Resolution in Opposition to County-Wide Beer and Wine Sales for Sampson County, North Carolina
Whereas, Sampson County Commissioners passed a resolution on March 3, 2014 in support of a county-wide beer and wine referendum for off premises sales; and
Whereas, the proposition will be placed by the Sampson County Board of Elections on the ballot in accordance with state law during the May 6, 2014 Primary; and
Whereas, the passing of the referendum has been touted as a means of generating more tax revenue, enhancing economic growth, and providing new opportunities for the county of Sampson; and
Whereas, the town council of Turkey disagrees with these assertions, arguing the social costs of alcohol abuse always far outweigh any gains from the sales or accessibility of alcohol, and that prosperity is neither to ultimately be decided by the presence or lack thereof, but instead upon the genius, ingenuity and industriousness of the people of Sampson County; and
Whereas, the passing of said referendum for county-wide beer and wine sales would create a significant increase in alcohol outlet density for the county of Sampson, something numerous studies reveal negatively impacts community drinking norms and increases dangerous consumption levels, thereby exacerbating a hosts of alcohol-related problems; and
Whereas, there currently exists an underage drinking epidemic in North Carolina, costing the state approximately $1.5 billion annually, and passing a referendum that increases alcohol outlet density would only make it potentially easier for the youth of Sampson County to obtain alcohol, thereby putting them at greater risks for matters such as alcohol dependence, academic failure, illicit drug use, youth violence, traffic crashes, property crime, unintentional injury, and risky sex; and
Whereas, voting on said referendum provides for persons who live outside the town of Turkey and largely outnumber its residents to decide the town’s fate with respect to alcohol sales, perhaps contrary to its preferred status of being dry for more than 100 years; therefore…
Be It Highly Resolved, the town council of Turkey, North Carolina, opposes the county-wide sales of beer and wine and urges the Sampson County Board of Commissioners to reconsider their stance on this issue and the electorate of Sampson County to vote “NO,” defeating the proposition at all early voting opportunities and Primary Election Day, May 6; and
Be It Further Resolved, the citizens of the town of Turkey are urged to give their assistance, as well as resources, in support of the efforts of the Referendum Committee, Sampson Citizens for the Prevention of County-wide Alcohol Sales.