Zero-Tolerance for Mind-Altering Substances in the Millersburg Fire Company
(Adopted by the Millersburg Fire Company #1,April 13, 2010)
Introduction and summary:
This policy is most easily described as a "zero-tolerance" standard about the use of mind-altering substances bymembers of the Millersburg Fire Company at any time when they may be called upon to act or respond as a member of the company.
If a member has used a mind-altering substance; used a prescribed or non-prescribed medication, used an over-the-counter medication that impairs and individuals ability to remain alert or warns against drowsiness and/or operating equipment and machinery; consumed alcoholic beverages; or is still impaired by the use or consumption of such substances shall voluntarily remove themselves from the activities and functions of the fire or emergency services agency/organization, including all emergency operations and training. A member taking prescribed or over the counter medications that preclude them from emergency response activities or operating equipment may respond to the station and perform non-critical functions.
No member of the Millersburg Fire Company shall participate in any aspect of the organization and operation of the fire or emergency agency/organization under the influence of any mind altering substances, including but not limited to any fire and emergency operations, fire-police, training, etc. When determining whether or not an individual is impaired or under the influence of a mind-altering substance, many variables must be considered. If a mind altering substance has been consumed, a member shall not participate in any fire company emergency response activity for a minimum of 8 hours. The responsibility in determining whether or not a mind-altering substance is in a members system rests fully on the member. If a member is in doubt, do not participate! Determination that a member has violated the policy can be made from amember’sself-admission, witnesses, observation of actions (motor skills), slurred speech, smell, breath test, blood test, etc.
No illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages shall be on the premises of any portion of the Millersburg Fire Company, including but not limited to the apparatus, the apparatus floor, the station living areas, etc.
Reporting suspected violations:
Suspected impairment of individuals must be reported to the Officer in Charge immediately. The Officer in Charge has the responsibility of removing the impaired individual from the operation immediately if he or she determines through questioning of the individual or observation that the individual is displaying characteristics of impairment. The incident is to be documented fully with written witness statements and given to the Fire Chief (Fire Company President if the Fire Chief is found to be in violation) for investigation.
Disciplinary measures:
This policy will be strictly applied. Consequences of offending this policy are as follows:
- First time offense of being on Millersburg Fire Company property, apparatus, or activity (emergency or non-emergency) while violating this policy is a mandatory suspension of up to 30 days.
- First time offense of operating any Millersburg Fire Company apparatus while violating this policy is a mandatory permanent removal of driving privileges for all fire company vehicles and a mandatory suspension of 30 days.
- Second time offense of being on Millersburg Fire Company property, apparatus, or activity (emergency or non-emergency) while violating this policy is a mandatory expulsion from any and all membership of the Millersburg Fire Company.
- Any member convicted of Possession of Illegal Drugs, underage drinking, providing alcohol to underage persons will receive a mandatory expulsion from fire company membership.
Mind-altering substance is any substance that affects the mind or state of consciousness. This includes legal or illegal drugs or substances; prescribed non-prescribed or over-the-counter drugs that warn against side effects such as drowsiness and/or not to operate equipment or machinery; or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Officer in Charge is the individual that has command of the incident. This in most cases will be a duly elected and recognized Fire Chief or Assistant Fire Chief but, may at some instances in the absence of a Fire Chief or Assistant Fire Chief may be a competent firefighter.