA members, promotions, and winners of competitions. BPA awards won or awards presented

·  Events honoring major business and industry supporters, or long time business and industry supporters

·  Scholarship awards

·  Other events of interest as they occur


Five points are important to a good news release: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY. If possible, a sixth--HOW-- should be included. It is important to get all of these points in the first sentence or two, whether you’re writing for printed publicity or broadcasting. A news release worksheet is provided.

These first sentences are called the “lead.” A good lead captures the attention of a reader or listener and makes them want to know more.

DELIVER or MAIL every release so it arrives WELL IN ADVANCE of whatever deadline you must meet. Whenever possible, include a photograph with your release.


Check with each editor to determine their needs and requirements. Note carefully what each will supply and what you are expected to provide for the kind of picture publicity you need. Some newspapers will send a photographer to cover a story. Others will be glad to use photographs if they are furnished to them in proper form. Be sure--if you send a picture--to follow the editor’s directions for picture arrangement, size, and finish of prints.

When you contact the editor, find out just how far in advance it will be necessary to get in touch with them to schedule a picture story. All pictures require advance planning.


The broadcasting industry is required by the Federal Trade Commission to give millions of dollars worth of airtime every year free for public service. Your Business and Information Technology and BPA activities have a broad enough appeal to merit a share of this time. Broadcast time is limited by the clock. Radio and television stations are limited to the hours they are licensed to be on the air.

Study the program of your local stations before you make your first station contacts. Do not forget the educational television channels that operate in many sections of the country.

A couple of possible shows which might be available to you are: (1) interview shows, and (2) panel or group discussions.

Contacts at the stations should be the program director or the news editor. They coordinate the public service time. When you write releases for radio and television, the same basic rules apply as in newspaper copy. Be brief, accurate and neat.


It’s a good idea to extend an open invitation to the press to attend any events conducted by you. A special invitation should be extended for particularly important events. If a reporter or photographer attends any function, they should do so as your guest. When they do attend, introduce them.

At the end of the year, write “Thank You” notes to the papers, magazines, radio and television stations who have given you publicity throughout the year.


Good public relations may also be enhanced through the following activities:

1.  Enlist the support of civic groups to sponsor students to the National BPA Leadership Conference. Also, invite a representative of the Chamber of Commerce to attend the annual Oklahoma BPA Spring Leadership Conference.

2.  Send articles to local papers about state and national meetings. Send articles about interesting Executive Council activities to BPA Communique (National BPA publication).

3.  Radio programs and television shows (see radio and television above)

4.  Have at least one BPA Executive Council special project (research or action) each year.

5.  Assist with civic consciousness projects (e.g. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc.).

6.  Contact local businessmen and arrange for them to speak to your group.

7.  Entertain the advisory committee once yearly.

8.  See that the BPA Executive Council pays its own way when asked to be guests of civic clubs.

9.  Place cards, posters, etc. in cooperating businesses stating that they furnish facilities for Business and Information Technology training.

10. Write “Thank You” letters to Business and Information Technology Training Station Sponsors at the end of the school year.

11. Purchase BPA emblem stickers to be used in Business and Information Technology publicity.

12. Prepare a BPA Executive Council newspaper to be printed quarterly.

13. Place copies of the BPA COMMUNIQUE in the school library.

14. Participate in “National BPA Week” and “Vocational Education Week” (news articles on projects where other departments of the school are involved).


Oklahoma BPA Executive Council______

Name of Reporter______


Telephone Number ______

WHO ______


WHAT ______


WHEN ______


WHERE ______


HOW (if important) ______


Additional Information ______


Important quotes from State President, State Advisor, or Committee Chairman about the event ______


Person being quoted ______Position ______